Monday Morning Insights

Photo of Todd

    DENIAL:  “One of the most horrific mistakes I made was not a spiritual problem; it was physiologic”

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    DENIAL:  “One of the most horrific mistakes I made was not a spiritual problem; it was physiologic”

    Seriously?  Seriously.  Ted Haggard reportedly made this statement to a church this month in Texas...

    Here's the quote:

    Haggard and his wife, Gayle, have been traveling to churches nationwide in the wake of the 2006 scandal to offer apologies and explanations, the Morning News reported.

    Haggard, 53, insists he is a heterosexual male who was only attracted to men because he was sexually assaulted as a second-grader.

    "One of the most horrific mistakes I made was not a spiritual problem; it was a physiological problem," Haggard said Sunday. "I needed treatment."

    My only thought:  You still need treatment, Ted.


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    1. Jerry D. Hill on Mon, October 05, 2009

      The power of sex is not only understood by God, it was created by God. A man and a woman could be all things to each other, but there is so much information out there that men and women are drawn into lust from so many sources. It takes a lot of acceptance of each other to walk together. Our bodies enjoy more than our minds will permit us to do. We instill a sense of dirty to every act not approved by the self righteous. Many a person has frozen their mates out of the relationship. It should be the most wonderful exciting thing we could do with our time together. If we ever get in balance, we might loose the straying thoughts or lustful desires, if not maybe our mate will learn to satisfy us and us them.

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