Monday Morning Insights

Photo of Todd

    6 Out of 7:  Ed Young Gives His Score…

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    Now… read the Internet Monk’s take on the whole thing here...

    What are my thoughts?  Hmm… thanks for asking…

    1.  On one hand, I’m not sure what the big deal is.  Ed Young, who is known (or at least would like to be known) as innovative, really took this idea from the multitude of other pastors who have tried the same thing.  Ed just slapped an new seven day ribbon on it.

    2.  On the other hand, I like the comment someone left on the blog wondering when Ed was going to do something like the “Seven days of leaving work early to go home and help make dinner, do the dishes, and cuddle” series.

    3.  While I think that the Internet Monk is a little over the top with some of his comments (it sounds like me when I wake up on the wrong side of the bed), I did appreciate this.  It is true that this type of series may have a lot of married couples getting it on, but not so much for the singles, engaged, widows, and those having extremely complicated marriage problems.

    The singles can look forward to it. The disabled can pray about it. The troubled marriages can argue about it. The engaged can almost do it. The widows and widowers can remember it.

    4.  Going along with my #1, I have no doubt that this would have been a non-story (or a much less diminished story) had it not been Ed Young.  The church’s own press releases and media savyness no doubt increased the promotion around this series.

    5.  To me, knowing that Ed had sex 6 out of 7 days is just TMI.  I don’t want to know that about anyone… sorry.  I don’t keep track of that to tell others, and I’m hoping that others will refrain from telling me.

    6.  Do you know how hard it is to write on this subject without any double entendres?  See what I mean?

    OK… that’s all the thoughts I have right now.  Not really profound, but thoughts, none the less.

    Questions for you:

    1.  Would you ever do this 7 days series in your church?
    2.  If so, would you tell your people how many days you fulfilled the challenge?

    I’m listening…


    This is the last post ever (I promise) about the Ed Young 7 Day Sex Challenge. I wanted to wrap this up with a couple more interesting things that have surfaced the last couple of days. The first is Ed's follow up CNN Interview. Ed says he and Lisa were good for six of the seven days of the challenge. (Sorry, Ed... that's TMI [too much information] for me. Then, the InternetMonk Michael Spencer's railing response to the whole recent campaign at Fellowship Church. Here's the CNN video...


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    1. Peter Hamm on Tue, November 25, 2008

      Which is VERY often, according to the rest of the staff here…

      Happy Thanksgiving all!

    2. william on Tue, November 25, 2008

      I actually watched the first two of Ed Young’s messages in this series and found them to be biblical, practical as well as very straightforward. Not even remotely sensational as you might expect from watching the news coverage.

      As far as impressionable teenagers go, I think that they as well as, “the singles,disabled, troubled marriages,The engaged,The widows and widowers” etc.,  need to hear truth about sexual sin and a biblical view of sex as much as anybody.

    3. Jim on Tue, November 25, 2008

      Actually, six days is more Biblical; God created the world in six days and rested on the seventh.

    4. Stewart on Tue, November 25, 2008

      The whole “sex” focus is insulting. Someone asked (I’m too lazy to look it up) “when will he do a series on “7 days of coming home early from work…” That’s a good train of thought. Let’s take it further… “when will he do a series on “7 Days of Not Neglecting the Poor.” “7 Days of Rejecting Materialism.” “7 Days of Giving Your Stuff Away.”

      Sex is important. It is a spiritual issue. And so is family life. But Jesus talked a lot more about some other topics which are virtually taboo in the American church. Jesus in criticizing some Pharisees called these “other” issues the more important matters. Love, Justice and Mercy.

    5. iMonk on Wed, November 26, 2008

      Yes Todd, I hit a higher rate of ranting than normal, but here I am linked at your blog. Good for me, huh?

      If I’m over the top, I hope you will tell us all where the top in evangelicalism is these days. What we need is a sign up table for a serious religion like the RCC or EO. Ed Young and the other Sex preachers are proving that evangelicalism is no longer a serious religion.

      When the younger generation is through giggling, this is one more reason to pass on evangelicalism and try Orthodoxy or something that’s not run by chimps and comedians.

      The word that keeps coming to mind is “humiliation.” How many women are humiliated in this “men can get sex whenever they want it” deal? Or older pastors who will now get email and notes saying they and their wives should do a sex challenge so their church will grow. Or the older generation in general, who just had better taste than to talk about this stuff in public.

      Ed and Lisa on CNN saying the sex was great? If that doesn’t just about finish you off on taking evanglicalism seriously you are a better man than me.

      I’ve had enough of this “ED” syndrome. And there are no pills to help.

      thanks for the link

      Michael “Wrong side of the evangelical bed” Spencer

    6. Travis Powell on Wed, November 26, 2008

      I wonder if there will be a need for an expanded nursery at Fellowship Church next August or so?

    7. Sam on Wed, November 26, 2008


      So tell me, who does pay for Todd’s salary? Why is it rude and insulting for me to point out the obvious fact that Todd’s employer relies on the business of churches to fund them and to keep afloat. Todd has an obvious disdain for Ingrid and Ken and has no trouble lampooning and villifying them at every opportunity much to the praise and applause of people such as yourself. Never do i hear the same calls for “living at peace with everyone” made when Todd makes fun of them. You all pile on. So when you remove that plank from your eye, i will remove the speck from mine.

      I have shown the respect that is rightfullly afforded to Todd for propagating the church growth gimmicktry. He is gainfully employed basically upon the backs of the local congregants of the churches that pay to leadership network. And why is such a pseudo, para-ministry needed? Because pastors have bought into the drawing the crowd mentality and basically they deny the power of the Gospel to bring sinners to salvation.

