Monday Morning Insights

Photo of Todd

    Innovators, Early Adopters, Early/Late Majority, Laggards: Which are You?

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    There is a fairly well recognized theory by Everett Rogers in the business and marketing worlds about how new ideas eventually get implemented to our everyday lives. This theory holds true in many areas; from our cultural fads, consumer buying habits... and even our church life. Here's the premise:

    For any new idea, there is a group of innovators. Innovators are defined as the first 5-10% of the people who first adopt any given idea. They are the ones who usually come up with the idea in the first place and refine the idea so that it is something that works. Innovators are venturesome; they are the most willing group to try something new and take the initial risk to try something out. They are also influencers... they keep in contact with many others in their area of expertise.

    The next group, the early adopters are about 10-15% of us. These people are the trend-setters. They are the ones who are aggressively looking for new ideas to implement. They might not be the ones coming up with the ideas or innovations, but they have their eye on the innovators to see what they will do next. They'll quickly snatch up an innovators idea and test it out themselves.

    The early majority (about 30% of us) wait a little longer to make our decision. Actually, if they're not actively searching out new ideas (like the early adopters)they might wait to see the first bit of advertising on a product or service, or get the recommendation of a friend before they jump in. But still, they want to be in on the ground floor. Early majority people still consider themselves 'cutting-edge', they just want to make sure the idea has worked out in some other places before they try it.

    The late majority (another 30% of us) wait still longer to get on the band wagon. They still get on... some are excited, some are skeptical. But by this stage of the game, there is growing pressure to 'not miss out'.

    The last group, the laggards, (about 20% of us) are true traditionalists. They are generally not interested in new ideas/products and are the last group of us to buy into new ideas.

    Does this model hold up for the first group of questions I stated above? I think it does to a large degree. Let's take the "40 Days of Purpose" campaign for example.

    INNOVATORS: Rick Warren & Saddleback Church

    EARLY ADOPTERS: The very first churches that did the campaign

    EARLY MAJORITY: Those churches that have already completed the campaign

    LATE MAJORITY: Those churches who are signed up to do a future campaign

    LAGGARDS: Those churches who will do the campaign in 2006-2007 or never

    Now, of course, there are some churches who will never do the 40 days of purpose campaign for various reasons (theological, philosophical, they don't like Rick Warren, etc.) That doesn't mean they are laggards in every area. (So I'm not using this scenario as a blanket statement for everyone).

    Where do you consider yourself and your church (note: You might be in a different group as a leader than what your church is in)? Do you agree with the above scenario or innovators, early adoptors, etc.? If not, what is your theory? Please give your ideas below. I'd like to hear from as many of you as possible today. I'll use many of your thoughts and ideas as I develop this series.

    Has your church participated in a 40 Days of Purpose Campaign? Or even a 40 Days of Community Campaign? Does your church use video projection, or evan IMAG in your services?  Are you using multi-service/ multi-format (worship) approach? Are you a ‘one church in multiple locations’ multi-site’ church or are you considering it? Do you use terms such as ‘seeker sensitive’ or ‘seeker targeted’ without even thinking? New ideas. New philosophies. New programs. New formats. New ways of doing church. How many of the above questions did you answer ‘yes’ to? All of these issues are fairly new in the 21st century church. But how did these trends come about? Where do they come from? How did they start? And why do we find that so many churches are taking the same ‘new’ approach in so many areas? I find this subject fascinating, and we’ll be digging deeper into the whole idea of innovation in the church for the next few Mondays here in MMI and in the MMI blog…

    church innovator



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    1. phill on Wed, December 08, 2004

      we found we are to do two things…and do them well…

      Love God

      Love People


    2. Tonia Jernigan on Wed, December 08, 2004

      I can take any given situation and make it work. I am not afraid to take chances. Many Christians love to work in the comfort zone of the ministry. All the hurting souls are usually not in the comfort zone area. I know the Lord is up to something. The spiritual realm is moving and shaking. I believe those who are intune with the spirit understand what I am saying. I am one who minister behind the scences. My heart bleeds for the homeless and the ones who are over looked, the young adults and youth. I believe in these last days the Lord has risin up a hidden remnant of people who are secretly being prepared for a mighty spiritual battle. These are the ones who character matches their gifts. Many people are hurt by bumper sticker christians who have a wonderful gifts from the Lord. They have not develope their character to go with the gift. It is very important that christians take the time and let the Lord work out the fruits of the spirit in them.You can be an innovator, If your charater does not match what you are going after it usually fissle out because when the Lord start to test your true motives some fall on the way side.

