Monday Morning Insights

Photo of Todd

    Ed Young Takes the Heat

    You can read the whole article here...

    Some noteable quoteables:

    Ed Young:
    “...Our conference is a leadership conference; it’s not a theological conference. We will bring in, and we have brought in, a number of people whom I personally would not agree with theologically. In fact, I think Bishop Jakes is a great communicator, a great leader… I love Bishop Jakes, but we’ve had many people in Fellowship Church over the years ... whom I would not agree with concerning all of their theology.  We’ve interviewed people here from Jerry Jones [Dallas Cowboys owner], we’re in a series of interviews right now with Hulk Hogan, all sorts of people. But when you have a leadership conference, I think it’s important to hear from people in different realms, different companies, different churches. So I embrace it. I think it’s a great thing. I don’t see it as a negative thing at all.”

    Jerry Johnson (President of Criswell College):
    “...Some [pastors] might not have the discernment to separate the meat from the bones there, and really, to beware of the heresy—and that is a heresy against classic Christianity. We are not talking about a Baptist distinctive or even a Reformation distinctive. That is a heresy going against classic Christianity, the confessions and the creeds… Christian fellowship stands and falls on [the trinitarian doctrine]. Partnership in ministry is jeopardized by the heresy of that doctrine, according to First, Second and Third John… It’s confusing.  Christian leadership and pastoral leadership includes and perhaps should be driven by theology, particularly, ‘Who is God? Who is Jesus?’ And so it doesn’t matter what your techniques of leadership and style of leadership and philosophy of leadership are if you don’t know who God is. I think that’s an important point. God is the first prerequisite to good Christian leadership.”

    FOR DISCUSSION:  OK… what are your thoughts on this one?

    UPDATE:  I’ve been asked by a few people for my take on this one… so here goes:  I think (am pretty positive) that this is the result of a campaign of at least one ‘discerning’ website.  They’ve been trying to stir the dust up on this one for over a month now.  It appears that they’ve found their way in to someone in the SBC Texas office.  I think that it’s sad that Ed’s own denomination and convention is speaking and writing against him.  I really don’t see the big deal; as someone said here, it’s a conference on leadership, and that’s what TD will be speaking on.  To think that I have nothing that I can learn from Jakes is kind of pompous, I think.  Now if it were a conference on proper interpretation of the Trinity, I would understand all the outcry; but it’s not, so take a deep breath and let it out slowly.  smile


    Ed Young, Jr. is taking some heat from some fellow Southern Baptists over the appearance of T. D. Jakes at his annual C3 Conference. According to an article on the Southern Baptists of Texas Convention's website: "Pentecostal mega-church pastor T.D. Jakes of Dallas, often criticized for holding a non-trinitarian view of God, will speak for the second time during Fellowship Church of Grapevine’s Creative Church Conference (C3) for pastors. Jakes will appear at the Southern Baptist congregation Feb. 22-23 along with fellow preachers Mark Driscoll, pastor of Mars Hill Church in Seattle, LifeChurch pastor Craig Groeschel of Edmond, Okla., and Houston pastor and former SBC president Edwin Young, father of Fellowship pastor Ed Young..."

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    1. Jay on Tue, February 20, 2007

      Obviously Jerry is being sarcastic… right?  But there is a difference between interacting, developing relationships, etc.  and promoting, sharing a pulpit, etc.  As I read your comments, it seems that there is no difference between interacting with people and embracing them fully.  To me there is a difference.  I can develop a relationship with someone without embracing their behavior or beliefs.  I have to do that.  We have to hold to truth as we reach out to others.

      I personally would not bring Jakes in to speak at my church.  There is a difference between him and say Jerry Jones or Hulk Hogan.  A person like Hogan is not a Christian spiritual authority at all.  So it is easy to distinguish their role.  Jakes is a different story.

      It is odd for me to read that his history is oneness but his present isn’t.  Unless he has made a statement otherwise, his history is not history at all.

      On the other side of the coin… why publically call Ed out?  Who does that really benefit?  If you have a problem with him go to him not the newspaper.  A friend of mine was on NPR once and being asked about Osteen.  I admire my friend because while he disagrees with 90-99% of Joel’s teachings he would not allow the NPR host to get him to criticize Osteen.  Simply because as far as he knows Joel is a believer.

    2. phill on Tue, February 20, 2007

      TD WHO?

    3. adude on Tue, February 20, 2007

      “On the other side of the coin… why publically call Ed out?”

      This is a great question. Why aren’t we talking about the guy calling Ed out instead of TD Jakes? Why does he get a free pass when neglecting Biblical directions for confrontation, but Jakes doesn’t is called on the carpet?

    4. Pastor Al on Tue, February 20, 2007

      I have had the privilege of hearing TD Jakes years ago at Pk.  I listen to him on the TV every once and a while.  I appreciate his obvious love for the Lord.  As to his doctrinal distinctives on the Trinity - and the SB having a problem with it… well, would they be so kind as to listen to what I find in error theologically with their statement of faith?  Those who live in glass houses shouldn’t be so quick to cast stones.

