Monday Morning Insights

Photo of Todd

    John MacArthur on Respect in the Pulpit

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    This is the most serious occasion anyone will attend in their life: the preaching of the Word of God. I don’t want to join with our culture in sinking into the casual. We have a generation that’s never been to anything formal. And if my dress goes down, the people at the bottom go down, and then we gym shorts!…

    Because all I’m trying to do is explain the meaning of the Word of God. And you want to use any avenue to do so short of affirming the culture. I don’t need to borrow or certainly not to accredit the culture by being overly familiar with it. Becoming all things to all men means looking into the situation and seeing where they are in their religious thinking, to find a starting point to move them into Scripture.”

    Amen, Dr. MacArthur.  I couldn’t have said it better.  When will some of you show your respect for your responsibility?  I’d love to hear from any of your who will commit this week to wear a tie as you preach.  Let’s show some respect, people.


    Dr. MacArthur writes: "Some people ask, why do I wear a tie? Because I have respect for this responsibility. I wear a suit because this is a more elevated experience for people. I’m trying to convey what people convey at a wedding: this is more serious than any normal activity.


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    1. MikeyA on Tue, July 08, 2008

      As a pastor, my responsibility is not to reach a certain generation or culture.  It is to preach the inspired truth of God’s Word.  I do what I have been called to do, and rely on the Holy Spirit to change hearts regardless of who may be in the church.

      Because of this, I do not preach or dress to please the people.  I preach and dress to please God.  God gave His best in the form of Jesus Christ.  It’s only reasonable I give my best in thanks in my preaching, preaching preparation, and dress.

      Several years ago I took a 10-day mission trip to the island of St. Lucia.  At the Sunday service the people were dressed in their best—suits, ties, dresses, etc.  It made us Americans look bad.  And I probably make more $$$ in one week than most of them make in a year.

      In EXODUS 19 the Israelites were given 3 days to prepare to meet with God.  They were told to consecrate themselves, wash their clothes, and abstain from sexual relations during this time.  Why do you suppose this was commanded by God?

      God gave His best in the form of Jesus Christ.  Remember this the next time you step into your pulpit.

    2. Tom on Tue, July 08, 2008

      MikeyA, I was really diggin what you were saying in your first paragraph.  Could you hear me saying Amen, preach it bro?

      Then you threw me when you made the traditional argument (and might I add, legalistic - no offense) of equating “best” with what you might wear. 

      No one has defined to me what is “best” when it comes to dress.  Who defines that?  Is it suit and tie?  Is it jeans and t shirt?  Is it clean clothes, as we all know cleanliness is next to Godlness.  Is it JC Penny or Elderbeermens? 

      Is there a bible passage that directs us as to what is “best” when it comes to dress. 

      Could one not make an argument that our so called “best” has kept those who don’t have the same standard of “best” from coming to church?

      Please, please teach me more perfectly the way.

    3. tactical rifle scopes on Thu, October 30, 2008

      Heavenly Lord administers the world as a sovereign universe. We surprised him because of his perfection, celebrate him and salute him because of his bespredelnoy power. From blind physical need, which is always and everywhere the same, could not be any diversity, and accordingly the place and time sotvorennyh variety of subjects, and that is operational and zhizzn universe could happen only in thought and will Creatures identity that I call God God.

      Isaac Newton

    4. MikeyA on Wed, November 05, 2008

      Tom ... I like your response to my blog.  Dress IS legalistic when it’s not designated in the Bible what that “dress” should be.  I stand corrected.

      But my issue with many (not all) of today’s preachers is that their true desire is to fill their churches with people to get “big.”  It’s all about the megachurch philosophy and competition.  And their casual dress is part of their “hook” because people (especially young people) may or will not show up if they wear a tie.

      A preacher can dress any way he wants if his motives are pure.  But I see “ego” in too many preachers.  That’s what angers me.

      If in my heart I believe the way I dress contributes to the growth of the church, then I’M growing the church and not the Holy Spirit.  I remove myself from those fleshly things and just preach the Word.  I leave the growing to God.

      But I still prefer to wear a tie.  That’s just me.

    5. Tom on Wed, November 05, 2008


      excellent post!  So true!  I’m certain you realize your principal is true for those who wear suits and ties to impress as well.  Tie or no tie, it should be a personal preference, not an indicator of seriousness, value, faith, giving our best to God or anything for that matter.  It should be a non issue.

      Amen about the ego thing!  Grrrrr…..

      Thanks for sharing your wisdom.

      p.s. if you wear that tie to our church service, we will cut it off!!   (hahahhahahaha, just kiddin)

    6. Dard on Sat, April 18, 2009

      Hi guys. Never esteem anything as of advantage to you that will make you break your word or lose your self-respect.

      I am from Guinea and know bad English, tell me right I wrote the following sentence: “Cheap airline tickets to any destination, international flights, business first class flights, cheap luxury vacation travel packages.”

      With respect :-D, Dard.

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