Monday Morning Insights

Photo of Todd

    Help!  My Church is Falling!

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    This fear of falling or failing is today known as The Wallenda Factor. It refers to people and situations where the fear of failure smothers the joy of soaring. It refers to people and situations where problem-solving erases an affirm and build process, where counting the ?no? votes is more important than counting the ?yes? votes, and negatives are more important than positives.

    Congregations who take on challenging spiritual strategic journeys are often subject to The Wallenda Factor. They fear the possibility of failure as they travel along their journey. They focus on fixes rather than solutions. They seek to bring everyone along with them on the journey, and would rather halt the journey than leave anyone behind.

    The Wallenda Factor is particularly expressed in congregations when a threat of some type is present. People often are afraid the threat will become a full reality, and that the congregation will be harmed. Much of their dialogue is around the possibility of something negative happening to the congregation, rather than the opportunity to soar that is often also present during a time of threat or challenge.

    Does your congregation soar with the collective spiritual gifts, life skills, and personality preferences of the people connected with it? Or, does it focus on not failing, and thus takes few, if any, risks to minister to the people God has placed along the path of their journey; much less to engage in cutting edge discipleship development for people connected with the congregation?

    Is it concerned that if it fails that it will possibly lose some of it strengths, capacities, and even members who are necessary to continue the quality and quantity of ministry to which it has become accustomed? Or, is it open to the new thing that God is doing in it, and gladly risks comfort to pioneer new areas of ministry into which God is leading it?

    Are the leadership gatherings of your congregation filled with challenging dialogue about the emerging ministry trends of the congregation, and the possibilities for unconditionally sharing the love of God? Or, are their filled with cautious dialogue about the scarcity of finances, the lack of available leaders, and the necessity to not move forward if there is one person not in favor?

    What are your thoughts? Please leave your comments by clicking the comments link below. George is doing some research on this subject, and we'll forward any and all replies to him as well.

    The following was posted on The Bullard Journal website.  George Bullard has some good insights into a problem that many churches face… "The Wallenda Factor". Monday, March 22, 2004 was the 26th anniversary of the day Karl Wallenda, patriarch of The Flying Wallendas, fell 75 feet to his death while walking a cable strung between two hotels in San Juan, Puerto Rico. In reflecting on the time around his death, his widow explained that during the months preceding his death Karl transitioned from a life style and attitude of confidence and courage, to one of fear and precaution. He morphed from being an aerialist who lived to fly across the wire, to a hesitant high wire actor who was concerned about the fear of falling.


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    1. Peter Hamm on Mon, May 14, 2007

      Kate writes [The good news?  We have an interim who loves to soar!  And she’s a strong advocate in “the priesthood of all believers” and will work tirelessly to see us equipped to soar when her interim ministry is finished here.]

      THAT’S the key! equipping the saints for works of ministry and service instead of doing it yourself as the pastor. That is absolutely the key.

      We’re soaring because we keep looking ahead and trying new things, and even though not all of them work, we do them with excellence.

    2. T. C. Smith on Mon, May 14, 2007

      Great article.

      I too am a Pastor of a “W” church with a twist. I was called in Nov 2005 to this church with only seven active members. This church that has been in existence since 1932. The neighborhood has changed and the old congregation was uncomfortable with the new people who were moving in, so, they moved out.

      However, they kept control of the church, and never went after the new people in the neighborhood.

      When they called me, they said they wanted to grow the church. However, when we started to bring in the neighborhood kids for Sunday School and Bible Studies and had things for the neighborhood to come in, all of a sudden I heard, “Stop, what are you doing, don’t you know that we can’t afford this stuff. We are using up too many of our resources on these children, we are getting our fellowship hall dirty. We cant even talk to these people because they don’t speak English well”. Etc.

      However they would not actually go on record and vote no on any of the outreach projects. They would just snipe and catcall when we had problems.

      We finally had a real falling out, and all of the original members left. It seems as though they were just waiting for the church to finally fail so they could leave also.

      I was very discouraged. However something has happened. People are coming in. The kids are bringing in their families. We are seeing God’s increase. I believe we are going to make it.

      I believe Proverbs 14:4 “Where no oxen are, the manger is clean, but much increase comes by the strength of the ox”. Is very true. We need to try, and then just let God.

      And if God is truly in a project, get the people out of the way and let Him work


    3. Hop on Mon, May 14, 2007

      Very good article.  It is true that there are “Wallenda Factor” churches.

      But don’t forget that there are also “Wallenda Factor” pastors!

      In some ways, they may be more dangerous.

      I’ve seen them take a plataeued, or even slightly growing church, and put it in a free fall.

      I even heard one of them brag about closing 3 churches.  Yikes!

    4. Wayne Cook on Mon, May 14, 2007

      I have been involved for many years with revitalizing churches…this article is “right on” and describes so much of what ails established, traditional (not just worship style), and declining churches.


    5. RevJeff on Mon, May 14, 2007

      Great thoughts and comments…

    6. Fear Factor Philippines on Wed, October 15, 2008

      thanks for sharing,

    7. Pastor Victor Saah Quanya on Fri, November 21, 2008

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    8. SMS Messages on Sat, January 17, 2009

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      Very interesting post.

      Thank you for sharing

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    11. wholesale jewelry on Wed, April 15, 2009

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    12. pride lift chairs on Mon, May 25, 2009

      I believe that we will have our greatest success when we start defining our ministry calling as a church and start identifing gifts, purpose and calling of each of the people.  At this point we have seen a major move in the attitude of the people.  It is the late adaptors that are resisting the process the most.  Any thoughts on how to break this last stronghold?

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