Monday Morning Insights

Photo of Todd

    PR Firm:  Saddleback baptizes 800; 2400 potential new members…

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    Great job, Saddleback.  What a great story.  But…

    The only thing that kinda of set me back was the phrase ‘according to a statement released by the Lake Forest, Calif., church’s public relations firm’.  I always hate it when press releases are released like this.  Wouldn’t it be much better to have the results of this great day somehow spread through staff or members rather than a PR firm?  Maybe a blog post from Rick Warren or Tom Holladay thanking God for what He has done rather than a cold press release?

    I have no problem with churches outsourcing some public relations functions, especially when you’re a church like Saddleback with a Pastor like Rick Warren.  It’s a different ballgame when you’re dealing with ABCNews, USA Today, and the Huffington Post to be sure.

    But let’s face it… non-christians could really care less about 800 baptisms and 2400 new members.  So why the official press release, I wonder? Who was this press releases’ primary audience?  Probably church leaders.  Let’s face it… we’re the only ones interested in this kind of thing, aren’t we?

    (I will admit, it did work using a PR firm.  I saw this story in no fewer than four news outlets this morning!)

    Just sayin… this could be a public relations fail.

    Good question.  How do we tell the story of what God is doing in our churches without sounding self serving? And does your church ever use the services of a public relations firm?  What should their role be?

    According to Baptist Press, "Saddleback Church baptized 800 people in a marathon three and a half hour ceremony March 28, after nearly 2,400 people attended a four-hour class for people interested in becoming members of the church. Several hundred people made first-time professions of faith during the "C.L.A.S.S. 101" session, according to a statement released by the Lake Forest, Calif., church's public relations firm. Senior pastor Rick Warren said the new members' class -- the largest in the congregation's 30-year history -- could be related to the economic and social turmoil people are experiencing these days."


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    1. Allen White on Thu, April 02, 2009

      It’s Tom Holladay. Just FYI. Maybe you can get your PR people on that <sarcasm intended>.

    2. Peter Hamm on Thu, April 02, 2009

      When your organization is that huge, I can understand thinking that retaining a PR firm might be wise, but to me… Just post it on your blog and rejoice in what God is doing.

      I agree, Todd. Not the best way. And if you want to talk more about this, contact my publicist…

    3. Todd Rhoades on Thu, April 02, 2009

      My apologies to Tom.  I’ve corrected his last name. 

      You’re right.  A good PR firm would’ve caught that typo.


    4. Leonard on Thu, April 02, 2009

      I don’t know, the churches PR firm does not bother me.  We have read hundreds and I am sure there are more assaults on the ministry of this church and its pastors.  By releasing it this way they can insulate their staff from direct attack and make sure the information released is accurate. 

      By the way, let’s not lose sight   800 people.   WOW! and Praise to God.

    5. chad mccallum on Thu, April 02, 2009

      ok…i am going to sound like a critic here, but 2,400 people for Saddleback = around 10% of their weekly attendance…800 people = less than 5% of their weekly attendance…my point?

      if the average church in america has 76 people then should that church issue a press release for 8 of their number going through a membership class and four of their number getting baptized.

      i celebrate with saddleback, but am not caught in the vortex of smelling a ‘revival’ on the horizon - maybe that is cynical, but i still think God has more for us.

      for what it’s worth…

    6. Leonard on Thu, April 02, 2009

      Yes Chad, that is a bit cynical.  I am sure the angels of heaven canceled their party saying it is only 5%.

      considering that half the churches in this country have no decisions for Christ in a year and that the average church in this country averages less than 2 year.  This is still pretty amazing.

    7. chad mccallum on Thu, April 02, 2009

      my point is not at all to be cynical - it is to simply say that what Saddleback has seen is great, but the scale of that number should not in any way discourage or diminish the spirit of a pastor in a smaller setting…that’s what i meant to say…cjm

    8. CS on Thu, April 02, 2009

      Warren also came out with a recent release detailing how , for the 30th anniversary of Saddleback, he will be leading the, “Class 101,” teaching people directly, being really hands-on and personally baptizing all the newly-professing Christians with a personal photograph of the moment (kind of proud and pompous, if you ask me).  I sense that the two are related.


