Would Closing Your Church Bring People to Tears?

Orginally published on Wednesday, December 17, 2008 at 9:11 AM
by Todd Rhoades

What if your church closed up shop today? Would anybody care? Would any body cry? Would anybody swear? Would anyone react like this man did... over the closing... of a library? Seriously... how many people would really give a care?

glumbert - Library Closing Brings Man To Tears

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  There are 6 Comments:

  • Posted by evan blackerby

    it should bring people to tears.... ....in most churchy circles people just find another cookie cutter church to go to....  “that sucks… move on” ....  I hope that the community feels sadder than the “members"… then we are doing our job right…

  • Posted by

    ...would anybody KNOW? THAT’S the real question we need to ask. Are we REALLY impacting our commnuities, including the house across the street? It’s easy to send money abroad or even locally and fund things, but when it comes right down to it, are we really impacting lives to be transformed? That’s why I cry.

  • Posted by Brian L.

    When I first came here, I asked my congregation that exact question, Wendi.

    The church had no visible impact whatsoever, and hadn’t for some time.  Most of that was due to the fact that they were still recovering from some real heavy hurt and had not not had any long-term pastoral leadership for almost 30 years.

    Now, I can say that THANKS BE TO GOD, things are moving in a different direction.  People are being impacted, and more people in the area know who we are and what we’re trying to accomplish for Christ.

    I think that if the church were to close now, there would be sadness in some hearts.

  • Posted by Peter Hamm

    Our church?

    Yeah… loads would cry. We are making an impact. It’s good to be here…

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    Yeah we would have people crying.  That’s partly why we keep hanging in there against a lot of odds.

  • Posted by Rick White

    This question seems to have many possible answers for different reasons.  Personally, I like a good church funeral and if a good ministry has been done and it was God’s timing, then no need to cry from my end.  It’s a win.  I wish more churches would close with joy and grace.  Weeping over lost opportunity or failing to follow the call of God on our church would be a much bigger cause for tears from me.

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