
What’s Up With the Protesting?  Jack Hayford’s Church Gets Hit as Well!

Orginally published on Monday, December 11, 2006 at 1:09 PM
by Todd Rhoades

Seven Vigil volunteer women and four men took up posts on the two street-exposed sides of “The Church On The Way” at Van Nuys California on Sunday, December 3, 2006, during the Sunday morning services. Inside the service, Pastor Jack Hayford spoke about the demonstration and distributed an antidote commentary and critique called, “Where Do We stand? This stated in part:

“Outside our sanctuary today, you may have noticed some individuals picketing or distributing literature opposing The Church On The Way…The distinct sense of duty we hold toward honoring the Jewish peoples and Israel are based on the instructions of God’s Word (Romans 9-11), and we hold no apology for that Biblical stance…”

Here’s Project Strait Gate’s letter to Pastor Hayford: http://www.whtt.org/straitgate/index.php?id=14&news=1

November 30, 2006

Pastor Jack Hayford

The Church on the Way

14300 Sherman Way

Van Nuys, CA 91405

Dear Pastor Hayford:

Project Strait Gate will hold a Vigil for Peace With Justice outside your church on the morning of December 3. You may learn about our Vigils by touring our website. As you will learn we are not mass demonstrations, but are quiet and respectful and aim our information at your attendees, not at passing traffic. (1)

Project Strait Gate’s purpose is to influence fellow Christ-followers to oppose continued slaughter in the Middle East. Americans are among the victims of the war every day. Worse, from a follower of Christ’s point of view, we now know our professional military has been trained in the art of many unChrist-like acts. “War” is better described as mass execution, and has become unthinkably evil. There is no need to detail it here. Worse, if possible, than torture and mass executions, leaders of churches...including “Church on the Way” are undeniable tacit enablers, if not overt supporters, of Israel’s present occupations of Gaza, the West Bank, and Lebanon.

The most ungodly damage done by mass execution is the destructive effect on Christianity itself, making “Christian” a laughing stock word worldwide. The warmaking church is an apostasy and an insult to the name of Christ. Jesus is the peacemaker. He bombs no one.

Project Strait Gate has learned that yours is a prophecy church. We also assume that you believe Jesus Beatitude, and you would likely assert you do not openly support war in Iraq. Although I know you have retired as the Senior Pastor at “The Church on the Way”, you are still are very influential. I would welcome dialog with you personally and invite you to call me, as other pastors have done. I would like to know your personal views and if you are in any way rethinking your interpretations of “end times” prophesy? The defining questions are:

1) Is Israel a fulfillment of Biblical prophecy? 2) (Assuming “yes”) Is there anything that Israel could do to its neighbors that would cause you to change your mind?

Consider Lebanon where the Israeli press reports 20 civilians have died since Israel withdrew, and of wounds from unexposed cluster bombs that went off when stepped on or picked up.

Sadly, your interpretation of prophesy leads to, and in fact calls for, the oppression of Arab people whenever it is in the political State of Israel’s interest to do so. Your congregation has been taught to accept it. As one example, Charisma Magazine carries the following statement by Jack Hayford:

“I don’t mean how you read the prophetic handbook,” he said. “I mean recognizing that this is a moment that God is at work in our world. It manifest first in the recovery of Israel, the challenge to that recovery by hostile forces that are more than political forces. They clearly are spiritual forces that are antichrist-nourished, antichrist in spirit.”

This says the “hostile forces” that support the Arab’s right to live are anti-Christian. We Hold These Truths says you have this exactly backwards. Such statements can only spawn racial hatred, death and worst of all, rejection of the true words of Christ, and this is happening in epidemic fashion worldwide. The growth of Church on the Way is not a measure of how well people understand Jesus’ words.

One of our team members reported a remark by a Church on the Way member in response to his offhand comment about the bloodbath from the US initiated civil war in Iraq, to which she responded: “we need to kill more Iraqis”. I do not blame “Church on the Way” for every bloody remark spouted by your members, but we find support for this lady’s ideas in the teachings of “Church on the Way”. In our many vigils across the country we have learned that the ideas of the pastors show up in the remarks of the members.

