Monday Morning Insights

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    Are You A Christian Hipster?

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    Are You A Christian Hipster?

    Are you a 'Christian Hipster'?  Do you consider yourself a 'cool' Christian?  See if you qualify...

    Do you like?

    Do you dislike?

    This is all from Brett McCracken, who's writing a book on what he calls the "Christian Hipster".

    How'd you rate?  Would you consider yourself an 'hipster'?

    I'd love to hear your comments.


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    1. Peter Hamm on Wed, October 07, 2009

      Oliver writes [The point is that some christians cherry pick a certain political position (left or right), I think its done mostly on the right, and associate being a republic as being a christian.] I gotta say, yes, it is mostly done on the right, and it’s a little bit much to me…

      That said, don’t forget everybody that we are supposed to conquer the earth and subdue it AND take care of it all at the same time!

    2. rbud on Thu, October 08, 2009

      Ollie, what makes you think Jesus was an “orthodox” Jew? Seems to me he was every bit a Reformist Jew.

    3. Peter Hamm on Thu, October 08, 2009

      Missing the point… he was the only “true” jew…

    4. Oliver on Sun, October 11, 2009

      Final response too, I am not seeing Jesus through our political system, the pharisees were conservatives in that they were traditionalists, they strictly adhered to both scripture in their theological beliefs and keeping the law, the saddusees were liberal in that they did not believe in things like hell, the afterlife, etc.  This isn’t just what I think any good basic book about the NT will confirm what I am saying, hence the ‘educate yourself’ comment.  The bible reference is Matt 25.  Finally, yes I did say it was on both sides, though I think personally its more agrigious on the side of the republicans.  But this goes back to the original post, look at the list of christian hipsters above, do you see liberals or more conservatives?  My point is that hipster list shows people becoming tired of the “christian conservative” line that has neglected so much Bible for an American conservative republican point of view mistaken for christianity.  I am neither republican or democrat, if anything I would green party. Oliver

    5. Sgillesp on Mon, October 12, 2009

      wow - I’m 53, and it turns out I’m closer to being a hipster than not!
      And from that aged vantage point, let me say that when we were 20-something new believers, we, too, thought we would rescue Christianity from the mess the older generation had made of it (from such a place came ‘Jesus Freaks,’ Keith Green music, Christian music festivals, etc.)  It’s a good thing for each generation to want to renew Christianity, and it’s an even better thing for all of us who expect that we will live forever with Christ to cast a discerning eye over what’s been built and see how closely it conforms to Christ.  Of COURSE we run the risk of just finding a new clique to hang with and a new batch of things to adopt which are no better; we’re sinners.  So I appreciate the tongue in cheek -ness of this questionnaire - good for making me be careful about just glomming on to the next new thing.

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