    9. Katrina on Thu, April 02, 2009

      What would really be interesting to know is what is taught in this “class” and how many of these new converts are still in church 1 year from now.  RW’s comment about the current “....economic and social turmoil people are experiencing these days” leads me to believe that these are simply people giving Jesus “a try” to see if He will fix their problems.  The soft sell approach of teaching that Jesus is the “answer to all your problems” brings huge numbers into the pews but does little to covert the soul. I agree that the press release is a little pompous and I believe goes against Biblical teaching to not “publicize” things we do in Christ’s name for His kingdom. Although RW writes that “it’s not about you!”, he sure seems to make it about him.

    10. Allen White on Thu, April 02, 2009

      Chad, dude, come on. When your numbers are approaching Book of Acts sorts of numbers, I think that’s something to shout about!

      But, then again, Acts 2 records 2500% growth (120 up to 3000)…

      At any rate, that’s big Kingdom stuff, and shows how the current climate in our country is creating spiritual openness. I hope that every church in the country posts a 10% increase in members or 2400 people, whichever is greater this year!

    11. Dave Z on Thu, April 02, 2009


      Yeah, this whole idea of “taste and see that the Lord is good” is a terrible philosophy of ministry.  What was King David thinking when he wrote that?  And Peter had the nerve to quote him!  Oh, the church is in dire straits!


    12. Peter Hamm on Thu, April 02, 2009

      Dave Z, although I agree with you, I want to defend Katrina for a moment… at least a little…

      yes, people will certainly come to Christ (seemingly at least) in tough times. Some of these people will fall away during good times, and yes, for some, I guess it’s possible that the conversion was never valid (a whole other discussion).

      First, let’s not forbid these people to come forward, hoping that as many as possible stick with it and are truly regenerate.

      Second, this is a reflection on the person’s heart, and not a reflection on the church or minister involved imho. To judge a church on how much of what they teach actually sinks in or how well the people follow is flawed. If a church is very “holy” in this regard, perhaps it is because they make those who are “unholy” so uncomfortable that they won’t stay around…

      CS, what’s wrong with a photo of your baptism. Sounds like a great idea to me!

    13. CS on Thu, April 02, 2009


      “CS, what’s wrong with a photo of your baptism. Sounds like a great idea to me!”

      Absolutely nothing.  I have photos and even video of my baptism.  But, there’s a difference between, “I recorded this special occasion because of the proclamation I made of my faith in Christ,” and the way Saddleback and Warren were advertising it, which came off more like, “Have your photo taken with a celebrity!”  The focus of their whole announcement sounded more like the focus was on Warren than it was on Jesus Christ.


    14. Peter Hamm on Thu, April 02, 2009

      CS writes [The focus of their whole announcement sounded more like the focus was on Warren than it was on Jesus Christ.]

      I think you’re inferring that, to be honest.



    15. CS on Thu, April 02, 2009


      Here it is, from Saddleback’s own website.  You tell me who you hear about more—coming to Christ for eternal life and His glory, or Warren’s name and works:

      [As written by Warren himself]


      1.  I’m personally teaching Class 101 for the first time in ten years.

      2.  I’m personally baptizing after Class and you’ll receive a photo & baptism certificate.

      3. You’ll get a free one year subscription to Purpose Driven Connection magazine.  (Never offered before)

      4. You’ll get free copy of The Purpose Driven Church book.

      5. Your name will be included in the historical list of Saddleback Pioneer Members who joined in our first 30 years.  (This Easter is our 30th Easter and I want you included in this list.)

      6. The class is 1 hour shorter than normal. You can watch session 3 here online now.

      7. You’ll be a part of making Christian history!  The largest membership class ever!

      8. We love you & want you in our family. There is no good reason to procrastinate.


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