Monday Morning Insights

Photo of Todd

    The Giving Kiosk

    So… what do you think?

    We did a post on this a while back, but some churches are starting to use on-site 'giving kiosks'. I also have heard people say that the only check they write any more is to the local church. I've seen these units and they are very visually appealing; and they seem to be working according to this report. Would your church ever consider using a giving kiosk? Watch this report, and then give your input.


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    1. Noel on Tue, August 07, 2007

      Well, Todd, looks like you have hit the big time.  Time Magazine quoted you this article.

    2. DanielR (a different Daniel) on Tue, August 07, 2007

      Ricky, based solely on your comments here, I would have to support any decision not to place you in charge of ministry at a church.

      I also would not see going to the Pastor of a church I belonged to and asking to be in charge of a certain ministry.  Volunteering, certainly, but asking to be allowed to “oversee” a ministry?  I’m not sure how that would be received.

      I pity you your bleak outlook on the church and I will pray for you.

    3. Erik Hansen on Fri, August 10, 2007

      There is another company on the market that is offering a kiosk with giving features, but they have things like calendars, bulletins, registrations, maps, their website, etc.. that churches can put on the kiosks.  I think something like this would be easier for a congregation to accept than a strictly giving kiosk.

      Their website is .  I compared their rates to Securegive, and they are about the same on the start-up and monthly costs, but their processing rates look a little bit lower.

      As a church member I would not have a problem with a church installing a kiosk in my church.  I use my debit and credit cards for all of my purchases.  I have written less than 3 checks in the past three months, and I know I would use something like this.

    4. Rodney Ayres on Tue, August 28, 2007

      There is another giving kiosk company out there called ChurchLink.  They not only have giving but they have things like calendars and bulletin updates.  Check them out at

    5. Critter on Fri, January 25, 2008

      I have heard about church link and called them to get some information on pricing. One thing I thought was odd is that they haven’t sold any kiosk to any churches yet.  I called SecureGive and they have put around 100 of these out in the market. I wonder how many of these churches are benefiting from this type of service?

    6. Travis Gates on Fri, November 14, 2008

      Hey friends,

      We at Church Media Group also created a line of giving kiosks as well as an online giving application, and a mobile phone giving solution. Please check this out and let me know what you think!


      Travis Gates

    7. Ross McVeigh on Tue, March 31, 2009

      This is something we have investigated.  Our church is more of a traditional church, and we are close to moving forward with SecureGive.  They have the most experience and best prices available.

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    9. elwyodmr on Mon, September 07, 2009

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    10. orthopraxia on Wed, September 09, 2009

      There is a great deal of difference between an eager man who wants to read a book and the tired man who wants a book to read.

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