Monday Morning Insights

Photo of Todd

    Anyone Still Convinced That Video Teaching Cannot Work?

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    I know many of the 1400 or so churches who did the OnePrayer campaign are represented here at MMI… so I’d love to ask you a couple questions (ok… three questions):

    1.  Who did you use for the video teaching… and

    2.  What was the response of your church to the video message concept?  (if you’ve not done it before)

    3.  Are you more open to utilizing video teaching in the future as a result of the OnePrayer campaign?

    I’d love your input…

    As most of you know, I've been a strong proponent of multi-site churches (even before coming on staff at Leadership Network). I think it all changed for me when I visited North Coast Church years ago, and saw that video teaching really does work in some contexts. It definitely worked in Southern California anyway.

    As the years went by and as the multi-site movement gained momentum, I've continued to beat the drum for the possibilities that this type of ministry, particularly the use of video messages, could bring the church. During the last month, our church in rural Ohio has been a part of the OnePrayer campaign. We loved the concept; and thought a side benefit of the campaign was to see if video teaching would really work in our setting (town of 8,000; county of 35,000; church of 800). Guess what... it does! We decided to use Ed Young, Jr. and Perry Noble as our 'outside' OnePrayer speakers; both was received very well by most everyone in our church...


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    1. Matt on Wed, June 25, 2008

      My concerns with multi-site video have little to do with the whole pastor-on-screen aspect.  I work at a church in a major metropolitan area where there are many such satellites.  There’s “chain” here that is highly publicized and regarded as one of the movers and shakers so-to-speak of current pop church culture that has a satellite right near where I live, in fact.

      But the thing is, there is nothing at this satellite outside of the Sunday morning experience.  Nothing.  They did away with anything resembling community groups (or insert your term).

      And unfortunately, after digging around with some very solid believers who have come to my church or I just happen to know have recently left such a satellite, this seems to be the rule rather than the exception.

      I have don’t have any problem with a satellite that is passionately making disciples of Christ.  Where the main speaker is on a given morning is pretty irrelevant to me.  But Sunday morning services alone do not make fully devoted followers.

      (It does seem to me that for a satellite to accomplish the same mission of the main church that it would require just as much staff and resources as a similar church of that size.  And if you’re going to have that much staff, surely, SURELY God could raise up a man to lead it.  But this is neither here nor there.)

    2. Edgar Cabello on Wed, June 25, 2008

      1. We used:

      Dino Rizzo (amazing)

      Sam Chand (awesome)

      Mark Batterson (inspiring)

      2. People LOVED it which I am a bit concerned about.

      3. We will most likely do this again is some way.

      What a great way to get fresh input and utilize people with different gifts within our local churches. It set me free to think differently about how to help our church ‘hear’ what is going on nationally and otherwise. Great idea and HUGE shots to the guys at Life Church in OK.

    3. riflescope on Thu, October 30, 2008

      A lot of writing will not, I will only say that’s what.

      Video teaching is very useful thing.I not so much because of its universality (it is possible to distribute a large number of people), but because of the possibility of extending it to the Internet. As you know, it does not exist borders between nations. And the use of video teaching can significantly expand the number of adherents of any church.

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