Monday Morning Insights

Photo of Todd

    Is it Time to Leave?  Assessing Your Church’s Generosity

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    John writes, "Disgruntled members do not need to fight a pastor with words-- their quiet withdrawal of contributions alone exerts an enormous amount of leverage...The closing of a checkbook is not as loud as the vocal critic, but it may be felt more strongly. But when realistically set and normally reached budgets shrink considerably, beware! The withholding of normal giving indicates either disapproval of church goals or the existence of unanswered needs. The pastor whose church is experiencing a chronic shortfall or decline in needed resources may be seeing a green light that signals the advisability of a move. In some cases, staying may help people work through their concerns, but if remaining continues to fuel the problem, it's time to go."

    What do you think? I'd love to hear your comments.

    This week, we’re continuing our series on “Is it time to leave?”, based on John Cionca’s book “Before You Move: A Guide to Making Transitions in Ministry”. This week we’ll talk about how your church’s generosity might help determine whether or not it is a good time to move on.  Just like attendance, the giving of your congregation is never a complete signal as to whether or not a ministry change is in order; but they can one snapshot of signals that can help you make a decision.




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    1. Hope on Tue, October 26, 2004

      I have been a member of my church since it’s inception five years ago. Everyone who started with the church and most of those who came in the first four years have left and I am still there.Recently the church has merged with another church small in order to leverage expenses. I have felt for a long time it is time to leave, but have even encouraged others who wanted to leave to be careful not to leave offended. I beleive God brought me to this church and that he is now shouting that it’s time to go.

    2. pjlr on Tue, October 26, 2004

      Giving is a biblical responsibility, not an option.  Disobedience in the area of giving cripples the ability of a church to pursue legitimate mission goals.  If a church member is witholding giving, his problem is often not with the pastor, but with God. If that person leaves the church to go to another chances are his giving will change the moment he finds something “wrong” in the new situation. In a consumer society we have been acclimated to giving to get.  The only legitimate question in my mind is, “Is the kingdom mission being pursued?”  My needs are always secondary to kingdom pursuit.  After all God has already made me a promise that He “will supply all my needs according to His riches in glory through Christ Jesus.” Or as Jesus said, “freely you have received, freely give.”

    3. rmp on Tue, October 26, 2004

      I am at a place right now that church finances lead me to want to leave.  The atmosphere of discouragement throughout the congregation is fueled by our on-going struggle to pay the bills.  Prolonged financial distress can discourage even the most faithful pastor and the most faithful lay people.  I wish for some sort of miracle solution, yet, the only thing that I can do is pray.  Somehow, what is impossible to us is possible to God.

    4. Pastor Garner on Tue, October 26, 2004

      I am in a situation that I know that God has called me into.  I was called off of my job with the Federal Govt. and I also have 13 years in state service.  From Sacramento CA to Edwardsville Ks.  What a change! Nevertheless I vowed that I would serve the Lord where ever he placed me.  The financial buden is hard, yet the Lord continues to supply the need.  Still I wonder is this all that God has for me as his faithful servant?  So, prayerfully I press on in His name.  While the money and change continue to be an ever present issue I am blessed to know the Lord has intrusted me with that which has no monitary value, for the soul can only be purchased by the blood.  I do not have all that I desire and I can not give as much as I would love to give to my family, but the Lord is blessing right now.  I am greatful for the word of hold a multitude of promises for me yet to be fulfilled.  Bless His Holy Name.

    5. crp on Tue, October 26, 2004

      It seems that exactly what you have described in your article is happening in our church.  Historically, this church has met budget or been very close to doing so by Dec. 31.  It may happen again this year, but it does not look very good.  There is a freeze on any increase in total budget for ‘05, including any salary increases.  All this seems to be a reaction to change from the people and most of the staff is feeling the pressure and limitation of small ministry budgets.  I would encourage other churches out there to be careful about taxing the church budget with non-negotiable items (note payments, electric bills, salaries & benefits).  When you do not meet budget, these items still have to be paid.  The ONLY flexibility you have is in ministry budgets.  When that is what HAS to be cut, ministries don’t thrive and staff members and the people get discouraged.  God is able to bring us out of ANY situation, but He may not always choose to do so in order to reveal other plans.  We’re (our staff) waiting with open hearts to see His will!

    6. Charles Stoker on Tue, October 26, 2004

      I have been a full-time pastor for 22 years, I spent 18 years at my first pastorate and took off one Sunday before starting a new position in my second church. I very seldom new what individuals were giving in the church’s I pastored, the only time I would ask for giving reports was in considering someone for a leadership position in the church.  There were many times in the last 22 years that we had people try to move us out, but we new that if we left for anyother reason than God releasing us we would have failed God and walked out of His perfect will.  This forced us to always be willing to work things out and not run from conflict in the church, is was never easy but was much easier than getting out of the will of God. When God gives you a release from a church several things will happen, but church trouble is not one on them, it will happen in your heart and your vision will begin to change toward somewhere else. Sometimes you are forced to leave, but in that case shake the dust off from your feet and move on, then it becomes their problem and not yours.

    7. Ryan on Tue, October 26, 2004

      I think when monies stop coming in the church needs to re-evaluate their vision.


      My church, where I serve on staff has had to cut the budget or at least adjust it the last two years fit what we can afford.  It takes away from ministry that can go out from the church, and I truly believe that it shows lack of vision from the pastor.