      It is good to see imonk to chime in more on this conversation. 7 day sex challenger. Early this year we had the 30 day sex challenge from another church. What was it that Paul Washer said, oh yes, many of today’s churches have turned into Six Flags over Jesus. Dont know who Paul Washer is. well you can check him out here:

      Be prepared though, he doesnt come to the stage in a coffin (perry noble) or have a corny little skit with the devil (craig groeschel<sp>) or have a toilet on stage. He just preaches from the <gasp> Bible and relies on the power of the Gospel. Wow, now there is an innovative idea.

    8. Todd Rhoades on Wed, November 26, 2008

      God bless you, Sam.  Have a great Thanksgiving.

      You are special to God, and that makes you special to me.


    9. Leonard on Wed, November 26, 2008

      Sam, why do you even come here?  It is out of the goodness of your heart you come to help us?  Why do you challenge Todd about his motives?  It is because you have some special insight into the heart of this man?

      Maybe it is because Ingrid doesn’t let people post anymore.  Who pays her salary?  is it those people who expect her to misrepresents things and then attack with little grace?  If she changed her tactic would she get kicked to the curb?  Would she get sent packing like they did with Chuck Swindoll?

      You do not seem to come here to learn anything but to shoot at people, Todd and anyone else you disagree with.  I would prefer it if you just went away, go feed yourself on every word that comes from Ingrid and Ken and move on from here.

    10. CS on Wed, November 26, 2008


      “I actually watched the first two of Ed Young’s messages in this series and found them to be biblical, practical as well as very straightforward. Not even remotely sensational as you might expect from watching the news coverage.”

      That’s great to hear.  The problem is that his forays into the media have been nothing short of sensationalistic and nonbiblical (meaning that there was no serious focus or mention of the Bible’s message on sex).  Like I mentioned above when I made my tallies, he didn’t once mention Jesus or what God’s true intent for sex was.  Instead, he offered advice that could have come from the mouth of any modern pop psychologist or motivational speaker.  He needed to have the message outside the church be the same as the message inside the church, much like John MacArthur does when he’s on CNN.


      You and I probably share many of the same viewpoints and opinions on thoughts related to modern Christianity.  And, for a while on this board, too, I came at things with a critical eye instead of a discerning spirit.  It took having a conversation with one of the pastors here over the phone to start setting me straight.

      I believe that you can offer some great comments on what we see going on here, too.  Comments that have a good possibility of shaping the views of many of the pastors and church leaders who plan on implementing some of these ideas that you and I would consider wrong (like this overplayed gimmick of sex for a draw card). 

      But, I urge you to consider the tone of the words and how you are saying things.  I was very blunt in saying that Young Jr.’s messages in the media were nonbiblical.  But, I backed it up with evidence, and I did not go to the level of a personal attack on him or his church, which is where some of us have seen you border with Todd.

      I am thankful that Todd allows healthy discussions here, and remember that he can (and will) remove your access to the board when needed.  Let’s have some good discourse here, ok?


    11. Eric Joppa on Wed, November 26, 2008

      Thanks for your comments CS,

      I think we have all seen the change you speak of and I have really grown to appreciate your contributions here. I have even taken some of them to heart when considering things I have planned and stances I might have taken. Thanks for your input.


      Please, take CS’s advice here. Please…

    12. Brian L on Wed, November 26, 2008

      I heartily join the chorus to say that my respect for CS has grown tremendously.

      We still don’t agree all the time, but I’m much more likely to read what he has to say with an open mind and heart.

      Why?  One word: tone.

      As I’ve mentioned to CS, God has used him to help me temper my own responses here.  Just over the last couple of days I have refrained from responding because there was no way I could do so without coming across exactly the way I was seeing in the posts I was going to respond to (sorry for ending with a preposition, but oh well…).

      Thanks for sticking around, CS.  And I would encourage Sam to do the same - if he is willing to consider if his comments meet the criteria of Ephesians 4:29.

    13. fishon on Wed, November 26, 2008


      I was taken to the woodshed, at the point of the Hickory switch, by Peter H., but ever so gently. It was tone, tone, tone. Peter didn’t take me on because of my positions—but how I presented my positions. Heck, Peter and I don’t agree on many things—but he was willing to listen if I would show respect.

      Sam, it takes more work to set a tone that is not attack-like; yes, it is very hard. But it is worth the effort. You get an audience to your thoughts.

      Now please hear me: I am not saying, in any way, that you need to change your positions, but how you present them needs the work. It is particularly hard to allow humility to be shown via the internet advice. But you will not be sorry if you hear and act upon the advise of those who are trying to help.

      Sam, you and I hold, I believe many of the same thoughts—hang in there, don’t leave in a huff—stay and share, setting a tone for all to at least give you an ear.


    14. Leonard on Wed, November 26, 2008

      Fishon and CS Thanks for your admonition to Sam.  I have much less patience than I normally do for harshness.  I appreciate the tone you guys are adopting here it makes your points more easily understood and able to be heard.

      Sam I hope you have a teachable enough spirit to listen.  A gentle and loving tone and a teachable spirit is what Ingrid and Ken lack.

    15. Peter Hamm on Wed, November 26, 2008

      I was going to defend my statement, but CS and fishon (and others) have so gracefully encouraged you to stick around, Sam, and be part of the conversation as gracefully as they are… I concur.

      I head into the thanksgiving holiday thankful for a ridiculous number of things (don’t have time to go into detail right now), more than any other year ever. My life is, let’s just say, better than I deserve. And I am so thankful that I live in a country where I have the freedom to say the things I want to say, and more, I am thankful to be part of the faith, part of the great parade of followers of Jesus that includes Peter, Paul, Augustine, Patrick, Francis, Luther, Calvin, Hus, Zwingli… and you guys!

      Blessings on all of you like CRAZY!

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