Monday Morning Insights

Photo of Todd

    Today’s Buzz:  Fred Thompson on Going to Church; and more…

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    Fred Thompson Says He’s Right With God, He Just Doesn’t Go to Church
    Fred Thompson says he attends church when he visits his mother in Tennessee but does not belong to a church or attend regularly at his home in McLean, Va., just outside Washington. The actor and former senator, who was baptized in the Church of Christ, said he gained his values from “sitting around the kitchen table” and said he did not plan to speak about his religious beliefs on the stump. “I know that I’m right with God and the people I love,” he said, according to Bloomberg News Service. It’s “just the way I am not to talk about some of these things.” More here...

    What is the Most Innovative Church You Know Of?
    Tony Morgan has invited me to his panel to nominate the top 25 innovative churches.  This evening, I’m going to take a good hunk of time and compile my list.  Could you help me?  What is the most innovative church you know of (and why?) It might be someone I’ve never heard of (a best kept secret!).  Actually, this type of church would be very interesting to me… who’s on your list that I shouldn’t overlook this evening?  Email me at .  Just add the “innovative church” subject line to your email.  Thanks!

    Bishop Weeks:  I Walked Away The Night
    It keeps getting uglier.  Despite the supposed pictures posted of his estranged wife with bruises, Bishop Thomas Weeks says he ‘walked away’ that night.  At a press conference last week, Weeks said “I want to be clear in saying I do not condone in any way, shape or form violence of any kind towards women.  My role has always been to operate as a protector and not as an aggressor. I have walked away from many situations between the two of us, just like I walked away that night.” Source

    Jefferson, GA Prohibits Churches on the Town Square
    Churches have been banned from opening in the eight-block area surrounding Jefferson’s central square. The amendment to Jefferson’s zoning law will prohibit churches, temples and synagogues from operating in the city’s so-called Central Business District. The area has on-street parking and historic commercial buildings and storefronts. Some council members asked for the change, saying they were worried that a church on the square would prevent new restaurants from opening in downtown, especially if the establishment wants to serve alcohol.  City Manager John Ward said churches also don’t fit into the Central Business District because their members take up too much parking space, keeping customers from visiting other shops and restaurants.  (Yeah, like there’s that much trouble finding a parking space in Jefferson, GA on a Sunday morning).  Source.

    The United Methodist Church is Growing in the former Soviet Union
    Here’s the report...

    That’s about it for today… have a great one!


    Today, we'll talk about presidential candidate Fred Thompson's relationship with God (and how that corresponds to his church attendance). We'll also talk about innovative churches; a town that has banned churches in the town square; how the United Methodist Church is growing in the former Soviet Union; and we'll hear what Bishop Weeks is saying about that night in the hotel parking lot...


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    1. Peter Hamm on Mon, September 17, 2007

      I kinda like that Fred is not pulling out the religion card. I suspect it will likely hurt him, though, as so many evangelicals tend to vote republican and we seem to want a candidate that wears his faith on his sleeve.

    2. pmpope68 on Mon, September 17, 2007

      Pete, I agree with you.  There’s really two issues here:  one is that Thompson is not being overt about his religious convictions which I’m okay with.  The other issue is the whole “I’m okay with God” comment, which I think will turn some voters off. 

      As for Bynum and Weeks, this case keeps getting stranger and stranger.  Juanita Bynum’s character has always rubbed me wrong, even before she got married.  I really don’t know who do believe and don’t feel convinced that I know what really happened.  There is definitely some dysfunction in the relationship.

    3. Josh R on Mon, September 17, 2007

      I am kinda turned off by lukewarm Christianity.  The only candidate on either side that I have any interest in is Mike Huckabee.

    4. Heather McShann on Mon, September 17, 2007

      Just for clarity, Weeks “I walked away that night” comment refers to news and police reports that Weeks and Bynum were meeting in a hotel restaurant when the discussion became heated, at which point he got up and left the premises.  She apparently then followed him into the parking lot as he intended to leave, where there was further exchange and the attack then occurred.  I don’t think he is meaning to imply that there was no attack, but that he tried to avert a fight by leaving.

    5. Connie on Mon, September 17, 2007

      Thanks, Heather, for that clarification. I had not previously understood his explanation.

    6. SKD on Tue, September 18, 2007

      Mike Huckabee is a sharp guy.  Check out his utube postings.

    7. ministerkareem on Thu, September 20, 2007

      I believe Bishop Weeks reacted in self defense. I do believe he loves his wife, if he didn’t he would not have showed up to reconcile their relationship. I believe Juanita just like Paula and many other women has forgotten their place in the home and their place in marraige. I believe they had let fame and fortune dictate their futures.

      There is two sides to every story,

      I don’t advocate domestic violence period…(man vs. women or women vs. man)

      having been a victim myself I understand the position of Bishop Weeks. Because the women know you won’t hit them, sometimes they take advantage of your kindness. They would hit on you and all kinds of things just to get you to come out of your character. “The spirit of diviation and seperation…”

      Through much prayer and the work of the Holy Spirit things changed for the good. As a man who was a victim of domestic violence, I encourage Bishop Weeks to hold on prayer changes things…

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