Monday Morning Insights

Photo of Todd

    Say What?:  Which Statement is More Outlandish?

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    A little more background… you can read all of the first statement, in context, hereHere’s the second one...

    Your thoughts?

    OK... a little game today... I will provide you with two quotes I found this week on the internet. You vote (in the comments section) and tell me which statement is more outlandish. (OK... some may think these make total sense, I'll listen to you too). Here are your choices:

    "Why would a minister or a member want to grow their church? The reason usually sounds something like, “because we want to share the Good News of Jesus with as many people as we can” and at first blush that sounds good and noble, but it’s regurgitated tripe. Most people hear that explanation and think “Hey, that’s a very Christ-like attitude.” But it’s not. And what’s more troubling is that at best this attitude is a front, a farce, a play-show, and at worst it’s an excuse to be either an egotist or greedy."


    Willow Creek "didn’t make disciples - they made dunces. Very simply they made secular people even more secular. Rather than leading people to worship Christ they led them deeper into worshipping themselves. This should be no surprise: if you gear a church towards the consumer preferences of a fallen culture you will produce a fallen church. Why would anyone think that catering to man’s fundamental sin problem would do otherwise? Liberals say there is no sin, and church growth says sin is no big deal. The very heart of the gospel tells us otherwise: sin is real and its the main problem we must address. Any church that fails to address this will fail too."

    OK... what do YOU think of these two statements?


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    1. Pezz on Tue, June 10, 2008

      Bill Hybels is perhaps the most genuinely sincere person I have ever met.   It comes through in his preaching, and especially when he shares the gospel. The notion that Hybels doesn’t talk about sin AND a fallen and sinful culture is nonsense.  Whoever thinks that, just hasn’t heard him enough.  And I have to say, I hate this kind of conversation….

      For the life of me I can understand why so many hate on Rick Warren, and why the are trying to throw Hybels under the buss.  Ed Young Jr., Andy Stanley,  while we may not do it exactly like them.  They have raised the level of ministry.  We either get serious about excellence or we get left in the dust…  We owe them much because they continually challenge us to use our creative gifts to win as many people to Christ as God brings our way.   Are we here for some other reason?  The clock is ticking on all of us and I’m sure Hybels will not be boasting in heaven about how many he brought in, but will be weeping about how many he didn’t.  He has a passion for the lost that is rarely seen in any church today.

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