Church Complaint (Dance Version)
- Posted on January 13, 2011
- Viewed 1417 timess
- (25) comments

Here's an oldie but a goodie. I bet it's new to many of you... It's an actual voicemail. Enjoy!
Listen to the phone complaint here...
Now, here's the "dance re-mix" of the complaint (Mistake #2: having someone on your staff with too much time on their hands)
Listen to the dance re=mix here...
Some people have too much time on their hands.
What's the weirdest voicemail you've ever gotten?
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jan on Tue, November 15, 2005
Thanks for another great laugh Todd!
Peter Hamm on Tue, November 15, 2005
Oh, I just laughed coke through my nose…
Seriously, Todd, you should be ashamed of yourself for posting that. I actually found myself wiggling my butt as I listened, does this mean you’ve led me into sin?
LOL funny, that is too much. Thanks, I’m sharing that with the whole staff here.
Julie on Tue, November 15, 2005
of all the songs to have stuck in my head now… back and forth from side to side! Thanks for the laugh.
Deb on Tue, November 15, 2005
I am the administrator of our church and I will be sharing this with our staff! It would be great to be able to laugh like this every Monday, when we get to hear what our members write or say about Sunday’s service. Thanks!
Ben E. on Tue, November 15, 2005
I’d love to be at a church where the members and the pastor would “move their butt around…”
Spiritually speaking that is…
Now the standing on one leg? That has some sacreligous undertones doesn’t it? That’s a little much even if the song has good beat that you could move around to, side-to-side…
Thanks for the laugh. I’ll be sending this one around.
Ben E.
Ralph on Tue, November 15, 2005
She was only being Biblical by turning the other cheek.
lilitalianbaldy on Tue, November 15, 2005
That was great! Thanks for the laugh. We get some interesting phone calls on the machine, don’t we but that one wins.
Beggers on Tue, November 15, 2005
Wow! This person is eather a tech genious or spent a LOT of time on this thing. Loved the way (s)he panned left, right and stereo. Nothing like a quality laugh!
Maybe it was a song used in her Christian aerobics class and she just couldn’t help herself!
Hope this guy doesn’t sit near me in church. While I don’t “dance like no one’s looking,” I worship mind, body and soul… Guess I’ll wait to see if I get a good talking to.
Thanks for the laugh, I’ll be sharing too!
Ben E. on Tue, November 15, 2005
If you were to consider the original call a “stone” (refering to the “What Will You Do With Your Stones” posting) What would you call the response of the “dance mix?”
What if we all could/would work in our respective ministries and churches (members included) with the creativity, resourcefulness, humor and quaility that seems to have been displayed in the re-mix? Hummmmm….?
Then again, it could have just been a “rather cheeky fellow” with quick tech skills who found away to return fire with a humorous spin.
Either way, I think this recording has some legs!
Ben E.
RevJay on Tue, November 15, 2005
What a great hoo haw… So refreshing to know someone who is an evangelist, minister and pastor was ‘a visitin’, and the only thing he took away from the service was a little wiggle. I thought he was going to ask for her name. RevJay
Reay Zoellner on Wed, November 16, 2005
As I was sitting in my office contemplating how to respond to a member of our church who has decided to leave, I clicked on and listened to the voice mail from this guy and then clicked on the re-mixed version.
I couldn’t stop laughing! I don’t know whether I’ll forward this to the person who is leaving our church, but I am tempted!
Keep it up! Kind of puts things in perspective, that’s for sure!
Joe on Wed, November 16, 2005
That is one of the funniest things I have ever heard. I almost fell over in my chair laughing at the remix. That will be stuck in my head for a long time. Ha-ha-ha
drbob on Wed, November 16, 2005
Thank You Thank You Thank You!
This was the laugh I needed as I face these kind of assaults on a weekly basis. “from side to side”
Bernie Dehler on Wed, November 16, 2005
Psalm 1:1
Blessed is the man who does not walk in the counsel of the wicked or stand in the way of sinners or sit in the seat of mockers.
RE: The article about dealing with stones… I don’t remember one of the recommended options being mocking and making jest in return. The caller was serious, and it hurts me to see the response from Pastors who laugh… doesn’t sound too pastoral-like…
The caller was genuinely concerned, and couldn’t have put it more graciously with still getting to the point, and he was roundly mocked by all the previous posters on this blog. We are called to be Christ-like, and it doesn’t sound like a Christ-like response… from many who are Christian leaders…
The blog response grieved me…
Carl Willis on Wed, November 16, 2005
I’m wondering if the media team at this church could remix all of my complaints. I know I’m moving my butt around from side to side.
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