Monday Morning Insights

Photo of Todd

    Dan Kimball on Common Perceptions about the Church

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    The list below are the primary things they have said are their perceptions of the church and Christians - which keep them away from the church (not in any order).

    I am wondering if there is agreement with these things being the main reasons people stay away from church.  Or is there anything I have missed in this list?  I would appreciate any feedback on this list.

    1. The Church is an ?Organized Religion? with a political agenda
    2. The Church is Judgmental and Negative
    3. The Church is Male Dominated and Female Oppressive
    4. The Church is Homophobic
    5. The Church Thinks They Have the Exclusive Way to God (and everyone else is wrong)
    6. The Church takes the Bible too literally and are ?Fundamentalists?

    FOR DISCUSSION:  What do you think?  Are these valid?  What other things would you ad to the list?


    Dan Kimball writes at his Vintage Faith blog.  I am wrapping up a book I have written for Zondervan, called "They Like Jesus, but Not the Church". It is based out of a series of interviews I have done with people (primarily those in their twenties) who either dropped out of the church, or grew up outside of the church and want nothing to do with church…


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    1. Linda on Wed, October 05, 2005

      Hi Dan,

      Maybe what we all need is a DE-Mask us experience like Paul had.

    2. Thomas E. Jones on Wed, October 05, 2005


      I completely understand your feelings concerning the information you have compiled from your research. We are commanded to be evangelistic and to reach those without.

      However, we are not up against a “godless” society as many propose. We are in a society that has many gods, including materialism and secularism. These religions are based on a humanistic belief system that is totally against the prospect of God and His Church.

      If we have to change the basic foundation of our movement to make it palatable to those of the other religions, it would be the same as trying to reach Muslims by becoming more Islamic in our faith so that it wouldn’t offend them.

      Sure, we have problems of the flesh in churches. There are some that probably should be shut down because of their imbalance and downright wicked pride.

      However, Jesus said that if they hated Him, they would hate us. The early church was blasted in their culture from both the Jews and the secular Romans.

      If we have to appeal to the worldly secular mindset in order to reach them, we will drift farther and farther. If it is one thing today, it will be another tomorrow.


      Do we become atheists to reach atheists?


    3. Peter Hamm on Thu, October 06, 2005

      I’m glad to have these comments. They help me to understand the “unchurched” mind.

      1. The Church is an “Organized Religion” with a political agenda

        Lord have mercy! Jesus’ agenda was not political like some Christian leaders’ have been. His agenda was to seek and save the lost. I want that to be MY agenda.

      2. The Church is Judgmental and Negative

        Jesus ate and dined with sinners, and they enjoyed coming to him. I want to be the kind of person that sinners find approachable, even though I don’t join in or condone their sin.

      3. The Church is Male Dominated and Female Oppressive

        EVEN in chuches where female leadership is celebrated, I’ve seen many hearts that need to change. Jesus appeared first to women when he rose. I don’t want to see any distinctions in people by race or sex or creed. God loves them all the same


      4. The Church is Homophobic

        Lord help me to realize that MY sin is just as bad as anyone’s. Worse, maybe… And help me to try to introduce your Son to them, then your Holy Spirit can sort it all out. In other words, I don’t want people to clean up their lives then come to church. I want them to feel welcome, then the H.S. will help them in whatever way he deems fit. You’re a big God, Lord, I pray that I let you be that…

      5. The Church Thinks They Have the Exclusive Way to God (and everyone else is wrong)

        Lord, If I’ve got THE answer, help me to express it with the kind of love You did when you were here, by service and kindness. Make me more like Mother Theresa and less like… (you fill in the blank)


      6. The Church takes the Bible too literally and are “Fundamentalists”

        just cause it’s a “weapon”, and yes, I admit, an offensive one at that, doesn’t mean we have to hurt people with it. Jesus didn’t. He used Scripture to bring comfort, healing… Let me do the same…


    4. Bill Wood on Thu, October 06, 2005


      I just had lunch today with a young man ~23 years old and his issues were really summed up in this way:

      1. How can we trust the Bible and don’t Churches just use it to promote their own agenda.

      2. How can the Christian Church know with certainity that they alone have the key to a relationship with God?

      I look forward to your book providing insight that will allow us to be more perceptive in our conversations with the unchurched.


