Monday Morning Insights

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    Rethinking Missions Trips:  “It Became Too Costly To Justify the Expense of Flying Kids O

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    Here is an interesting article from the Washington Post about churches that are re-thinking missions trips. This is the first I have heard of things like this: a church in Mexico being painted six times in one summer by six different church groups, or a church in Ecuador that was built and never used because the community said it wasn't needed... Does this really happen? And, if so, why?

    Then there was this quote in the article by one senior pastor: "It became too hard to justify the expense of flying the kids overseas. "If you're going to paint a church, you can do that in Florida as easily as you can in Mexico." True dat. And I have nothing against domestic missions trips. But I thought that the purpose of an international trip was the whole experience of a different culture; helping people who are less fortunate, and sharing your faith. Sure, you can do that in Florida, but it seems like you'll miss an important things you'd experience on an international trip.

    All that said... when my two oldest boys travel to Honduras later this month, I'm hoping they won't be 'repainting' a church!


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    1. AnnieLaurie Walters on Mon, July 07, 2008

      Hi Todd-  I am the Communications Director of McLean Bible and we were interviewed for this story.  Its a shame that the reporter only reported one side of the story and failed to talk about the churches who have long term partnerships in foreign regions and send short term teams to the same places each year.  Our church has a partnership with the Great Lakes region of Africa through World Relief.  When we were interviewed for this story we talked at length about the partnership.  Its unfortunate this story came out one-sided.

    2. Todd Rhoades on Mon, July 07, 2008

      Thanks so much for your input, AnnieLaurie.  That was my opinion of the article as well—one sided! 

      I know that there are some abuses, probably.  But this article took the downside on most every aspect.

      Thanks again!


    3. RevJeff on Mon, July 07, 2008

      I think it does point to an important need for churches to have a well thought out philosophy of short-term missions that guides their trip decisions.  I get mail in my inbox weekly from organizations promising easy and life changing trips for students through adults…

      We have taken a stand that we will only minister “short term” where we know our efforts are assisting an already existing and credible ministry that can/will follow up after we leave.

      We also are careful to understand what the missionaries NEED rather than bringing our “canned, and pre-prepared programs from rural/suburban/middle class/white America” into their context.

    4. Leonard Lee on Mon, July 07, 2008

      I am leading a team to India in September and we will only go where we have a standing relationship and can work to support the efforts of those already in ministry.  We have built a Mobile Medical Clinic in Kashmir, built a stationary Clinic, built sewing centers for abused Muslim Women, and work to do Pastor and leadership conferences along with a womens conference this fall. 

      I think we have to be committed to a stronger support role than a stronger doing role.

    5. Wyeth Duncan on Mon, July 07, 2008

      One question that has always crossed my mind when I think of short-term mission trips to “experience…a different culture; helping people who are less fortunate, and sharing your faith”: Why don’t these groups go to one of the inner cities of any big city in the US?

      For the average, predominately white, evangelical church, the inner city qualifies as “a different culture”, its residents as “less fortunate”, and there is obviously a great need for “sharing your faith” with the people who live in these spiritually, educationally and economically disadvantaged areas.

      A related thought: As African Americans, active in a predominantly white evangelical church, I already consider my family and I to be engaged in “cross-cultural” ministry.

    6. HJ on Mon, July 07, 2008

      My 2 cents…I am no missiologist.  And, I agree that the article is sadly one-sided, and deserves a thorough critical review and more balance. 

      Nevertheless, deeper thoughtfulness and self-critique regarding Christian missions trips is also appropriate.  I would like to hear from a professional missiologist on this article.  Correct me if I am wrong, but from what I understand, so much of what we as Americans do is not sustainable, and often is not reflective of the kind of mutual partnership that builds projects through primary ownership by the people who are most affected by what we are doing.  And sometimes, it may not even reflect Christian love and Biblical wisdom.  Based on experience, many people understand that Americans have a difficult time serving other nationals, by and large. We often want to come in with our ‘can do’ spirit and our ideas and our culture and spend multi-K+ on the trip expenses.  According to the President of Gospel for Asia TK Yohannon, the ‘modern revolution’ in missions and international development is that the day of American control over missions is passing…Other countries’ nationals are often doing a better job of advancing the Gospel in ways that are winsome, cost effective, and compelling.  The largest churches in the world are outside the US, and those churches are reaching their own peoples and others’ as well.  I have read somewhere that South Korean missionaries, for example, are doing alot of the heavy lifting of Christian missions in the most politically tough places.  And miracles of community transformation often take place in developing countries without American involvement since we may not often show the faith patterns to pray to the point of breakthrough.  This is not to denegrate the historical positives of American missions and compassion as such, but to simply understand that the ‘American’ label on missions is perhaps passing, especially when it is related to behaviors which can imply superiority, dominance, arrogance, or American exceptionalism, especially in the Middle East.  We have alot to be thankful and proud of, as well as some things we can bring before God as a matter of repentance.

      Just my 2 cents…

    7. Peter Hamm on Mon, July 07, 2008

      The first response nailed it. We (through a missions organization led by some great “lay-people” in our church) actively participate in long-term partnership missions (right now in a very poor area of Jamaica and in the Dominican Republic), where we go back and build out from a central base, always actually accomplishing something and making progress (building hurricane-proof housing and now helping them build some businesses where they can become more self-sustaining). It’s not about a life-changing experience for those who go, although that’s a great win, too. It’s about changing the circumstances and lives, and often the eternal destinies, of those we go TO.

