Monday Morning Insights

Photo of Todd

    Leadership Network Beginning Group Blog on Church Innovations

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    Here are just a couple of the recent posts:

    Is Multi-site Biblical?

    Interview with a Next Generation Pastor

    Webinar: The Future of Church and Mission

    Check out the blog at

    Leadership Network constantly learns a lot of things from innovative churches around the United States, Canada, and Europe. They already publish books, downloadable concept papers and podcasts that provide a neatly-packaged presentation of what churches are doing to make Kingdom impact. Now they're launching a new blog they're calling Leadership Network Learnings! At this team blog, they will share what Leadership Network is learning in a more immediate, personal and interactive way. LN's team of directors will chime in several times a week to share the latest things we're learning about the great things that God is doing through great churches! And I'm looking forward to being one of the contributors...


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