A former Marine, a Promise Keepers volunteer at an extravaganza, told me whatever the Israelis do to the “Philistines” is justified by the Biblical accounts in the Old Testament where “God told the Israelis to spare no one to cleanse the land of all living things.” This man means the Arabs, and firmly believes (or rationalizes) that “End Times” Bible prophecies justify his every military act in Iraq, including his own. There, he told me, he was part of the armored battalion called Desert Storm. They slaughtered an entire entrapped army of Iraq’s youth in a few days. Then they plowed the evidence, including live men, under the sands of Kuwait with specially built snowplows mounted on tanks. This Marine tried to tell me the Muslims practice is to use their children as shields. I had to call him a liar; he was willing to lie to cover his conscience, as the sands plowed under the bodies. This Marine (and those who commanded him) needs forgiveness, not justification.

Million of “believers” bought into the false prophecy interpretations we find taught by Jack Hayford in dozens of recorded messages. One is entitled Why stand for Israel, eight reasons:

“Every believer is charged to make the Jews a priority in their value system and to” ----

“Our place in God s present order inextricably links us with the Jews as a people and thereby the land of Israel according to the Word....”

“God made a unique declaration regarding the land of Israel which has never been rescinded”

“there have been two witnesses that have stood for God throughout history- the Jews and the Christians.”

Pastor Hayford, your last statement is outrageous. God’s Word says exactly the opposite about the tribes of Israel, condemning them time and time again for unfaithfulness and apostasy. Today’s Israel is some 80% atheist, according to its own count.

Pastor Hayford, you also list, “Actions you can take to stand-up for Israel…Acknowledge the terrorist habits of radical Muslims, be gracious to others.”

This is like saying crocodiles eat people, but you may pat those who are not hungry. How does one tell which one is hungry? You set a pattern of patronizing racism that can only be manifest in hatred. We see it reflected in the anonymous parishioner from “Church on the Way”, and the Marine volunteer at Promise Keepers. Race hatred in church starts with End Time prophecy. It is the ungodly notion that God holds Israelis (or any Jew) to be more precious in his sight than the rest of us, especially Muslims.

You cannot teach that God granted the Philistine’s land to present day political Israel without causing belief that Israelis have a right to kill Palestinians, destroy their homes, and drive them out. Richard L. Land stated this awful apostasy: “its God’s way or the highway.”

Israel’s progressive assassination has finally resulted in killing a 68-year old Palestinian grandmother to prevent her from delivering a human bomb. This woman’s son was previously shot to death; another son crippled and in a wheel chair; the families’ home deliberately destroyed, and finally the mother. The previous week, Israelis in tanks shelled and killed four women (wounding many) who were surrounding a Mosque inside Jabalya camp in Gaza to protect those inside.

Do you know what a flechette round does to the body? These acts are not flukes, or accidents, the Israelis routinely shoot children who throw rocks. Over 500 women and children are prisoners. Pastor Jack Hayford, Israel could not get away with one of these acts without the unequivocal support of churches like yours! You are personally responsible for every such act that happens. You may not have known this would when you started the church as a young man, but you must know it now.

Scripturally there is no more reason to support Israeli Jews than Muslim Arabs. They are, according to a missionary named Paul, “all are one in Christ Jesus and heirs to the promise,” if and when each one believes. Jesus is the fulfillment of the promise to Abram, not a political State of Israel created by man in 1947. As long as you deny this you will be an enabler of death and destruction.

Churches like “Church on the Way” must turn, or “burn” in the scriptural sense. In the last election the first signs of “turning” came through loud and clear. Evangelical leaders stood by the “Bush family war” in lock step; but in spite of their leaders, a very substantial percentage of Evangelical laymen turned against the war in November. This change was enough to account for the overwhelming swing in the election. We covered these results in our story, Post election query: Is the Christian Right seeking the Way? (Note 3)

Pastor Hayford, we want to be on the strait path together, but The “Church on the Way” cannot be a peacemaker church unless you change. The purpose of Project Strait Gate is not to change your congregation, but to call out to those whom God has already changed, and who think they are alone inside “The Church on the Way”, as I once felt alone in my church before I walked out. I want to convince you to change before the brightest and best in your congregation abandons it as, one by one, they awaken.

Toward the Strait Gate,

Charles E. Carlson Charles E. Carlson

SOURCE:  http://www.aljazeerah.info/Opinion%20editorials/2006%20Opinion%20Editorials/December/9%20o/The%20letter%20that%20caused%20a%20panic%20reaction%20at%20The%20Church%20On%20The%20Way%20By%20Charles%20E.%20Carlson.htm (Yes, Aljazeerah noticed this as a news story!)

