
One Year After the Affair: A Pastor Shares His Heart

Orginally published on Monday, May 19, 2008 at 6:32 AM
by Todd Rhoades

Brad Johnson is a great communicator and had a bright future as a pastor. That all ended when he admitted to an affair one year ago this month. What follows is an open letter that Brad wrote to his elders and church family on the one year anniversary of his departure. Brad writes:

One year ago today, I spoke for the last time at Calvary. For the first time since I was 17, I have gone a year and have not spoken in a church, not served in a church, not volunteered in a church, and have not been asked to...just months ago, I began attending a church again (sit in the back, head down, annonymous.)

It seems like the one year mark would be a good time and place to write this letter. I am so sorry for the pain and emotional upheaval my life and actions have caused you and the precious bride of Christ.

I'm sorry for the deceptions, the irresponsibility, and the sin of adultery that came from my life and infected others. I assume full responsibility for my actions with no excuses and no rationalizations.

As you can also attest, this has been the hardest two years of my life, with this past year especially crushing. With the help of our Lord, a dear Christian counselor, some medication, and a few close people in my life, I am seeing light at the end of a self-inflicted tunnel.

This is not the life path I would have chosen for myself or dear family...no one wakes up and decides, “today I will destroy my life and do harm to those around me.” This path was a gradual one with many calls from God to stop, which I did not heed. HE was faithful. I was not.

The Bible says that when sin is fully formed, it yields death. So much has died in and around my life. What I cling to these days is the belief that God specializes in resurrections. He brings life to places there was once death.

Calvary Community Church, I loved you; and in many ways, served you well. My legacy, however, is one of failure and sin. I can’t undo that.

I can only walk with Christ in authenticity--no longer hiding imperfections and failures, but living truthfully--honestly and with integrity (inside and outside matching). Will you see sin in my life? Yes. Am I striving to grow in Christ? Yes.

What I MUST do is offer this public confession, my sincere apology and my heartfelt request for your forgiveness.

With Sorrow...and yet with hope, Brad Johnson

You can read this letter, and about Brad’s restoration process at his blog...

FOR YOUR INPUT: What do you think?

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  There are 71 Comments:

  • Posted by Peter Hamm

    I hope and pray that his restoration process is fruitful and complete. And if it takes a while, so be it.

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    To me, this sounds like authentic sorrow and genuine repentance - a case in which grace will much more abound.  We see so many “I’m sorry” statements that come from being sorry that “I was caught”.  It is so refreshing to see what I genuinely believe to be the real deal.  May God restore this brother.

  • Posted by Pete Wilson

    I posted this letter on my blog last week. Brad wrote a great response to the post and the comments. You can read the update here…


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    Focus on the Family has a wonderful resource for Pastors.  Because I believe we must “take heed, lest we fall”, I faithfully spend time at Parsonage.org and listen to the seminars.  One of the points they make over and over is the difference between “reconciliation” and “restoration”.  They work hard to reconcile a fallen pastor into a right relationship to God and a healthy relationship with his family.  However, as far as his being restored back into the role of Pastor, that is a totally different matter.  This brother is showing a wonderful spirit of repentance and is setting a fine example for other pastor’s that may stumble.  King David experienced adultery and God still used him in some fantastic ways.  God bless our brother and uphold him in prayer.

  • Posted by bryan

    Good on him for accepting this as a part of his legacy and a part of who he is. As forgiven people, we do not let our past mistakes define us, but we also don’t pretend they didn’t happen. To do so is to forget how great our sin is, and how much greater our savior is.

    Just because his failures are a part of his legacy, doesn’t mean he can’t have a legacy that ends well. And really, I think sometimes I focus too much on my own legacy instead of how God can use me to add to Christ’s legacy.

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    Don’t forget to leave the past in the past & that on any given day Satan will steal your joy, the purpose God has for you, & any Blessing God will want you to have. i know, I struggle with the past everyday.