      I am praying that more love walkers come to the fore front so we can whip it in the spiritual realm then we will whip it on earth.Fruit walkers are more concern with a persons heart more then their religion, or what they wear or look like. I know what I looked like when I first came into kingdom understanding. I have learned that the Lord cleans from the inside out. Man cleans from the out side in. Their fruits are pleasing to look at, when you get to see their character it leaves a bitter taste in your spirit. This x-generation is not being moved by religion. They are moved by how you relate to them. I believe the Lord has risin up a people who can get to their hearts. Most religious folks think we should stick to old time religion. The hidden remnant can see the Lord is doing a new thing. If you don’t like how some are reaching the young adults it means you were not chosen for the task. These young adults are searching for what they have not found in religion. Some christians do back flips in church and come out of church and the young adults see you are just faking and this turn them off. We have to keep it real and don’t go into the enemies camp until you have been trained by the Holy Spirt. The only Jesus most will see is the Jesus in you. Let’s remember it is not about us, it is about winning souls for Christ Jesus.

    3. Eric F on Thu, December 09, 2004

      Hummmm “Love God…Love People…?”

      That’s pretty good!  Is there a workbook with that?

    4. Tonia Jernigan on Thu, December 09, 2004

      Yes, Eric the workbook is a heart issue. This is where all good or evil dwells. Take a good look at your heart and you can write a story from it.

    5. Ivan on Thu, December 09, 2004


      Sorry for the very delayed response.  I generally just read the articles here and never respond.

      I’m only a laggard when it comes to the PDC.  I do not feel the program is biblical, as most man-centered programs aren’t.  The PDC program is laced with New Age drivel.  Warren is a follower of Schuller.  PDC is just another way for someone to get rich. 

      I’d rather be rich in the Spirit and follow His direction in my life.



    6. Ivan on Thu, December 09, 2004


      Wow, Al.  It’s getting pretty tough out there when a couple fellows want to follow the Word of God and the Spirit of God and told we represent “the greater damage affecting the ministry of the church today.”


      I’m not arguing over anything.  You want PDC, you do PDC.  Makes no differences to me.


      I wonder where the real source of damage is coming from.





      Take a very close look at PDC.  Investigate the background of it.  There’s is more going on here then you think.  Furthermore, I wonder how you feel about members of church that have been basically run out of their churches because they don’t want the innovations.



      Do more investigating, Al.  Test the spirits.


      Yes!  Inspect the fruit and test the spirits.  We’ll talk ten years from now and see what has happened.




    7. Tonia Jernigan on Fri, December 10, 2004

      The laggards of the church can become a dangerous breeding ground. These are the ones who hold much power and because they are stuck on their way of doing things they have no room for new adventures These are the dream killers of the church. This new wave of non laggards are figuring out if you are going to make a difference you can not be afraid to stand alone. Some christians are like non church folks. They focus on the surface and never get to the root of the problem. Many people in the church have heart issues. They cover it up with talking about everything in life except for what is really important. It is dangeous to use the bible for limited thinking. Many people read the bible , they never come to a level where the Holy Spirit shows them the pearls of the word. You miss so much because some think the word means one thing when it can mean another.That’s why (2 tim 2;15) tells us to study. When you have studied the word you learn how to rightly divide the word and all the hidden manna is reveal.I can take the same scripture as someone else and get a new meaning out of it. Once christians come together and learn how to deal with a persons heart we will see a difference in the church. Some people do not even realize how they damage others because focus is not on the inner man.

    8. Kyle Barlow on Mon, December 13, 2004

      Rick Warren is a “follower of Schuller” and ‘just wants to get rich?’  Come on Ivan, you have to have more than that.  Jealousy is unbiblical and also has no role in the church.

