Monday Morning Insights

Photo of Todd

    Drastic Measures to Avoid Moral Failure

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    Here are Shaun’s drastic measures...

    Here are Craig’s drastic measures...

    Here are Perry’s drastic measures...

    What are yours?

    Have any other thoughts you’d like to share?


    Shaun King has a great post over at his blog on how he (and others, including Perry Noble and Craig Groeschel) take some pretty drastic steps to avoid moral failure. Shaun writes:

    Nothing will zap your marriage, ministry, or leadership greater than moral failure. Several times a week I receive devastating emails and phone calls from people suffering the grave fallout from some type of scandal. Moral failure leaves behind a certain residue that is just really hard for most folk to overcome and should be avoided like the plague.

    Many people see me as an example of how to be a husband, parent, and leader with integrity and I am thankful for this, but it’s not easy and it takes a lot of effort on my part and help from other people. In fact, I take pretty drastic measures to avoid moral failure. I’d advise you to do the same thing...


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    1. Shaun King on Tue, March 17, 2009

      Thanks for this coverage Todd.  The primary criticism that I have been hearing is that people want to hear what positive things I do to keep my marriage alive and not just the drastic measures.  I hope to post those too.

      Blessings Man!

      Shaun & Crew

    2. Charley Blom on Wed, March 18, 2009

      Thanks Todd, and Shaun, Perry and Craig.

      This is an area that is close to my heart. First, because of ignoring some boundaries I almost fell off the edge. Second, because my wife and I minister to pastors and one of our concerns is how do we all stay healthy emotionally, spiritually and physically to keep from throwing our ministies away because of Lust.

      In thinking about this boundaries are important but as Perry’s blog []  points out if we are overwhelmed with stress and are on the edge of burnout all the safeguards in the world won’t help.

      I read of the death of a mountain climber who knew all the safe guards and in one moment didn’t attach her safety harness correctly and shortly fell to her death.

      It can also happen in the ministry.

      I not only have the normal boundaries that have been mentioned, but I also monitor how I am doing in those areas. My wife, [39 years this June] and I spend a lot of time together, talking, touching, increasing our relationship each day.

      But the other big area is in my spiritual life and walk with Jesus my Lord. I like to remember the fruit of the Spirit and use them as an evaluation tool for my life and walk with the Lord.

      I focus also on the transformation work of the Holy Spirit in my life. i.e. i take time to sit in God’s presence, build up my relationship with God, Father, Son and HOly Spirit. I make sure my prayer life is more than asking God for something it is taking time to have Him work in my life what He knows I need.

    3. braindump on Thu, July 16, 2009

      Exam N10-004 dumps are highly useful in your preparation for 646-003 dumps.

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