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  There are 15 Comments:

  • Posted by Daniel

    I’m glad 1) somebody is clear-minded enough to see through the racist nonsense of blind support for Israel, 2) this protest sounds like it will be done peacefully, 3) this group has sought to meet with Rev. Hayford.
    This is a huge issue in the worldwide credibility of Christians.  I pray that we would all listen and learn.
    My two cents,

  • Posted by

    “scripturally there is no more reason to support Israeli Jews than Muslim Arabs.”

    So, am I wrong but I thought it was the Arabs who were strapping bombs to their children and grandmothers and sending them over to Israel to blow up children waiting eating at an outdoor restaurant? All because they refuse to negotiate with Israel the people they call “dogs and pigs” and who they believe do not have a right to exist!

    That’s right it is all Israel’s fault! My bad.

  • Posted by

    I question some of the methods used by the Israelis such as cluster bombs, but not the reason behind theor actions. Israel wants to live in peace. They have since 1948. Radical islamists and venal Arab leader ( such as Yasser Arafat) are the main cause for the suffering of the Palestinians. There has been photographic proof that Hezbollah set up their missles deliberately in the midst of the Lebanese civilian population. Thus when Israel responded to stop the missles hitting their own cities, Lebanese civilians were killed and maimed. Why do “honorable” Palestinian “freedom fighters” encourage children to throw stones at the military. they consider it a win-win situation. Either the children will injure Israeli soldiers or they will provoke a response that will send the children to Paradise and give the Israeli-haters fuel for their one-sided charges.
    The wars that have resulted in the enlargement of Israel were started by the Arab states, not as a result of Israel’s desire to grab more territory. Repeated israeli attempts at peace overtures have been rebuffed by Palestinian leaders who are only interested in maintaining their power base or in the millions of dollars they have been stealing.
    I pray for peace in Jerusalem, but right now only one side wants peace and it is not Hamas.
    The Jews were and continue to be God’s chosen people with still a very imporatant role in God’s plan.

  • Posted by

    The question I think is whether the modern state of Israel is the same as the ancient nation of Israel. For me, I am not so sure, and some of the blind support for Israel that is given by Christian leaders is questionable, I think.

    However, SO many Muslims and Muslim nations have called publicly for the elimination of Israel, the desctruction of Israel. The hatred is rampant in much of their public speech… making “siding with them” more than problematic.

  • Posted by

    If you have an enemy that has sworn to annihilate you and the citizens God has placed in your care, do you let them continue to kill your citizens, do you protect them, to you punish the “evil doers” as the Apostle indicates “Governments” do?

    Should America have attacked the Tallban with rubber bullets and flowers, after they killed 3000 of our citizens? 

    Does not Israel have a right to defend her borders?

  • Posted by Daniel

    Wheeew!  Talk about a storm!  grin

    I think, as Peter pointed out, the main question is whether calling two different things by the same name makes them the same thing… Israel in the OT should not be equated with the modern state of Israel.  They share only the same name.  Period. 
    Besides, Jesus is the fulfillment of the OT covenant and true ‘Jewishness’ is no longer tied to ethnic heritage, but is rather a consequence of faith in the Messiah.  The temple is no longer in Jerusalem, but rather, the Spirit abides in our hearts--making the whole Earth and the whole community of human people the new Jerusalem (as it will someday be revealed to be).
    “Biblical” blind support for Israel is religious racism, pure and simple.

    Now then, someone might support Israel for reasons other than a bad reading of Romans 9-11, but such people will hopefully not be blind in their support.

    I think we see here a fundamental clash in worldviews.  The Palestinians see themselves as being occupied, whereas the Israelis see themselves as recovering the homeland God gave them (aaah the joy of divinely sanctionned borders!)--combine this with the justification that some have made that the Holocaust justified displacing Palestinians, and you can understand why Ahmadinejad and company have trouble accepting the legitimacy of Israel and the historicity of the Holocaust (although it should be noted that Iran’s president doesn’t want to kill all Jews--to the contrary--but rather he thinks the nation state of Israel is illegitimate, hence his ‘wiping off the map’ comments).
    Of course, this doesn’t mean we should agree with anyone in particular, but we do need to be aware of how each culture’s metanarrative is affecting their interpretations of current events.

    As a Christian I follow the One who said on the one hand “blessed are the peacemakers,” and on the other hand “I can make descendants of Abraham out of these rocks!” I am therefore very skeptical of blind support for Israel.  Of course, we all owe it to ourselves to be skeptical of blind support for anything or anyone (Israelis or Palestinians). 

    My two cents.

