Monday Morning Insights

Photo of Todd

    Jesus Died So We Could Be Rich!

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    More from the press release…

    Additionally, in Matthew 27:35 he points out that Jesus wore expensive clothes. Dr. Robertson explains that God wants His people to be rich so they can be a blessing to others. Each of the pastors targeted by the Senate investigation has been a continual blessing to others. For instance, Joyce Meyer created the Dream Center, which brings food and clothing to the homeless, and provides 45,000 meals to the hungry annually. Kenneth Copeland created the KCM Relief fund to provide assistance to those affected by major disasters. In Luke 8:2-3, the Bible states that Jesus, like many pastors, received generous financial gifts from the people He blessed.

    Dr. Robertson is very familiar with the scripture that critics often cite as the basis of their argument, 1 Timothy 6:10 “For the love of money is the root of all evil…” Dr. Robertson explains that the verse refers to greed as the root of all evil, not the possession of material wealth itself. “God desires and even expects His children to be wealthy,” said Dr. Robertson. “He merely cautions them about making money their primary focus.”

    Dr. Robertson declares that the Bible is clear about God’s financial plan for His children and is launching a campaign to “attack the myths and lies about biblical prosperity.” Through his best selling books, messages, and national TV program, he continues to “take on all comers” as he supports prosperous pastors and attempts to help people understand their inheritance as believers. He wants to help change the way people think about wealth and prosperity, and ultimately stop the media, the government, and society from embracing and promoting a “poor Jesus” view.

    So… what do you think?

    Another stunning press release. It's from Dr. Norman Robertson (who I'm not familiar with). He is touted as an 'acclaimed authority on biblical finance and biblical concepts of successful living' and is an advocate of pastors and other Christians living 'prosperous' lives. He is an 'expert who maintains that the Bible declares that God wants His people to prosper'. Robertson claims that Jesus was not poor nor were the Disciples. He begins by pointing out that Kings came to visit Jesus at the age of two and brought lavish gifts.


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    1. Leonard on Thu, November 15, 2007

      Foxes have holes, birds of the air have nests but the Son of Man has no place to lay His head.

    2. Camey on Thu, November 15, 2007

      Amen, Leonard. Amen.

    3. Zach Nielsen on Thu, November 15, 2007

      The thrust of 1 Tim 6 passage is contentment.  “Godliness with contentment is great gain”.  We should not aspire to be rich any more than we should aspire to be poor.  We should be content with what we have.  Simplicity seems to be an other thrust “If we have food and clothing we will be content with that”, Paul says.  

      I agree that God does not want us to be poor for the sake being poor, but in our culture with unparalleled wealth we need to be on guard lest we bow the knee to our prosperity.   Paul said in 1 Tim 6 that rich people should be eager to be generous, so yet, rich people should seek to be a blessed and not selfish.  But to think that we should all be rich?  Never.  “Rich” is relative term anyway so it’s kind of a meaningless discussion. 

      It seems that from 1 Tim 6 two things stand out: 1. Contentment and 2. Generosity.   So I guess I agree with half of what this guy above is saying.

    4. Rob Grayson on Thu, November 15, 2007

      At the end of the day, people will come up with all kinds of justifications for what they want to believe. My personal view is that there are certain people to whom God does indeed entrust great wealth, in the knowledge that they will channel it to bless others (I’m not making any comment on Joyce Meyer, kenneth Copeland etc.). But to say that “God wants us to be rich” is in my view a biased interpretationof scripture at best, and most likely a gross distortion. We should also consider Jesus’ words “Blessed are the poor” - I don’t believe he was speaking metaphorically here.

    5. slw on Thu, November 15, 2007

      If Jesus and the disciples were rich it didn’t translate for them into Bentleys and mansions and yachts, etc. What they were evidently rich in were enemies, persecutions and martyrdom. I wonder how many of the proponents of this wealth doctrine would welcome those benefits.

    6. Bruce Gerencser on Thu, November 15, 2007

      This guy has watched one too many reruns of Fantasy Island


    7. Deaubry on Thu, November 15, 2007

      i say if jesus wants you rich, then he knows how to do it, but this thing of fleecing the flock has got so out of hand its sicking , i believe a man of god that is preaching THE gospel should be taken care of, because a labour is worthy of his hire. but if a person tells me god will not bless me untill i send him money, is not telling me the truth, if god instructed me to give every thing i owend away i would do it, but SOME of the ministers today uses every gimmic they can come up with to get people to send them money. and some brag about how big their bank account are. they are geting rich off the people and then telling them about it, and some of the preachers has made me feel like if i did not have a lot of money that i do not love god or not saved, but i know god saved me and i was working and geting paid each week. he filled me with the holy ghost and i,m far from rich with money. i remember one time i needed money real bad to pay somthing that was due on monday morning, that was on sunday, i ask the pastor to pray with me and believe with me that god would help me. the next day aman came to my house and wanted to know how much i owed, i told him and he paid off all my bills, and he sure wasent at church to hear anything about it, this man was my son, and he said that god was dealing with him to help us. but he did not know that we needed help , because we never told him.  i give to my local church, and i have gave to a few ministriies on tv. and i would again IF GOD instructed me to.

    8. Deaubry on Thu, November 15, 2007

      i listen to kenneth copeland, he is a great teacher as far as i know, and so is norvel hayes, i believe norvel hayes is a real man of god, he does not mind going into the highways and hedges to compel people to come in, he will go where god sends him, and he gets results, god works with him with his word. if all a pastor ever does is preach and never get any results, somthing is wrong somewhere. because god is not a lier, he will do what he said he will do, i saw my pastor go to see a woman in birmingham alabama at the hospital, the doctors said she would not make it but a few mor hours, the pastor and two deacons prayed for her and in two days she was out of the hospital, the doctors wanted to take a few teat, but the liver cancer was gone and she lived a few years after that, but we have got to believe god, jesus said , you shall receive power after that the holy ghost is come upon you, nothing can deny gods word ,the name of jesus is above every named that is named, no matter what it is, he has the power to do what soever we ask believing, i may be wrong but i know that some of you pastors out there can let me know if i am, but i believe when jesus was talking about the talents in matt.25: i think god gives us the name of jesus, the holy spirit , his word, the gifts of the spirit, he gives us ALL THINGS that is good and we just waste or hide them and not use what he has given us to show people god is who he said he is,  that jesus is alive and well. a lot of people are afraid that god will not do what he said, they think they will look bad, all i can say about that is, if i do what he told me to do , than its his job to see that its done, and have faith in jesus looking to him .

    9. Daniel on Thu, November 15, 2007

      “How difficult it is for the rich to enter the Kingdom of Heaven!”

    10. Deaubry on Thu, November 15, 2007

      but with god all things are possible, you can not trust in money no matter how much you have or how little.

    11. Deaubry on Thu, November 15, 2007

      and i do agree with ROB ,

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