    5. Pastor paul on Mon, October 10, 2005

      I well imagine younger people saying what you have listed. I would also venture to add that they see a great inconsistency between what many Christians believe and how they live, and use that a reason to disregard the Christian church/message. I also hear them comment that there are too few people their own age, as so too many older people for them with whom many cannot not [perhaps do not want to] relate.

      My 2 Canadian cents worth!


    6. Brian La Croix on Mon, October 10, 2005

      “If we have to appeal to the worldly secular mindset in order to reach them, we will drift farther and farther. If it is one thing today, it will be another tomorrow.

      Do we become atheists to reach atheists?”


      I don’t think anyone here is suggesting this.

      I’m bi-vocational and work with non-believers every day.  And I echo the original post - this is how the church is perceived.

      The perception may be faulty (then again, depending on the exposure they’ve had, it may be dead-on!), but that doesn’t change the fact that that is how they view the church.

      Our job is to show that Biblical Christianity is not bound by these perceptions.  We need to show them that the church overall should not be judged by the unscriptural attitudes and actions of the extremists in our faith.

      Yes, we have some absolute, non-negotiable beliefs, and we can never compromise those for the sake of making people comfortable.

      But, we can all examine ourselves and our churches to make sure we’re not putting up unScriptural barriers to people finding Christ.  And we can learn to present those non-negotiable elements in a way that is much more inviting.


      It seems to me that Jesus was inviting to sinners - he was abrasive with the religious leaders who thought they had it all together.  I’m thinking we can all learn from that.  He never compromised about sin or the exclusive claims he made.  But people loved him and flocked to him in spite of it.

      We don’t “become atheists to reach atheists,” but we can follow the example of Paul in Acts 17 and learn how they think so we can visit with them in ways that show we at least know how to use OUR God-given brains as well.


      I fight these perceptions all the time.  And my usual response is - “I know how you feel - been there, done that.  But I can also tell you that I’ve found that overall, these are not as they seem.  Come check us out (or another church in the area that I know is unlike these perceptions) and find out that we’re all imperfect, but we’re trying to shed the hindrances to helping people find the truth of Jesus.”


    7. Tim Ritter on Thu, October 13, 2005

      Let’s admit it.  These statements are what they see.  We can blame the press, the media, the movies, or point our fingers a hundred other directions.

      Until we accept responsibility for the church that we all are part of (Christ’s church - not each building or denomination), we will blindly continue to confirm their suspicions.  While we deny that we are to blame, we look guilty of what they perceive.

      Are their perceptions true?  No, and yes.  They are true enough in enough cases to make them plausible or even undeniable.  Can we straighten out the unbelievers perceptions?  Maybe, but not by arguing with them - too many examples out there to show their belief is based in reality.  Can we straighten out all the ‘christians’ who prove their point?  Not likely. 

      What we are responsible for is spreading the truth.  The truth is they are lost.  The truth is God loves them where they are, and wants them to see where they are and where He is more than God cares how they see the church.  The truth is we are sent into the world to love them.  If they don’t see that - let’s point the finger at ourselves! 

      I try, but I have to start by pointing the finger at myself.  I take the bible literally and sometimes tread over reaching out to someone.  I know Christ is the only way to God, but the narrow paths that I and those I know have walked to find Christ in our lives are not the only paths ever walked to reach the place where other persons have realized they need Christ to.  I share a political view now and then, I’m a male pastor, and don’t have as many homosexual friends now as I did 10 or 12 years ago.


      I’m sorry.  But it’s not enough to tell you, I have to tell them - until they are not a them anymore.


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