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Church Video Ideas: It’s 2007. Now What?

Orginally published on Tuesday, January 16, 2007 at 11:59 PM
by Greg Atkinson

As you know, it’s now 2007 and the busyness of the Christmas season is behind you. Now would be a good time to “gather the troops”. I’m advocating a vision casting dinner or meeting for all those that serve in your tech or media ministry. Now is the time! Don’t wait too much longer or you’ll be in preparation for Easter (yes, it will be here before you know it).

May I add my 2 cents? I’d try to kill 2 birds with one stone? What do I mean by that? Besides emailing and/or calling your current team, I’d use this weekend (via the bulletin, platform announcement, pre-service slides, video promo, etc.) to get the word out about a meeting one evening next week (or next Saturday). Publicize this meeting as one for all currently serving in the media ministry of your church AND for anyone interested in getting involved with the media ministry of your church (2 birds, one stone).

Now this can be as simple as a meeting in a classroom, or someone’s house, your church’s fellowship hall or auditorium, all depending on the size of your team. If you’d like to take this get-together to the next level, honor those presently serving on your team and create a welcoming environment for newcomers, then I’d make this meeting a dinner or dessert night, too. Again, this can take place at the above mentioned places or even at a restaurant. If at all possible, let the church pick up the bill. This is your chance to honor and bless those that serve so faithfully in your media ministry. If your pastor doesn’t okay that, just mute him next week when he goes to speak (just kidding).

Seriously, I would even consider inviting your senior pastor and worship pastor to this dinner (or meeting). Their presence will show their support and appreciation of those that serve in your media ministry. As I mentioned in an earlier article, having your pastor and staff serve and wait on your team will really send a great message and will be an unforgettable moment for your team. Even if you go the meeting route instead of the dinner route, please try to make it special and meaningful for those that come.

Okay, so you’ve got everyone gathered together sometime next week, now what? Here are a few things to communicate and discuss:

•Reiterate and reinforce your church’s overall mission and vision (the pastor could this if he is present).

•Share “wins” and stories of life change that happened in 2006 (a praise report).

•If you have team leaders, especially if they are new for ’07, introduce them to your team.

•Share your vision for how the arts, particularly the technical arts, can be used by God to touch hearts, heal, encourage and change lives.

•Touch on communication – whether through a song, a sermon, a drama or a video, it’s all about communicating the never-changing gospel in real, relevant, fresh, creative, innovative and moving ways.

•Explain how in the 21st century, the technical arts are a HUGE part of how we communicate and connect with people.

•Let them know how precious they are and how crucial what they do is to achieving the church’s mission and vision.

•If you have new people at this gathering, be sure to welcome them and have ways and opportunities ready for them to plug in. If the next step is training, let them know when the next training session is going to be offered. Don’t be surprised by newcomers. Have a plan for integrating them into your team.

•After addressing the entire media team as a whole, have them break into smaller teams (lighting, audio, video, computer projection, etc.) and meet their team leaders. Let them discuss issues pertinent to their specific area of ministry.

•At the end, gather everyone back together and finish with a few key things:

o A huge “Thank you!” to each and every one of them. Let them know you care about them personally, more than what they do.

o Go over or remind everyone of standard operating procedures (how the schedule works, what to do if there’s a schedule conflict, who’s expected to attend the weekly rehearsal, what time they are to arrive on Sunday, etc.).

o Finish with prayer. Join your hands and hearts in a sincere moment of prayer. Ask for God’s leadership, direction, vision and blessing on your ministry.

January is passing us by quickly. Take these ideas and run with them.

©2007 – Greg Atkinson (

Used by permission from author. All rights reserved by author.

imageGreg Atkinson lives in Dallas with his wife and their three small children. Greg served previously as the Director of WorshipHouse Media, after having served as a worship pastor for 11 years. He is the Founder of and Co-Founder of Wasteland Creative, where he continues to consult, teach and write about worship, media and creative communication. You can connect with him through his daily blog, Church Video Ideas, his podcast, Creative Synergy, or his email: .

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