    8. Ken Sowers on Mon, July 07, 2008

      Last week we had a guest pastor from India in our home. His ministry has 100+ church planters/pastors and two orphanages with over 100 children. Our small sized church was the first to offer them prayer and financial support. We now provide full financial expenses for 16 children and 6 pastors (about $25 each month) When asked if he wanted us to build an orphanage or church, we counted the cost and he replied “We had better take care of the pastors, Brother.” The buildings would be a luxury they can’t afford. I am questioning whether it is good stewardship for me to join them this January for a series of crusades. They are going well without me and I am sold on the value of international service to Missions.

      There are positive effects of a mission trip that focuses on service and ministry rather than experience and vacation. I went to Africa in 1989, came home and planted a church that supports missions. So it can’t all be wasteful.

    9. Chris Elrod on Mon, July 07, 2008

      Well…if you paint a church in Miami. Florida…it will be almost like painting one in Mexico…or Cuba…or Puerto Rico.

    10. Randy Ehle on Mon, July 07, 2008

      First off, Todd, thank you for posting this.  It is one of the first posts about global engagement that I have noticed at MMI in the past few years.  I appreciate the comments made so far, too.  As one whose passion is to see American churches more globally engaged, I’m encouraged that this topic has (finally?!?) made it to MMI.

      Yes, the blunders referred to in this article really do happen…and they are avoidable.  I think it begins with rethinking what our global role is as Americans, and as HJ pointed out, that role is changing rapidly.  In October I’m going to Liberia with a team from our church.  In conjunction with that, I’m putting together an individualized study course to get some credit toward my MDiv; the focus of the course is “implementing an effective short-term mission strategy in a local church within the context of a broader mission strategy”.  I’m reviewing some potential texts, and one of the best from an academic/missiology standpoint seems to be Maximum Impact Short-Term Mission, by Roger Peterson, Gordon Aeschliman, and Wayne Sneed.  At the very least, I highly recommend looking at the “MISTM Grid”.  I also recommend as a resource.

      I don’t like to plug my own blog here (especially since it hasn’t been updated in a while), but I’d love to hear more about what some of your churches are doing.

    11. Jay Crouch on Mon, July 07, 2008

      I really struggled with the issue of mission, especially international, and have truly found a great mission opportunity that introduces students to basically another culture, takes them deeper in faith by bigger-than-life challenges, and is all within the US. Check out for an awesome mission/service project. Students serve 23 hours/day and are transformed like no other mission I’ve ever experienced. Two years ago we were assigned painting a house…one with aluminum siding…that doesn’t quite work. Well, it does until the first rain. This year we invested into lives of disabled kids and they invested our lives. We are forever changed by being taken completely out of our element and into a deper relationship with Christ and others proved to be a fantastic journey for every participant.

    12. Randy Ehle on Mon, July 07, 2008

      Oops - forgot to include my blog address:  Of course, you smart people could probably figure out to just click on my name!

    13. CATALYST: Jesse Phillips on Mon, July 07, 2008

      I used to run in a crowd of mostly poor Jesus freaks that would go on missions often, and it costs like $3,000 just to fly there.

      I began to question the Return On Investment or Stewardship value of these trips.

      Currently, to me, it seems like short term trips are more for the missionary than for the people they’re visiting.

      I feel it’s better stewardship to invest in indigenous missionaries - they know the language, they have trust, they’re already living there very inexpensively.

      Should I fly there myself for $3,000 or support a pastor there for a whole year?

    14. Steve Hutto on Mon, July 07, 2008

      I know everyone has their own experiences with short-term missions.  I have my own.  I went to India for the first time back in 1997.  I went as a pastor to pretty much inspect the work which our church had been investing in for several years.  It changed my life!  I literally have not been the same since!  My appreciation for the nation I live in (U.S.) has been off the scale since.  Since 1997 I have been to India 8 times.  In addition my vision for the world has been enlarged exponentially.  Besides India, I have traveled to Honduras and Guatemala numerous times.  But the key for me has been to trust God to connect me with the people of His choice.  We are working with local pastors and churches in India and Central America.  I don’t go to do crusades arranged by myself.  I simply go to serve them in whatever capacity I can.  It is a lot less expensive this way.  I have spent time in the homes of some of the most wonderful people of other cultures!  Instead of a haughty attitude it causes one to have a very thankful heart.  For me, one (and its a major one) of the greatest effects short-term missions will have on a person is that they learn to appreciate the nation God has blessed us with. 

      Read “The Light and the Glory” by Peter Marshall and David Manuel.  You’ll discover that many of the people who came from Europe to settle America felt they were called by God to spread the light of the Gospel.  This book truly reports the facts about our founding fathers.  America has always had the vision for missions because it is ingrained in our foundation.

    15. Randy Ehle on Mon, July 07, 2008

      Jesse, your response is a fairly common one.  It is definitely important to count the financial cost, but that should never be the only factor.  (I think of Jesus’ response to Judas when Mary(?) used a jar of expensive perfume to anoint Jesus.)  If a “mission” trip is primarily about building houses or painting - or repainting! - a church, then it probably does make sense to support a local pastor or send the money to pay for local workers.  But Steve Hutto’s post is a great example of why we can’t just count dollars.  If the life of faith is truly about being “transformed by the renewing of your mind” and being conformed to the image of Christ, then we need Americans to go serve our brothers and sisters in the Majority World…to learn from them, to encourage and be encouraged by them, to gain something of their passion and faith…and so be transformed.  We need them to then come home and empassion the rest of us to the type of faith they have seen.

      We in the west have been blessed with tremendous financial resources that will never be redistributed the way some of us would like.  But they have been blessed with a faith and contentment and joy that most of us may never experience short of spending $3000 to go spend a week among them.  A short-term mission trip can be one of the most life-changing experiences a western believer can have, and it has the potential to impact lives far into the future.

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