    8. Lilian on Tue, October 26, 2004

      This is coming from a lay leader’s perspective: 16 years at the same church and instead of closing the cheque book (I don’t have one and besides I don’t earn any money as a homemaker and because some pastors just don’t listen to their lay people) I have decided to let my feet do the “talking” (instead of my mouth)  and walking to another church. Pastors need to watch out for declining attendance and volunteerism too.If only some pastors realise that sometimes it’s time to let go and just go!

    9. missionsminded on Wed, October 27, 2004

      I agree with the poster that stated giving is to God not a church. Our commitment is to honor God’s word and give 10% of our gross income no matter what. The character of God is faithful and unchanging and His word is not subject to man or circumstance. Offerings however need to be sown in faith with trust that the ground you are sowing is good ground. I believe that a seed sown in faith towards God with a “right heart” can be a powerful instrument of change. Its easy to leave when times are tough. That is the way of the world, divorce, quit walk away because its all about “me”. Someone somewhere needs to stay and be a part of change or we will never change if everyone leaves. I believe a seed sown in the season when maybe realignment of vision and purpose is necessary can be full of resurrection power to effect change. Mixing you seed with prayer for change and deliverance provokes power from on high! We don’t wake up one day and say I don’t like my parents anymore…I am leaving and going to find new parents….God places us in the church as a family - good times and bad. Prayer is the way to change things and what we are seeing in our church is not the pastors fault….its ours~

    10. Ed Wrather on Wed, October 27, 2004

      The stream dried up for Elijah and if the stream of blesssing and enablement for ministry dry up for us it may very well be time to see what God has for us somewhere else. This has been a tool that God has used in our ministry. Two times our financial situation has become so difficult there was little option left but to go to where He was directing. While we have been in His will at the place He has wanted us to be He has continually met our needs and far beyond. Sometimes you have to leave or die just as Elijah and others have learned.

      One important point is that God may not lead us to a bigger and better appearing place. He may lead us to a smaller and less promising place. Our last move took us back to a small rural church that was my first pastorate. Here God has blessed us beyond our imagination.

    11. Bill on Wed, October 27, 2004

      How sad it is when people think that by “closing their check book” they can get a pastor to leave. How much more sad when a man, who says that he was called by God, to pastor that church, will have a desire or thought of leaving when that occurs. When a disgruntled church meber closes their check book, then they hurt their own testimony and their witness. They become a “God robber,” by not paying their tithes and offerings, and they place themselves in a position of being chastised by God. A true pastor will stand and preach the word if he trusts God. The pastor that will hold true to God’s Word will be victorious and will see the blessing too, because God will send people to replace the stubborn, and the prideful.

    12. Victor A. King on Wed, October 27, 2004

      The faithfulness of a pastor may demand that he stays. But will the congregation be blessed in the real sense? I think the witholding of finances is a sign that they can’t receive and support the Pastor that God has sent to them.

      A pastor may have to go when the church elders gather to pray asking God to keep their pastor humble while they keep him poor. When people close up their wallets and purses, they can do great havoc to their finances and the church vision.

      However, there’s always a divine solution to every ministry problem. Great if the affected pastor can find it!

    13. Sheree A. Jenkins on Wed, October 27, 2004

      I believe what is happening is that the body of Christ has lost its vision.  We’re too busy focusing on the problem and not seeing the solution in loving God with all that we have. 

      I have been at my church since its beginnings five years ago, as well.  Two and a half years ago, I quit a federal government position also, making over $60K per year, to focus on ministry work.  Don’t think the devil didn’t talk to me, especially when times got really rough, i.e., had to sell a newly built 3 year old home, give up my new SUV, and deal with my unsaved husband’s attitude while all this was happening.  During the whole time, I never stopped tithing or giving because I know what connects me God’s covenant and how to reap a harvest (sowing).  Because of the vision God gave my pastors and the Word of Faith family I am connected to, I have seen God work miracles in my life.  My pay is less than minimum wage at the church; however, since I have changed my attitude, I am beginning to see God move on my husband’s heart as well as our finances (he recently got a raise).  Glory to God!  If we seek Him first, he’ll take care of the rest (Mt. 6:33).  I will not be moved by what I see; I continue to press on.  I know I am where God intends me to be because He will not allow me to get a job comparable to the one I gave up, so I have to believe for the hundredfold.


      Keep praying for your pastors; don’t talk about them.  Pray for them to hear from God AND dowhat He says, then watch what happens…


    14. Bernie on Wed, October 27, 2004

      Bill wrote:

      “How sad it is when people think that by “closing their check book” they can get a pastor to leave. How much more sad when a man, who says that he was called by God, to pastor that church, will have a desire or thought of leaving when that occurs.”

      I agree.  Why can’t we talk this out?  It’s just playing games, and dealing in unforgiveness.



    15. Pastor Billy Kryger on Thu, October 28, 2004

      I have been the Pastor of my church for going on 10 months.  Our church is small (12-15).  It’s not so much that folks stop giving but there aren’t that many to give. 

          There have been times in the past 55 years of the church’s existence when the congregation has been close to closing the doors but God has always provided because He has a purpose for us being here. 

          Rather than “cutting costs” when things got tight we have looked for what else we can do, what other ministries can we get involved in.  When we are wise stewards with what God has given us there always seems to be enough to pay the bills and then a little more to be a blessing.

          During a recent “financial crisis” God raised up a farmer in the area, who isn’t a member of our church, who donated a great deal of equipment to our church to sell.  That has kept us “above water” for almost a year.


          One reason that I believe God has blessed our church is because of our love for missionaries.  In fact we support more missionaries than there are people in the church.


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