Monday Morning Insights

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    Get the Hell Out of My Church

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    Get the Hell Out of My Church

    Ahhh... our friend Steven Anderson.  Let's just say he doesn't like the President.  And if you don't like THAT, then you can... well, I'll let him tell you what you can do.

    Kinda takes the punch out of seeker sensitive, doesn't it?

    Try this on Sunday morning.  See how far it gets you.



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    1. Matt Parkins on Wed, September 09, 2009


      Actually your presidents have affected much around the world of late, including us Brits, specifically with Bush’s warmongering.  He and his party considers themselves to be pro-life, but that certainly isn’t true outside of your own borders - pro-life when Americans are concerned, but you feel at ease to kill people if they’re not? 

      So yes, I have an opinion, but like I said, in a meeting I keep quiet on the issue as I prefer to focus people’s attention on praying for God’s intervention.

      For the rest of the world Obama is an answer to prayer.  Every single church leader in my city that I know of (and we gather to pray together each week so there’s quite a few of us) breathed a sigh of relief at your election of Obama, and I know of no Christians in the UK supportive of republican politics and presidents.

      So yes we didn’t get a vote, but yes we’d rather your politics and presidents had no effect on us at all.

    2. Tim Wright on Wed, September 09, 2009


      I am sure that Germany saw Hitler to the answer to prayer. When was the last time Europeans said a word about abortion, I guess if you kill totally innocent unborn children it is OK. Because it is not on the BBC, it does not happen, God said that I knew you in the womb, and yet the people in Europe have killed more babies with a vote than Hitler did to the Jews:

      Yes, you can have you man made conscious assuaged, but Blood is on your hands. Bush made so many mistakes, I would agree.

      Europeans are cowards, and did nothing when the Bosnians were being slaughtered, Clinton had to come in and use force.

      Europe is sending cooks and mechanics to fight the Taliban, The UK and the US are sending soldiers. Yes, we will not win the war until we have a Afghan govt that is trust worthy and roads are built and school, and water equally distributed through out the country.

      We live in a sinful world and the US has lots to learn from Europe, but we need to use force to protect ourselves. If NATO pulls out of Afghanistan, Europe will be the first place to be attacked.



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