    9. Ivan on Mon, December 13, 2004

      One, Rich Warren has spent many a day at Schuller’s church learning his ways. Do a little investigating.

      Two, I said nothing about Warren wanting “just to get rich”. I don’t care if Warren drives a Yugo or a Jag. 

      Jealousy? Hmmm…what about prejudice?  You are pre-judging me.  You are making assumptions.

      Go the way of Warren…we’ll see how you all like it in 5 to 10 years.


    10. Kelly on Mon, December 13, 2004

      If you haven’t embraced the forty days of might not be a laggard.  Instead, you might be a true innovator.  For this type of person, the thought of jumping on someone else’s bandwagon is nearly unthinkable. The true innovator (I prefer to call them prophets) believes that God is capable of doing amazing and unique things through the lives and churches of anyone who will call on His name. But could it be, that in the presence of an amazing tool, (40 days) we’ve started dropping Rick Warren’s name, and stopped calling upon Jesus?  Just some food for thought… our God is far too creative and wonderful to keep duplicating the same thing over and over.

    11. Kelly on Mon, December 13, 2004

      If you haven’t embraced the forty days of might not be a laggard.  Instead, you might be a true innovator.  For this type of person, the thought of jumping on someone else’s bandwagon is nearly unthinkable. The true innovator (I prefer to call them prophets) believes that God is capable of doing amazing and unique things through the lives and churches of anyone who will call on His name. But could it be, that in the presence of an amazing tool, (40 days) we’ve started dropping Rick Warren’s name, and stopped calling upon Jesus?  Just some food for thought… our God is far too creative and wonderful to keep duplicating the same thing over and over.

    12. Al on Tue, December 14, 2004

      “Do more investigating, Al. Test the spirits.

      Yes! Inspect the fruit and test the spirits. We’ll talk ten years from now and see what has happened.



      We don’t have to wait ten years – we have already seen the damage done to the cause of Christ through the movement that appeases the “sinful natures” of men instead of calling them away from those sinful natures to live for Christ in a sacrificial and consecrated way. 

      It is not my place to Judge Rick Warren – I don’t know him nor do I concern myself with his approach to ministry for I am told not to “judge another man’s servant for by his master he will stand or fall.”  But I can see by the fruit that comes out of ministries around us, what I believe is developing strong followers of Christ – for this I would look to the Calvary Chapel movement which began in a small church down from the Church I grew up with in California.  What Chuck did in those early years seemed like the far extreme of “cutting edge” ministry, yet he remained patient and taught those who came to be honest followers of Jesus Christ, the result was “long haired” ministers who are still doing great ministry today, how be with shorter hair! 

      The point I was making in my initial posts was, and maybe not as clear as I should have, that we need to allow the Spirit to work through the Body of Christ in a way which he determines is the best.  The result of that will not be a cookie-cutter approach to reaching the lost.



    13. Ivan on Tue, December 14, 2004


      Then, Al, we are in agreement.



    14. Tonia Jernigan on Wed, December 15, 2004

      I read Rick Warrens book 40 day purpose driven life. I found it to be an excellent tool to focus and walk by. There are to many hurting people in this world for me to focus on a person who will not become poor because of what we think about him.I believe the fruits of his book will show if you take the examples and live by them. There are to many people who think it is about them. I like the sentence Mr. Warren wrote stating” IT IS NOT ABOUT YOU” When people truly come to grips with this statement and live by it, we will see much more compassion in this world. To many christians have the ministry in the wrong perspective. They are not in the ministry to be a servant. They are there because of their phD’s and Dr’s, and Masters, It is funny how one have a master in a subject, and can’t master self! Those who are humble and love serving more then receiving they are the ones who will make the difference in this world. I watch those who have to many letters in front their names. Some have the knowledge, they do not have the servants heart. That makes their letters no good to no one except self.

    15. John Myers on Thu, December 16, 2004

      Please, stop trying to make people what they aren’t. Most pastors are not innovative, and their calling does not require that!

      As a radical innovator myself, I know most people cannot do what my brain does constantly, innovate.

      Each should do what they are gifted at, and recognize the high calling of those who are called differently.

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