    5. brett maxwell on Thu, February 22, 2007

      I haven’t read much about TD Jakes’ doctrine regarding the trinity, but of the summaries I’ve read I don’t understand the problem.  God is one.  God is three.  Paradoxes, by their very nature, are difficult to explain, and we’re going to call this guy a heretic (or heathen!) because his focus of 3 vs. 1 is a little off of what we deem right?  I really don’t believe Scripture speaks clearly enough on the trinity for us to make the proper emphasis an essential. 

      Jesus was both God and man, and died for sin.  None of the critiques of Jakes I have read say he disagrees with that statement.

    6. Jim on Mon, February 26, 2007

      There is a seriouse lack of concern over Doctrine here,  I have a Kingdom Hall down the road from me, the guy is a nice guy, should I have him speak in my church the next time I have an evagelistic outreach. Maybe next time we have a baby dedication i should have the local lezbian priest come and sprinkle them, after all she has a lot of nice things to say about “love”

    7. Bruce on Mon, February 26, 2007


      you are very much off the mark with your comment about lack of concern over doctrine. No one has suggested doctrine is not important. The question is: is salvation by grace or by correct doctrine? Has the Christian Church always believed Trinitarian doctrine? No.

      Doctrine develops over time. It is man’s way of attempting to explain and understand God. I suspect we have many doctrines that we now consider orthodox that the first century Church would have considered strange or unheard of.

      Your JW comment is the mixing of apples and oranges.Having said that, not ALL JW doctrine is false. Most JW’s are far more orthodox when it comes to the eternal Kingdom than many “I’m going to heaven, and gonna sit on a cloud and play a harp” Evangelicals. Yes, they are wrong on the essentials…........the work and nature of Jesus, but they are not wrong on everything

    8. Craig Lee on Mon, February 26, 2007

      Once again the SBC “watchdogs” (more on that later) have attacked their own.  Suffice it to say they have no problem with Ed sending in his Coop monies.  It follows through with the constant judgement of the extreme conservative hounds who want to squash anything different, new and creative.  They only seek to keep God in their little box, working His magic for them if it fits their molds.  

      Now to TD Jakes, I went through much of this last year prior to my attending the C3 Conference.  No disrespect for the other speakers there, but hands down TD Jakes was the best.  If I attended conferences on the basis of the given speakers in attendance I probably would never attend because I do not agree with all their theology.  My guess is these same men who criticize Ed Young Jr. would not want Jesus in their conferences or churches.  In fact if he were to show up I am not sure he would be welcomed.  By the way have you heard the new song by Todd Agnew, My Jesus, it rocks and is so true.

      Now for the “watchdogs”.  I would in now way believe that I am even worthy to be in the same room of debate with some of these men, but somewhere along the way their theology has become tainted by self righteousness and rudeness.  Guys when will you mind your own busniess and allow God to defend himself.  By the way the Bible has stood longer than any of you have lived, I think He’s done a pretty good job.  God doesn’t need you defending his position.Ed Young Jr. thank you for boldly going where God leads you.  Remember everyone this is a conference held at Ed’s church.  I think it is completely within his right to have anyone he pleases.  That’s none of my or your business.  Maybe if we would do church united on the single most important issue, Jesus, we would be reaching as many people at Ed Young Jr. and TD Jakes.  Oh yeah and if you don’t like who is speaking at his church, DON’T GO!   In fact in recent days a very popular conference has announced this years speakers, I will not be attending because of one of the speaker, that my right, but I have not right to bash this conference, but I do have the responsibility to pray for it.

      Last question, isn’t the SBC founded on the autonomy of the local church?  Then why does the Texas Convention even have a dog in this fight.  It sounds like to me we have some Saul’s in the camp.  Saul got mad when people sang the praise of God’s blessing on David.  It went something like this: “Saul has killed his thousands, but David his ten thousands.”  Modern day version: _______ has reached a few, but Ed Young Jr. and Bishop Jakes have reached their ten thousands.

      Get over yourself and find something Kingdom building and positive to do! 

      Sorry if the tone seems extreme, but when will Christ Church get it.  Two easy command: Love God and one another.  The world is waiting!

    9. George on Tue, July 01, 2008

      I live your command Craig.

    10. Terry Brown on Sun, July 20, 2008

      “Love God and one another” is really a statement worth of attention and everyone should hear it and put it deep in their hearts. Jesus Christ wants it, His Father God sent Him for our understanding it and the Holy Spirit is working in our hearts for our salvation!  It’s not a time to argue, it’s time to open our hearts for God!

    11. defend on Wed, June 17, 2009

      TD Jakes is a health and wealth false teacher. He compromises on God’s Nature though Historic Christianity has always recognized The Trinity of God. If he leads people to pervert God’s nature and teach that it is a sin to be poor, endorsing unlimited health and wealth, not to mention the abuse of tongues in his daily rants, I don’t think he is a good leader to choose for orthodox Christians to hear. I say ‘rants’ because I believe Jakes is an ego maniac, more concerned with the millions he owns then the Gospel. Christianity is merely a business to Jakes and word-faith is his methodology. Add heresy to that and the only way you can then support Jakes is if you are biased in the first place with a predisposition for liberal, relative truth. Typical word-faith false teacher in the American hotbed of false prophets, is Jakes.

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