Monday Morning Insights

Photo of Todd

    Five Things You Should Never Hear From a Staff Member

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    These are just the quotes.  Perry goes into much more detail here.

    Here they are:

    1.  “That’s not my job”

    2.  “That can’t be done”

    3.  “All I need is more staff and money to make this happen”

    4.  “Recognize me!”

    5.  “My ministry needs ________ to… and if we don’t, then...”

    Any thoughts?


    Today, Perry Noble shares five things that he thinks you should never hear from a staff member. Any of you who know Perry, know that he has surrounded himself with an unbelievable team the is united behind the vision and mission of NewSpring Church. I love it when Perry articulates things like this because I think it can be helpful to so many churches that God has given him influence with. Take a look at his list and see what you think:


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    1. Peter Hamm on Mon, March 10, 2008


      So, as soon as I make one single mistake in ministry, I am fired.

      I will pass.

    2. cvitarelli on Thu, March 13, 2008

      “1. That’s not my job.” How far does this one reach? Does this mean we do anything we are asked to do even if it means a decrease in productivity in the areas we are gifted in and passionate about? Should we be changing light bulbs or patching holes in drywall? I can, and I would be willing if asked but is this the reason the church hired me? I do agree with all the other statements.

    3. James Wheeler on Sun, March 16, 2008

      All these statements are natural sentiments to anyone who is passionate about their particular area of ministry.  The challenge is keeping peoples heart attitudes in the right place.

      I believe a good leader helps limit the scope and responsibility of everyone’s role.  I believe good leaders find creative ways to affirm staff and keep them appropriately recognized for their efforts.

      Some things can’t be done, and everyone needs to honestly come to that realization.  A can do attitude is a valuable commodity, but true awareness of “doability” is a wise use of ministry resources.

      Staff competence is huge in determining success in ministry.  That being said, great leaders are resourceful and know their limits.  So forcing people to grow ministry without financial and people resources is a bad idea.  Those frustrated people may not be competent to handle the position in the first place, or they need to be developed and helped to learn how to maximize limited staff and money.

      I totally agree it is inappropriate for any staff to blurt these statements out in frustration, or with a lousy heart attitude.  But all of them have merit for consideration.

    4. David Buckham on Tue, October 07, 2008

      I like those five.  There have been two things I have heard from ministers that give me pause.

      1 - “Cover your tracks.”  I know a minister who constantly said this.  In ministry, should we do things in such a way that we need to “cover our tracks”? 

      2 - “God told me…”  I am not saying God doesn’t put something on someone’s heart, but I feel too many people use this as a weight.  It verges on using God’s name in vain. 

      Anyone else on this?

      all about Christ,

      David Buckham

    5. Abby on Tue, July 07, 2009

      Give please. Listen. Do not have an opinion while you listen because frankly, your opinion doesn?t hold much water outside of Your Universe. Just listen. Listen until their brain has been twisted like a dripping towel and what they have to say is all over the floor.

      I am from Thailand and too bad know English, please tell me right I wrote the following sentence: “As many people will already know the interest rates charged on credit cards have been soaring over the past couple of years, even though the bank of england base rate has plummeted over the last seven months, taking it to an all time low level of just.How to maintain credit cards during bankruptcy by ken lordiswhen you lose your job or have overwhelming medical bills, there is often no alternative but to declare bankruptcy.”

      Thanks :-(. Chevalier.

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