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    Impressive and inspiring.

  • Posted by Danny

    As I read this letter, I could sense the brokeness in Brad’s heart.  I placed myself in Brad’s place, asking myself what if that was my letter.  Instantly it helped me think of safeguards I need to put in place so that I might never have to write that same kind of letter.

    May God’s grace bring Brad through the restoration process until he is able to minister God’s Word again.  God’s gifts and callings are without repentance.  God can still use a broken man.

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    This is one of the most heartfelt apologies I’ve ever heard.

    I feel very sad for what has happened to this man of God and more importantly his family.

  • I believe that Brian’s apology was sincere.  It took a lot for him to be honest about the sin in his life.  Most people would have been as forthcoming as he has been.  Thank God for His forgivng restoring power.

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    I don’t know.  After I read the guy’s entire blog, my reaction to this apology was a little different.

    For example, I have to wonder how sinful he considers his actions while he’s still in a relationship with the woman with whom he committed adultery.  He seems to give lip service only to those whom he truly hurt: his wife, his children, his church. 

    Can God redeem this man?  Absolutely.  I just don’t believe that he’s “there” yet.

    I’ll admit prejudice.  I can remember a situation in a church I attended where two adulterers insisted on continuing to attend church as a couple while their wronged spouses sat in the same congregation.  Guess who eventually left?  (Hint:  not the ones who did wrong.) I’d like to see a little more grace from the church for the victims; they are pretty much counselled to get over it, that they need to be “more forgiving.”

  • Posted by Andy Wood

    I think there is great value in the fact that this was written one year after - not in the shameful wake of being discovered or scandalized.

    I don’t know Brad, but I know of this experience and the shame, pain, and death it brings.  Yet also, I know the possibilities that are borne out of the relentless grace of God.

    Grace, at times, is a velvet-covered brick.  But it is faithful, even when we aren’t.

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    I believe him to be a person of sincere repentance because he had nothing to gain by writing the letter.  God has already forgiven him so if Calvary is a church, that is fashioned after the risen Christ then they will forgive him as well.  If they do not and if anyone else does not forgive him then they will need to write a letter as well because they will be in as much sin as Pastor Brad for having an unforgiving heart.  If God is in the restoration, redeeming and resurrecting business and we are to do what we see our Daddy (GOD) do should he not be restored, given another chance?  Does God not give us chances after chances after chance...I could continue but I do not want to crash this site...no one has a right to cast any judgement on anyone, because everybody lives in a glass house and is guilty of sin either by commision or ommision. If you say you do not sin then 1 John says you are a liar and the truth is not in you!  If you do not sin either you are God or dead!

  • Posted by brad johnson

    For the very kind, grace-giving responses, thank you.  For Melody’s hesitation...thank you.  Your concern for my ex-wife and my precious children is genuine and well-placed.  I am in daily relationship with my children, and frequent contact with my ex-wife.  Over the past year, we have talked with depth about the harm I have done, the wounds I inflicted and healing process.

    However, I have kept those very personal conversations with them out of my blog.  So, what gives the impression of not addressing their needs, is actually a protection for their feelings and a respect for their privacy.

    again, to each of you...thanks...brad

  • Posted by Camey


    Thank you for taking the time and having the courage to respond here in the manner in which you did.

    You were just prayed for and given thanks for.


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    but for the grace of God go I

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    Does having an ongoing relationship with the woman he comitted adultery with, affect my views on this? 
    I’m stuggling because I don’t understand the rational of continuing that relationship.  Reading through the first time was a blessing, reading of the ongoing relationship was pain.  The fact that the article starts with the admission of Brad’s ability to comunicate makes me wonder; great communicators are usually great decievers.  So the question remains:  Does Jesus show redeeming grace apart from repentance?  Is first John 1:9 just a reccomendation?  Or can their be true repentance without forsaking that relationship? 
    I guess to err on the side of grace would be like Jesus, even if I don’t understand it.
    For WHILE we were yet sinners Christ died for us.  Does Romans 5:8 scare anybody else?

