Monday Morning Insights

Photo of Todd

    How Will The Church Use Text Messaging?

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    Here’s the article to spur your thinking:

    Progressive churches in the UK are seeing attendance numbers soar as they reap the benefits of staying in touch with their congregations through SMS technology developed by txttouch.

    One church that has been using this service for nearly six months is Leicester City Vineyard.  church leader Steve Barber saw the potential in using text messaging and has used it since the start of this church plant.

    He said: ‘Txttouch has been incredibly useful in keeping members of the church informed, whether it’s to remind them of a barbecue, or if we have to change a venue at short notice.

    “I send on average two or three messages a month, especially if we are doing a one off event such as a party or a specific outreach, we have found that when reminded by text, people are more likely to attend.”

    He added: ‘Text messaging is a quick and easy way to contact our entire church and it saves hours either on the phone or texting each individual separately leaving me with more time to focus on moving the church forward.”

    Text messaging is not the only mobile service that churches are using to communicate with people. Txttouch has also introduced a new device called the Gabriel Communicator, an innovation in Bluetooth technology that sits in churches and transmits notices, song sheets, sermon notes, rotas, Bible readings and home group details to members of the congregation for free. 

    Txttouch MD, Nicholas Maguire, who has been involved in church leadership for nearly 15 years, said: “This is a culturally relevant way to contact people regardless of their age.  The Communicator can be updated as often as churches need, so on a Saturday it can beam service times to people in the city centre and the next day it can be back in the church beaming notices to the congregation as they arrive.”


    QUESTION:  How should the church use texting (if at all)?  Have you seen any church doing text messaging in any kind of ministry way?

    OK... this is obviously part of an advertisement from the provider; but 'texting' is the new language of young people (see the video from earlier today on how students learn). How, when, and why should texting be a part of the church's future?


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