Monday Morning Insights

Photo of Todd

    6 Out of 7:  Ed Young Gives His Score…

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    Now… read the Internet Monk’s take on the whole thing here...

    What are my thoughts?  Hmm… thanks for asking…

    1.  On one hand, I’m not sure what the big deal is.  Ed Young, who is known (or at least would like to be known) as innovative, really took this idea from the multitude of other pastors who have tried the same thing.  Ed just slapped an new seven day ribbon on it.

    2.  On the other hand, I like the comment someone left on the blog wondering when Ed was going to do something like the “Seven days of leaving work early to go home and help make dinner, do the dishes, and cuddle” series.

    3.  While I think that the Internet Monk is a little over the top with some of his comments (it sounds like me when I wake up on the wrong side of the bed), I did appreciate this.  It is true that this type of series may have a lot of married couples getting it on, but not so much for the singles, engaged, widows, and those having extremely complicated marriage problems.

    The singles can look forward to it. The disabled can pray about it. The troubled marriages can argue about it. The engaged can almost do it. The widows and widowers can remember it.

    4.  Going along with my #1, I have no doubt that this would have been a non-story (or a much less diminished story) had it not been Ed Young.  The church’s own press releases and media savyness no doubt increased the promotion around this series.

    5.  To me, knowing that Ed had sex 6 out of 7 days is just TMI.  I don’t want to know that about anyone… sorry.  I don’t keep track of that to tell others, and I’m hoping that others will refrain from telling me.

    6.  Do you know how hard it is to write on this subject without any double entendres?  See what I mean?

    OK… that’s all the thoughts I have right now.  Not really profound, but thoughts, none the less.

    Questions for you:

    1.  Would you ever do this 7 days series in your church?
    2.  If so, would you tell your people how many days you fulfilled the challenge?

    I’m listening…


    This is the last post ever (I promise) about the Ed Young 7 Day Sex Challenge. I wanted to wrap this up with a couple more interesting things that have surfaced the last couple of days. The first is Ed's follow up CNN Interview. Ed says he and Lisa were good for six of the seven days of the challenge. (Sorry, Ed... that's TMI [too much information] for me. Then, the InternetMonk Michael Spencer's railing response to the whole recent campaign at Fellowship Church. Here's the CNN video...


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    1. David Richardson on Fri, November 28, 2008

      Memo to Ed Young:   You’re a great guy, but none of us care to know how many nights in a week you had sex with your wife.  Seriously…

    2. Lynn on Mon, December 01, 2008

      I think the church needs to address sexuality in a positive, biblical way.  I think teens do need to hear it.  Think of what they hear outside the church!  I do not think people should be saying this is how many times we had sex this week.  Oh, I was too tired one night.  I feel they sounded like the world at that point.  I would be furious if my spouse publicly told how many times we had sex and how good it was.

    3. IcyRhoads on Mon, December 01, 2008

      Is it possible that the majority of reponders to this question are BJU graduates? I mean, you guys and gals seem so up-tight about this sex talk ... and Sam? What’s your problem, dude?

    4. Pastor Shane on Sat, January 17, 2009

      Todd, keep up the good work.  I pastor out in the sticks and am blessed to have a wonderful church - but pastoral fellowship and mentoring is very limited.  I look forward to your work each week and find it a blessing.  Two weeks ago I officiated a very difficult funeral for a “non church” family and I complied with the families requests (limited the religious aspects).  I am still receiving criticism from one of the local churches over my lack of “Gospel preaching”.  My point is, sometimes you are going to have nay-sayers throwing rocks at you no matter what you do.  Keep blooming where God put you and I will continue to daily hold you up before the Throne of grace.  God bless you my brother, Pastor Shane

    5. jim on Fri, February 06, 2009

      this is so crazy. I am not sure what to do think about this.

      rate my cam dance

    6. John Bender on Sat, April 25, 2009

      This clown has so much media attention and he completely blew an opportunity to make a difference.  Is it really necessary to tell married couples to have sex?  I think the world population is testament to the fact that we’ve figured this one out.

      If the topic of sex were not controversial, this video would not exist.  What you see here is a guy obsessed with his image and himself.  He could have easily said, this month, every time you and your wife make whoopee, donate $5 to charity or volunteer for an hour at the homeless shelter.  That would have made a difference.  Somebody’s life would have improved.  Instead, he got his name all over the internet and television because he’s a pastor that brought up a taboo topic.

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