Monday Morning Insights

Photo of Todd

    OK… Senior Pastors… How Much Do You Make?

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    Here’s the rest of the article from the Christian Post...

    Here’s a link to purchase the study and compensation results...

    If you're a Senior Pastor at a church in the United States, you're probably making about $80,000 per year. That is the finding of the 2009 Compensation Handbook for Church Staff survey of nearly 5,000 churches and 11,000 employees.

    Here's the breakdown: If your church averages 100-300 people, the average pay is around $73k (including benefits). If your church has a weekly worship attendance of between 300-500, that number jumps to $88k. And the total compensation average for the senior pastor of a church $103k if attendance is 500+.

    I'm wondering... if you're reading this, how are you matching up? Are you within these findings? I'd like to hear...


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    1. Josh on Fri, January 15, 2010

      I completely understand the rage by �frustrated by this�. I am currently an MDiv student. Until about two weeks ago, I was planning on entering full-time paid ministry. I checked out all the �usual suspects�� 1 Tim 5:17, 1 Cor 9, etc. In no single instance do I find the early church supporting a single pastor in an ongoing basis.

      I do see that apostles had the right to be supported (1Cor 9). Because they were traveling in order to start churches, they could not settle down and keep a job. Even then, I�m not sure it was a permanent stipend. It seems more like food and shelter as they stopped in your town.

      If 1 Tim 5:17 means a salary, then you should have widows on your payroll (1 Tim 5:3). They would presumably make half the senior pastor�s salary. Also, each NT church has a plurality of elders, so you should never just have one pastor making the big bucks.

      I agree with �frustrated by this�, but instead of cursing the darkness, I wish to follow the example the NT and plant a church that returns to an Early Church financial practice.

    2. John robert on Sat, September 25, 2010

      This is really interesting statics making money in church…Some of church have lot of members.So they will get more from members right…
      medical billing

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