  • Posted by brad

    hi Jared--

    First, let me acknowledge that you are not alone in your question. Here’s the scoop, it is possible to repent and remain in this relationship with Heidi.  I’m not married. She’s not married, we find ourselves deeply sorrowful for the sin of our beginning. We battled to stop, prayed and yet succumed to devastating behavior.

    As divorced people, we each go to our own Christian therapists. We met with the pastor and wife of the church we attend to lay out where we are on the journey. And we have prayed diligently for God to put our sin under the blood so we can begin again. In that new beginning we are dating each other hoping we can build something redemptive.

    David and Bathsheba had to endure the horrific nightmare of death. Then God used their next child, Solomon, to carry forward the lineage toward Christ. Only men are named in that lineage of Jesus in Matthew, with the exception of four women. Of those four, one was Rahab the harlot, the other was Bathsheba.

    I don’t know God’s full intention with that but for a couple like Heidi and I, it inspires hope.

    Regarding good communicator’s being good deceivers---so damn true. I used Gods gift to cover sin. That is why, I write so openly about my a@•* because an ugly truth is better than a pretty lie.  Clever deception nearly killed me.

    Regarding grace: you show maturity by offering it even though you don’t understand.  Understanding we each need it is enough understanding to give it.  Thank you. 


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    Are you in repentence?

    Defined, it means a second thought, change of mind, which should lead to a change in action.

    What change in action has occurred outside of your daily contact with your children? Which wouldn’t be neccesary if not for the sinful relationship you began.

    I am with Melody, I do belive your aplogy is sincere.  But your blog indicates you expect what you call grace to be given by your past church as a whole.  You were properly removed as an elder.  Individual Christians sought you out, yet you wanted something from the entire body, en masse.

    What kept you from becoming a member of the congegration?  Maybe an outward showing of grace could have been given, if the opportunity had presented itself.  But how many prayers were said for you and forgiveness given, grace demonstrated, within that church, that you will never know about?

    Your blog does little to edify your brotheren, and seems to be more of a form of defense and to a certain degree an attack on those whom you assume are lacking grace and forgiveness.

    My words are not meant to condemn, but to embolden, I hope you can learn to love that congregation again and am worried about your past tense usage of that word.  If the congegration and elders are in error, why point it out so blatantly on your blog....attack is easy, edification, not so easy. 

    I do pray that His peace finds you.  I know his forgiveness has.

  • Posted by Brad Johnson

    Hi Bret...I appreciate your comments and those of others.  It’s pushing me to articulate the journey in clearer terms, hopefully more helpful terms.  It’s pushing me to put disparate thoughts on paper.

    Let me take your points one at a time:  To Repent...means to turn.

    I had rebelled from God, His work and faithfulness as a follower of Jesus.  I HAVE TURNED BACK and follow again.

    I was in an active state of adultery.  I am NO LONGER in that state.

    I was as angry at non-grace-givers as non-grace givers were at me...I’ve turned from such a heart of hatred.

    In more ways than I can enumerate, I HAVE TURNED.

    Regarding GRACE....I do believe that the leaders of the church, who have the ability to speak on behalf of, or make statements for the whole, have had the ability, but not desire to direct the church toward extending grace.

    I was not removed as an elder.  Before anyone knew of my sin, I resigned fro the shame within me.
    So, I wasn’t fired, I tried to get
    out before harm could come to the church.
    And though individuals have been merciful...leaders;officials of the church have not,

  • Posted by brad....cont---

    ...(sorry for the interuption...fell asleep).

    To touch your other point, I wasnt allowed to be at the church.  I had been gone a month when rumors began.  After I confessed, I was told to not come back to the church campus except during normal business hours and to not be alone.

    So, I didn’t go back.