  • Posted by

    I honestly wonder what is the efficacy of walking 5 people around a church protesting their position on Israel. Is Church on the Way financially supporting Israel? They pray for the peace of Israel. They site the atrocities that are committed against Israel. And there are other groups that pray for the peace of Palestine and site atrocitiies that Israel commits against the Palestinians.

    What do you honestly think is going to happen? The situation in thart region is so complicated and convoluted that it may never find a solution. And so 5 people protest a church. Not much of solution. It is their right, but it is not much of solution.

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    The muslims believe that if they martyr themselves they go straight to heaven for their reward.  Why them are you so against Israel sending them to their reward?

  • Posted by Daniel

    Stephen--most muslims do not support suicide bombing.  Neither do I.  But just because suicide bombing is evil doesn’t make any and every possible retaliation good, noble and true.  Neither does it address the fundamental Palestinian perception that they live in unjustly occupied territory. 
    I am neither for Israel nor for Palestine.  Rather, I am for peace, and against violence.  Period. 
    I am also firmly against using bad theology (cf. Left Behind) to support violence (cf. Israeli forces), even if it is against ‘extremists’.  Our battle is not against flesh and blood, but rather against the principalities and powers which keep us in bondage to violence.

  • Posted by

    If a people who God gave land to isn’t legit, then what nation is?  The people of Israel have existed since ancient times and have made more cultural and scientific contributions to the world than virtually any other people.  Let’s get this straight . . . They don’t have a right to their own homeland, even though their culture and people are as historically documented as any ethnic group in the world?  Where do you think these people came from?  Mars?  I’m not even speaking from a biblical perspective.  Merely speaking historically, don’t the Jews deserve their own land?

  • Posted by Phil DiLernia

    It’s sad to see some of the language sets being used here:

    PETER says that Muslim nations calling for the utter destruction of Israel and its people makes supporting them “problematic!” Problematic?  Unbelievable.  Have we lost the ability to just say it like it should be ... that stance makes it IMPOSSIBLE to side with them; especially since Israel has TIME AND TIME AGAIN negotiated givebacks but not one Palestinian promise has been kept.  Not one.

    For EVERYONE who is sympathetic to the Palestinians because they were displaced I say two things:

    1- No one has been more displaced historically than the Jews ... no one
    2- Would you be as sympathetic if the American Indians began bombing the shopping malls and restaurants where you live and killing your wifes, sons, daughters, parents, etc? 

    Blind Support?  What would possibly make ANYONE think we blindly support Israel?  We continually reach them through diplomatic avenues to continually give more and more givebacks to the Palestinians in exchange for peace and EVERY TIME they have been lied to.  If we blindly supported Israel then the Arabs would have wiped off the earth already since Israel would have had the capability to do so.

    I AM NOT IN FAVOR OF WAR.  But, this letter to Hayford was filled with “facts” that I’ve never heard and puts the Israelis and their tactics on equal ground with the Terrorists!  How sad.  That story of the man at Promise Keepers that the Americans wiped out a bunch of children and buried them with sand is a crock and we all know it.

  • Posted by Daniel

    GR Guy, you have conveniently bypassed the most important question raised on this thread with your vague talk about the “people of Israel”.  You presented no argument along the lines of “ancient Israelites"="modern Israelis” in the relevant way (which is what needs to be established for your argument to be valid).  Just because they share the same name doesn’t mean they are the same thing.  Neither did you address the theological point that God’s people is no longer defined by ethnic boundaries, and that therefore God’s land is no longer defined by geographic boundaries. 
    Phil, your example with Native Americans would have been more appropriate if the creation of the U.S.A. were 40 years old.  Thankfully Native Americans don’t bomb us, and this may be due to the fact that it’s been a while since our ancestors invaded this country (and I did say invaded, not ‘discovered’).  But yes I do have a deep sympathy for Native Americans, just like I have sympathy for Palestinians, just like I have sympathy for Jews, or any other oppressed people group for that matter.
    The point of this thread and the point of my contributions to it is not that we should support Palestine.  No.  Rather, the point is that we should forsake the bad theology which makes some blind supporters of Israel.  Period.  Think what you will about the politics of the area or whatever, the only point addressed in this thread has to do with the link between bad theology and Palestinian oppression.  Support Israel if you feel so led, but don’t do it because of Paul’s totally unrelated argument in Romans.
    My two cents.

