Monday Morning Insights

Photo of Todd

    To iPad or Not to iPad.  Is there such a thing as iDolatry?

    To iPad or Not to iPad.  Is there such a thing as iDolatry?

    Here's an interesting article over at the Resurgence.  Many of us are asking 'should I or should I not get an iPad".  Dustin Neeley asks some pretty serious questions.  I guess I'll be asking these questions post-mortem, as my iPad is supposed to arrive on Saturday.

    Here are the questions Dustin thinks we should ask:

    1.  Is it a tool or a toy?

    While this may seem like a simple question, getting an accurate answer might be harder than we think. Our remaining sin is strong, our hearts are deceitful above all things (Jer. 17:9), and our justifications are often powerful and compelling.

    2.  What's the posture of my heart toward this device?

    This may be the most important but often overlooked part of the process. I try to expose any of my idolatry regarding what it ultimately just a melding of metal and microchips that my heart has become inclined toward.

    3.  Is this a wise financial move?

    Recognizing that everything we have is ultimately God's and we will someday give an account for how we have managed His money, I simply crunch the numbers.

    As I thought about Dustin's questions, I thought to myself:  I could ask these questions about virtually any purchase, not just an iPad.  But then again, I'm probably just justifying the fact that I didn't ask these questions before buying.

    You're looking at an early adopter.  If something has 'new' written on it, I want to buy it.  Is this iDolatry?  I hope not... but it is something I need to guard my heart against.

    Ask me next week at this time, and I'll tell you whether or not I had to confess sin on this purchase. 


    You can read all of Darren's thoughts here.

    What do you think?  Did you order an iPad?  Do you think I should repent, or revel in my ultimate coolness on Saturday?




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