    The year has been a long one, the entire journey even longer.  God’s biggest lesson in my life currently is to learn more and more about grace (giving what is not deserved) and mercy (withholding the punishment that is deserved).

    Continue to question, my brother.  Lord knows...I’ve asked my self these questions through the darkness of many many nights.

  • Posted by Danny Daniels

    I appreciate your authenticity and transparency. I am praying that your journey towards redemption continues and that you ultimately are able to minister to those who have walked in your same shoes. You and I both know that the gifts and calling God has given you are still in effect, but on hold. Follow the peace of God throughout this journey. One small bit of final advice and I will butt out of your business: Make it a habit to truly examine your motives and be sure that you are not justifying what you want and calling it the will of God. It is so easy to do.
    I am praying for you and I believe you are going to rise again and bless the body of Christ and inspire unbelievers to believe and trust God. Romans 8:28
    -Danny Daniels

  • Posted by brad johnson

    thanks, danny.  really nice hearing from you.  hope you are well.

  • Posted by


    To repent does mean to turn as a result of a change of mind, a change of heart which leads to a change in action.

    What have you turned from?  The situation around you has changed, making your relationship no longer adultrous as a result of divorce.  But what have you done proactively, what have you changed or turned from, as a display of your repentance.

    Your blog contains writings about how your on an island....we all fall short...there must be a lot of islands out there.

    You write how you were a hero at the church, ow a zero....man....I pray there are no zeros in church.

    While you write that you are not singling any Christians out you also maintain that the leaders of the church are who you are addressing...those are individuals...you want the leaders and church, en masse, to diplay grace towards you.  How exactly do you want that done?

    You left a month prior to addressing the real problem to the church...then, accoridng to you, you went back to the elders to explain because of rumors (not repentance, but rumors).  The congregation had no opportunity to gather around you and pray ( as I have witnessed in church when an elder has stumbled).  What keeps you out of those pews?  Go back into that church as a member of the congegration, humbly...I bet you will witness more displays of kindness, gratitude and love than you will ever know this side of heaven.  What keeps you out of there, pride, shame....?

    Instead of being in the back pew of your new church, head bowed, anonymous, perhaps you should be head bowed at the alter, humble, forgetting how you appear towards man, with all intent toward God.  That ‘s meant metaphorically as well as literally, meaning your blog does nothing to persuade, me at least, of a humbled heart.  You are forgiven, thats a given, in Adam we all fall and y’all it was all the way, (to quote CMR).  Take yourself out of the limelight and victimhood you are craving and get in His word, graciously and with humilty.

    At last but most importantly:

    Not only so, but we also rejoice in our sufferings, because we know that suffering produces perseverance; 4perseverance, character; and character, hope. 5And hope does not disappoint us, because God has poured out his love into our hearts by the Holy Spirit, whom he has given us.
    Roma 5:3-5

  • Posted by Danny

    I agree that there are alot of questions concerning Brad’s repentance BUT we are not in his shoes.  Only people who have never fallen into this type of sin, would say “stay in the church.” If Brad were to stay in the church it would be an open wound for him and the congregation.  Sometimes stepping away brings healing.  As for Brad’s blog and his writings, understand he is sharing his heart.  After the fall emotions are complicated.  At times he senses God’s grace at other times he feels isolated.  What I believe we in this culture of church are afraid of is honesty.  We think because Brad feels let down by other people’s lack of grace that somehow Brad should take that as responsibility.  We as the body of Christ ought to pray that God would work in Brad’s life and if there is a lack of “turning”, then that is between God and Brad.  We are not the judge. 

    We should also embrace Brad’s honesty in the midst of his failure.  We should look at how complicated and challenging it is to overcome.  We should guard our hearts to prevent us being in Brad’s place.

    Brad, thanks for your honesty.  It has helped to place safeguards in my life to make sure that I don’t walk down the same path.  May God’s grace be multiplied to you.

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