Top Ten Christian Books of 2010 - Which impacted you?
- Posted on January 10, 2011
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This morning on this blog, Michael Hyatt had a list of the top-selling Christian books from last year. I'm wondering... how many of these did you read, and what did you think of them?
Here are the top ten from last year:
10. 90 minutes in Heaven by Don Piper
9. Forgotten God by Francis Chan
8. So Long Insecurity by Beth Moore
7. Same Kind of Different as Me - Ron Hall and Denver Moore
6. The Love Dave by Stephen Kendrick and Alex Kendrick
5. The Total Money Makeover by Dave Ramsey
4. The Five Love Languages by Gary Chapman
3. Crazy Love by Francis Chan
2. The Shack by William P. Young
1. Jesus Calling by Sarah Young
I consider myself a pretty good reader, but I've only read one of the books above. How about you?
Which books have you read?
Which book affected YOU the most in 2010? What would you recommend that every pastor read?
And did you read any book in 2010 that you thought was really a DUD?
You can see the whole list over at Michael's blog...
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Spica on Mon, January 10, 2011
I’ve only read one of these books. But as for 2010, I’d say the most impacting book was my Bible ! Runner-up was “The Pilgrim’s progress”...
Kim Aliczi on Mon, January 10, 2011
I read The Five Love Languages YEARS ago, like 15 or more. I found it very helpful in my marriage, and also with my kids.
I started reading “The Shack” back when it was all the latest craze. Didn’t finish it. It was OK, not a bad book, and I can see why so many people were into it, but it just wasn’t my thing. It’s still on my bookshelf. I’ll probably go back to it with fresh eyes this year.
I haven’t read anything else on the list, and I consider myself to be a pretty avid reader as well.
bishopdave on Mon, January 10, 2011
Forgotten God was good, nothing ground breaking but solid. The Shack has its ups and downs. Total Money Makeover—not entertaining but helpful.
CS on Mon, January 10, 2011
“The Love Dave,” challenged me to love Dave a whole lot more. It was definitely insightful. (Sorry, couldn’t resist the typo joke there.)
In all seriousness, why is, “The Shack,” up there at all? With all of the heresies present in it such as patripassionalism and representing parts of the Godhead as women, it should not be listed amongst Christian books at all.
Myron Williams on Mon, January 10, 2011
I only read one of these - “Same Kind of Different As Me.”
“When Helping Hurts” had a greater impact on me as it provides the biblical principles for a “hand up” seen in Same Kind.
Volf’s “The End of Memory” was another book which really impacted me as well, both professionally and personally.
Peter Hamm on Mon, January 10, 2011
I thought that the “dangers” of “The Shack” were over-rated by far, as if the author were somehow trying to write theology instead of a fable, and thought it was a good fable, but impact? Not really. And it’s pretty old now, I read it like two years ago.
Two books I read in the past year are not on that list and probably should be. Tim Keller’s excellent “The Prodigal God” and “Counterfeit Gods”. I love Francis Chan’s books on there, but neither really has made the “impact” that his speaking has, and “Crazy Love” was by far the better of the two.
Another recommendation for a book not on that list, that helped me a LOT this year. John Dickson’s “The Best Kept Secret of Christian Mission.”
Priscilla Hirst on Mon, January 10, 2011
This is quite a comprehensive 2010 booklist you might want to check out!
Ken on Mon, January 10, 2011
Books that have changed my life this past year:
1. The Misunderstood God-Darin Hufford
2. So, You Don’t Want To Go To Church Anymore-Jake Colsen
3. The Naked Gospel-Andrew Farley
D G on Mon, January 10, 2011
Forgotten God, ax-i-om by Bill Hybels, and What Good is God by Yancey, all excellent reads…
Mark Simpson on Mon, January 10, 2011
The book that impacted me most this past year was “Wild Goose Chase” by Mark Batterson. What a writer, what a practical message. And of course I keep my nose in the Bible; when helped by the wonderful guidance of the Holy Spirit, still our safest place.
Bunnyb1802 on Mon, January 10, 2011
Didn’t read any of these books although Francis Chans’ were highly recommended so on my to-do list. Book that impacted me the most was Incomparable by Andrew Wilson about exploring the character & names of God. Fantastic book. So good, I bought copies for others!
Helen on Mon, January 10, 2011
I find it interesting that some books have been around for a number of years and still made “the list”. I did read The Shack. Thought provoking, however, in the hands of a non-believer, way too much non-biblical information presented as Truth. It felt “new agey” to me. I will keep my nose, heart and mind in my Bible!
Vicki on Mon, January 10, 2011
Started “90 Minutes in Heaven” - couldn’t finish it.
Every woman (and not a few men) should read “So Long Insecurity”
I read “Crazy Love” twice and used it in a small group study.
Read “The Shack” two years ago. Mixed feelings. I don’t recommend it.
Read “5 Love Languages” several years ago and refer to it often.
I’ve heard good things about the others.
The book that rocked my thinking recently is “Radical” by Dr. David Platt.
susan on Mon, January 10, 2011
i’ve read (or in the case of the love dare started) 9 of the 10 books. Jesus Calling has been the most powerful addition of these to my walk. inspired by the decades old devo God Calling i actually prefer it.
it is scripturally solid and a great daily reminder of how our Jesus loves us so. between me and my closest friends we have probably distributed easily 50 copies to people we care about.
i can not speak highly enough of it and the Truth it beautifully points to. Thank you God and Sarah Young.
Edward White on Mon, January 10, 2011
The Forgotten God by Francis Chan is a superb book. I have a whole new appreciation of the Holy Spirit.
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