Monday Morning Insights

Photo of Todd

    One Pastor’s Open Letter to God

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    Why are some called to labor among the poor, the wretched, drug dealers and prostitutes while others serve in the comforts of suburbia, far from crime and gangs? Why do some suffer heart break, loss, anxiety attacks and bodily harm while others have luxury cars, million dollar houses and hefty bank accounts? Why do some endure ghastly pain, perilous nights and sullen days while others see victory after victory? I know that all people who truly serve you suffer in some way. There is joy in suffering when it is done in Your name. But some people seem to suffer a lot more than others. There is a disconnect going on here God that I am not quite understanding. Why do some preach in tailored suits behind oak pulpits while others cover themselves in rags before mounting a wooden crate beneath an oak tree? Who decides who gets to pastor the mega churches and who plants the church in the inner city surrounded by gang warfare? This is not a matter of jealousy God; this is a matter of life and death. I just want to know why some of your servants will toil for the rest of their lives in what seems like mundane futility while others will see substantial fruit yielded day after day. I know that all true rewards are eternal and perhaps this is the part of me talking that is all too human. I'll take whatever mission you give me not because I am a cold foot soldier merely taking orders but rather because I love you deeply. But please answer me this; why do some people get harder assignments than others? Amen.


    I like honesty… and I think God does too… Read this from "Wright off the Bat": God. I love you. You know that. But sometimes I have questions that seem to almost border on disrespect. May I ask one of them now? Why do you give some people harder assignments than others? Why do some people who serve you seem to get a "harder lot" in life? Why are there some ministers who live in shacks for houses and labor tirelessly for rewards that are eternal while their stomachs are starved for food?


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    1. Rev Rob on Mon, August 08, 2005

      Honestly ~~ I usually don’t read these.  I have a hard enough time keeping a good attitude about my role in ministry without reading about how a church is building a new multi-million dollard building.  Or how a church has recently crossed the 5,000 mark.  Or how God dramatically answered the prayer of a pastor while mine go unheaded.  I was surprised to come across this post.  I have asked those questions ~~ and many others like them ~~ to God many times.  Many of the comments on this thread have really resonated with me ~~ and I appreciate your honesty.  Ministry is hard.  People can be kind or they can be cruel.  Churches can give life to the pastor or they can drain life from the pastor.  Why does God allow it?  The only answer I have come up with is that God is God and I am not.

    2. Ray Silvers on Mon, August 08, 2005

      As a new Music Director in my first full time position, I sometimes wonder if this move was a good idea but I have to remind me the God wanted me here or I would not have been called.  I also remind myself that Jesus was tortured on the cross and was crucified by the common man in his day and that things have not changed today.  I never figured that working for God was going to be an easy job.  It sure is rewarding in a lot more than financial ways though.

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