Monday Morning Insights

Photo of Todd

    What is Your Church’s Goal When Preaching on Sunday Morning?

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    1. Teaching the Bible to People. Andy says that the idea here is to “teach the content of the Bible so that interested parties can understand and navigate their way through scriptures.” This is usually the goal of many preachers who teach verse by verse through all the books of the Bible. According to Andy, “This is the perfect approach for the communicator whose goal is to simply explain what the Bible means. Wherever we left off last week, we will pick up again next week. This approach requires no creativity. This approach need not include any explanation. This approach assumes a great deal of interest by the audience. And honestly, this approach is easy compared to other methods of communication.”

    2. Teaching People the Bible. Stanley says, “Communicators who have embraced this goal are constantly looking for effective ways to impart biblical truth into the heart and mind of the hearer. This goal was behind the ‘three points and an application’ approach to preaching. The multi-point sermon or preaching outline is a great approach for a communicator whose goal is to teach people the Bible. Outlining makes it much easier for the average listener to follow along.”

    I’m sure we all are very familiar with this style of preaching… many times the messages use a lot of alliteration and multiple illustrations (because this makes it easier for people to understand and remember the Word)…

    Andy continues… “Generally speaking, the primary concern for the communicator whose goal is to teach the Bible to people is: Did I cover the material? The primary concern for the communicator whose goal is to teach people the Bible is: Did my audience understand and will they remember the material? In both cases success is measured in terms of information transfer.

    If spiritual maturity were synonymous with information transfer, or more specifically, Bible content transfer, then either of the above options would be fine.

    But it’s not. And you know that. I know that. Everyone I know knows that. The people that don’t know that wouldn’t read this book anyway.

    You and I know that Bible knowledge can lead to pride; the antithesis of spiritual maturity. It’s interesting that the group who knew the Old Testament scriptures best were the very ones who considered Jesus a blasphemer and arranged for his crucifixion. Knowing isn’t enough.”

    3. Teaching People How to Live a Life that Reflects the Values, Principles, and Truths of the Bible. Andy says, “In short, my goal is change. I want them to do something instead of just think about it.”

    “When I’m finished preaching, I want people in the audience to know what to do with what they have heard. And I want them to walk away motivated to give it a try. This goal flows from what I understand the Bible to teach regarding spiritual maturity. The way I read it, spiritual maturity is gauged by application not contemplation. James says it best, ‘Faith without deeds is useless. Do not merely listen to the Word, and so deceive yourselves. Do what it says...’”

    FOR DISCUSSION: What is your goal when you communicate the gospel?  Are you teaching the Bible to people?  Teaching people the Bible?  Of preaching for changed lives?  Do you agree with Andy’s three categories, and do you think that one type of preaching is superior to another?  Why or why not?

    GET A COPY OF ANDY’S NEW BOOK: For some reason, Andy’s new book has been delayed from being released a few times, and has even gone through a title change… but it’s set to release from Multnomah on June 30; and you can be one of the first people to have a copy sitting on your desk.  Here’s the deal… you’ll save a few bucks, support MMI, and have the book shipped to you direct from the warehouse as soon as it’s released.  How great is that!?  Order your copy today right here... (Hey, why not order a copy for all your staff!  They’ll love you for it!) smile

    One of my favorite authors and speakers today is Andy Stanley. In his long awaited new book, "Communicating for a Change: Seven Keys to Irresistible Communication," Andy shares three goals he sees that pastors have when they preach the Word of God.


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    1. online earning on Sun, August 02, 2009

      Great Monday morning post .....thanks for it.

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