  • Posted by Phil DiLernia

    OK ... let’s talk about ancient Israelites not being equal to the modern Israelites.  Why aren’t they?  (No I am not even thinking of Paul’s letter to the Romans) To state that most Israelites are secular today makes no sense nor does it win any debate.  Israel was always secular!  Hence God’s continued discipline.  But just because Israel is secular today does not mean God has forgotten His promises to them (not only in Romans but in the entirety of scripture.) But I will give one argument from Romans against the secularity argument used against Israel.  Paul says that our lack of faith (both Jews and Gentiles) does not nullify God’s faithfulness to us. 

    To take the Romans passage about God making children of Abraham from those who aren’t blood family of Abraham is a fine argument if you were trying to win a different debate but certainly not the debate about whether God has plans for His nation of Israel again.  Otherwise you must believe that God does not keep promises (or when He made His promises to David that He was referring to the Gentiles and not the Jews) or you must be arguing that Israel’s lack of faith caused God to reach out to the Gentiles now.  But didn’t Paul say that the reason for the outreach program was to make Israel jealous of our salvation in order to come to faith?

    I SEEMS that this argument about people who support Israel being “racist” is one of the most laughable arguments I’ve ever heard since you are calling people who support the most racially discriminated people in the history of mankind discriminators against those who would do the final deed and wipe them off the face of the earth.  Twisted thinking in my opinion and needs to be called what it is.  How would you like those who you call racists to call you anti-semitic?

    As for the American Indians not being taken over 40 years ago what’s the difference?  Is the principle the same or isn’t it?  What is the time limit in your thinking that displaced people should be shown sympathy for terroristic activities?  And by the way, I believe that there were many Indians who did do terroristic acitivities back in those days (they just didn’t have the weapons that are accessible today.) But again, using your principle and logic they should be terrorizing us today with guns and bombs and you should be sympathetic towards them.

    NO - I am not a warmonger.  NO - I do not blindly support Israel in every particular politcal debate.  I’m just amazed at how we’ve twisted the Bible and history in one fell swoop.

  • Posted by

    I read, but rarely think that I should comment on such sites as these.  Yet I am disturbed by what I perceive as both a lack of knowledge and a lack of experience, primarily regarding the principal focus of the subject article which is being discussed.  As a former military chaplain I have been in the kill box and I have crawled through the jungle with frightened young men.  I have seen fear in the eyes of the “enemy” and have seen the devastation and the sheer capitulation of the human soul to the pathos of deliberate destruction.  That said, I also have witnessed the greatest capacity for compassion from the young marines and sailors I have had the honor of serving with.  Though there have been incidents of brutality and dishonor from our side in all the wars we have participated in, the majority of these same young men (and women now) still consider themselves peacemakers rather than warmakers.  War may be their method, as contradictory as that may sound, yet peace is their goal.
    Though we refer to Jesus as the “Prince of Peace,” and are reminded that one of the purposes of His birth, death, and resurrection was to bring peace on earth, He never supported peace at any cost.  In fact he said in Luke 12:51, “Do you suppose that I came to grant peace on earth?  I tell you no, but rather division,” after having said in vs. 49 “ I have come to cast fire on the earth; and how I wish it were already kindled.” This wasn’t a call to xenophobic war, but rather an expression of God’s resistance to the notion of “Peace at any cost,” as seems to be the desire of many today.  One of the reasons that the Jewish elite rejected Jesus as their Messiah was that he refused to institute forced peace and subsequent dominance over the Roman ruled world, and exalt them to world leadership.
    For those who question that Israel today is not Israel of the O.T.; simply put. the tribe of Judah, along with a few Benjamites and Levites, is all that is left of the Israelites that can be identified.  If they are not them, then there are none to be called Israel, and all of God’s promises for “everlasting lovingkindness” toward Israel, and more specifically Judah, have become invalid.  I know that there are some weak “replacement” arguments that claim these promises are now transferred to the children of the “New Covenant”, but I find those hermeneutically tedious and without any parsimonious value.
    We may, as a nation, and specifically as Evangelical Christians, be a little blind in our support of Israel, yet woe to those who reject Israel out of hand as some sort of “pretender” nation.  They were commanded to take Canaan by force, and as of my last reading of the O.T., they were told by God that he had established their foundations eternally and that their enemies would ultimately and permanently be brought into submission.  This little band of undesirables that God chose as the vehicle of his expression of divine will and purpose is all that is left.  They may be predominantly athiests and philosophical elitists (what’s new), but they are the ethnic and cultural remains of the nation within which Jesus was born and raised.  How can we not be protective of them?

  • Posted by Phil DiLernia

    Bill Z ... thank you for saying what I was trying to say and saying it much better than I did.

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