
Today’s Buzz: YouTube & iTunes Ministry; Tammy Faye’s Eternal Damnation, & a Buildingless Church

Orginally published on Tuesday, July 24, 2007 at 7:28 AM
by Todd Rhoades

Today... YouTube gives the church a great tool (for free!); LifeWay increases its use of iTunes; a new podcast from Leadership Network for churches with three or more campuses; a church that never, ever wants a building; Tammy Faye was not a Christian?; and more...

YouTube Ministry
Bobby Gruenewald shared recently about YouTube’s new offering:  “a couple of days ago, YouTube started to offer the ability to customize its player. Now you can select from multiple color schemes, choose from two different layouts, and customize the title of the player. Additionally, you can choose your own playlist of videos to be displayed in the custom player.  This last feature is the most significant from my perspective because it provides a “free” platform for people (or churches of course) to deliver/share a series of videos. Your viewers can place one custom piece of code on their website/blog and you can update the playlist they are watching without having to change any of the code.” Sounds like a great addition for many ministry websites.  And you can’t beat the price!

LifeWay Increasing Their Use of iTunes
LifeWay Christian Resources, part of the Southern Baptist Convention, is placing more and more audio files on Apple’s iTunes Web site.  Today, LifeWay offers more than 500 tracks on the popular audio repository, and that list is ever-growing.  This fall, for instance, choir directors and choir members will even find rehearsal tracks from LifeWay’s music area on iTunes, which already houses several Christmas choral releases.  To access LifeWay’s diverse content on iTunes, search for the title or author of the materials at http://www.apple.com/itunes/download or visit LifeWay.com for more information. More here.

New Podcast from Leadership Network:  Rapid Growth to Three Satellite Campuses
Celebration Church, Jacksonville, Florida, experienced rapid growth from the launch of three satellite campuses within three months which was a huge challenge in and of itself but it has made a huge impact on the community.  You will be inspired as you hear Executive Pastor David Branker and Campus Pastor Darren Sullivan share what Celebration learned and the growth they have experienced.  You can access the attached podcast in Leadership Network’s online library.

The Verdict is In:  Tammy Faye Was NOT a Christian
“It’s little wonder that the world was pouring out kudos to Tammy Faye. Her brand of religion is something the world loves. No repentance required. But if we are to be faithful to Jesus, we cannot fail to articulate the whole Gospel, as the Apostles once did.  I am sorry for Tammy Faye. I do not understand how someone who at one time was presented the Gospel could reject its core message. Jesus said that narrow is the way, and few there be who find it. That narrow way will never be popular, but it is the only path to the Celestial City.” More here. (thanks… but I don’t think that’s our call) UPDATE!  This link has been removed!  “Sorry, but you are looking for something that isn’t here.” This is the second time this month that something has been posted at Slice then removed without a trace; no correction; no apology; no explanation at all.  It still exists in feedreaders everywhere.  I’ve got a copy of the full post.  Wonder why this one was pulled? 

Church Says ‘We Don’t Need No Stinkin’ Building’
“There’s nothing wrong with a building...churches with big buildings reach a certain number of people,” Pastor Steve McCoy of 360 Church says. But “God called us to reach people that others may not be reaching—in other ways.  Elder Don Gangnagel agrees: “We don’t want a permanent structure ever.  It’s what I refer to as my ‘castle doctrine.’ Once you build a really nice church, everything becomes about the church, and it’s easy to stay focused on that… At 360, “We don’t have to put energy into building and maintaining a building,” as elder Cathy Loeppke sees it. “We get together in homes and work on things...It’s very relational. People are working on serving together.” Read more here.

Human Waste Only, Please...
And Finally… I thought this sign was a little strange.  I found it in the men’s room at a large Christian bookstore.  Of course, I’m thinking that this just isn’t true.  I would think that you could put a whole bunch of things down that toilet that wouldn’t cost the management $500.  How about paper clips?  dollar bills?  mentos?  probably even my cell phone.  My mind wonders:  ok… what did some idot decide to try to flush down the toilet that spurred the owners of this Christian bookstore to post such a sign?  (and who is their plumber?  I think I could get a bad toilet fixed for less than half a grand).  I have my own theory:  I think someone tried to flush all the Chick tracts down the toilet that were sitting on top of it.  That would clog it up for sure!


Have a great day!

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  There are 10 Comments:

  • Posted by Kevin Bussey

    Why does the Slice lady think she knows the heart of everyone.  I never cared for Tammy Faye and the PTL Club.  But I do know at least one person whose life was changed because of the PTL Club and for that I rejoice.  I’m sick of the “church police” that go after everyone whom they disagree with.  When is the last time they have witnessed to an unbeliever?

  • Posted by

    Ingrid says, in the comments on slice on that story “I’m aware that Tammy Faye meant that as a joke, but what a time to joke!” It’s been my experience, however, that Ingrid might not think there’s ever a time to joke. I hope I’m laughing and joking to the end like that.

    As far as Tammy’s eternal soul. I don’t care about all the wacky beliefs. Did she turn from sin and trust Christ? Only God and Tammy know that. I suspect that yes she did.

  • Posted by reGeN

    what would i do without a slice of laodiphariseea?...i’ll never forget the words of the late pastor e.v. hill when he said on the subject of heaven that some will be surprised at some who they will find in heaven and that some will be surprised that they themselves are not in heaven...God knows and i’m comfortable with Him knowing who belongs to Him and who doesn’t

  • Posted by reGeN

    oh wait...has the Post From on High about tammy faye’s eternal destination (or damnation) been removed?

  • Posted by

    I wonder why Paul wrote Timothy::"Watch your life and DOCTINE [caps mine]closely. Persevere in them, BECAUSE IF YOU DO [caps mine], you will....”?

    Just wondering?

  • Posted by Kevin Bussey


    I know why it was pulled because the Slice has no Scriptural grounds to say what they did.  It is sad when believers feel the need to hammer one another.

  • Posted by Dr Louis

    I think there may be more posts that disappear when they figure out what the interloper known as Dr Louis has been up to!

  • Posted by

    Hey Dr. Louis…

    Could you share some of your posts that you did, or link to them?  They would be interesting to read.


  • Here are some of the threads where Dr Louis shows up. I said some really stupid and outright mean things, used scripture way out of context and just made up stuff to post. As long as my target was one of the people they disagreed with I was able to say anything I wanted even to the point of calling a fellow pastor and friend a “dirty old man”





  • Posted by

    Hey ReGeN,

    Slice of laodiPHARISEEA.  That’s great!!

    Isn’t it pretty arrogant if (when) we assume to know somthing only God can know, like whether Tammy Faye is in heaven.


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