Monday Morning Insights

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    Church Goes To Court to Stop Installation of New “Over Paid” Pastor

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    More from the New York Times article:

    Rick Stone, a longtime parishioner who served as pro bono lawyer for the petitioners, said Dr. Braxton’s package was roughly twice what his predecessor received.

    “This is a huge amount of money to be paying at a time of such economic crisis,” said Diana Solomon-Glover, a 30-year parishioner, a member of the choir, and one of the plaintiffs. “But equally of concern is Dr. Braxton’s style of governance, which is highly secretive, and the direction he has been taking the church, toward a more fundamentalist brand of religion.”

    Through a spokesman, Dr. Braxton declined to be interviewed.

    Dr. Billy E. Jones, chairman of the Riverside Church Council, the executive board of congregants, said in a statement that the new pastor’s compensation was “in line with other religious leaders in Manhattan who minister to congregations of a similar size and scope.” Dr. Jones said the board had disclosed details of the pay package to the full congregation, but the dissidents dispute that.

    Dr. Jones also said that Dr. Braxton was not given money for a full-time maid, and that the “private school tuition” amounted to the pastor’s daughter attending the church’s day school tuition free.

    Experts on American churches said in interviews that Dr. Braxton’s compensation was well above average among pastors nationwide, but was within the range of packages for senior pastors of megachurches and what are known as mainline “tall steeple” churches in major cities.

    Here’s the whole article...

    QUESTION:  What’s the solution here… or rather… IS there a solution here?


    OK... so your church hires a new pastor and decides to pay him $600k a year. Granted, your a huge, historical church in a metro area. Your new pastor will receive an annual salary base of $250k per year, plus a housing allowance of $11,500 per month; pension and life insurance benefits; entertainment, travel and “professional development” expenses; an equity allowance for the future purchase of a home; money for a full-time maid; and private school tuition for his 3-year-old daughter. What in the world do you do? People in this large NYC church decided they had only one alternative: court.


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    1. CS on Mon, April 27, 2009

      From the Daily News (NY Local):

      “In a sermon titled ‘Fear Not,’ Braxton vowed his priority would be ‘the sacred business of moving mountains.’

      “Braxton, the married father of a young daughter, launched into his list of lofty goals, including promoting condoms to curb AIDS in Africa, immigration reform and gay marriage.”

      You’ll notice how the preaching of the Gospel, the saving of souls, and the glorifying of God is not on the list of his goals.  Sorry, but this just doesn’t sound right, even excluding the massive salary.


    2. Mark on Mon, April 27, 2009

      Yet another story that makes Christians look like the anithesis of common sense.  If you don’t like how your church is spending your money then stop giving them your money.  How much more simple can it get?

    3. Katrina on Tue, April 28, 2009


      Be careful in your criticism because you may offend someone in here by using the Scriptures to discern error and false teaching.  Heaven forbid we ever scrutinize anything that calls itself “Christian”  by using the Scriptures.

    4. Jon Z. on Wed, April 29, 2009

      Dan hit the nail on the head.  Another thing is I have my doubts as to whether this man disagrees with such materialism.  And I just read the post by CS—not that I know completely what this pastor stands for, but it’s the very same things as this that adds to the apostacy of the church. And people wonder why most churches have rendered themselves ineffective and why God isn’t moving in their midst.  It’s because He’s already moved out.  You cut off the Head and there is no life.

    5. Mark e on Wed, April 29, 2009

      I think his salary is the least of the churches problems…

      “On Sunday, April 19th, Ann Holmes Redding will be our guest preacher in morning worship. Dr. Redding, an Episcopal priest from Seattle, was recently defrocked by the Episcopal Church after announcing in 2007 that she is both Christian and Muslim.”

    6. Mike on Thu, April 30, 2009

      I agree whole-heartedly with what CS said. This “social gospel” crap is NOT the Gospel at all. Yes, Jesus did a lot of “social” things but His purpose was to seek and to save that which was lost. This “feel good” social gospel isn’t about the truth. It’s no different than wordly altruism by many who aren’t even believers. Yes, help the poor, feed the hungry, pray for the sick, but don’t push aside the REAL truth of the Gospel in the process. We should be doing the social things BECAUSE OF the Gospel; not in place of it.

      Surely, will Jesus find faith on the earth or will He find a church lobotomized and out of touch with the real truth and purpose of the Gospel? Will He find people doing the work of the Father or the work of man?

      I think that this pastor’s salary is way over the top personally. I echo what PT said as to the cost of a missionary in some other part of the world. They operate successfully on so much less and if this “poor” pastor could just “survive” on $300K, they could divert the other $300K into supporting people who are reaching the lost and dying of the world rather than handing out condoms, worrying about gay marriage, and doing things that have no bearing whatsoever on a person’s eternal destiny. The church needs to stop dealing with the effects of sin and start dealing with the root…..the HEART. A pig doesn’t stop being a pig just because you wash him with a hose and slap some Oil of Olay on it.

      God bless you all!

    7. Church Law on Tue, May 05, 2009

      There are many things churches and “mega” churches can do to avoid these backlashes and pitfalls. As the Church Law Group we are on the LAW side of things.  Many things happen within churches today that are certainly walking a tight rope of decorum. Common sense and decency must overcome what “may” be legal. EVERY church must know the law and how to go about doing things in a transparent way. People give their hard earned money to “help” others in need and behind it all they just want to feel like they are giving to the right place(s). To ALL churches – get educated, know the law and above all, follow God’s word. Remember the ole adage…WWJD What Would Jesus Do?

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    10. hampers on Tue, July 14, 2009

      The concept of paying preachers a considerable huge salary depends upon the members comprising the group. Hearing good sermons that will benefit the spiritual being doesn’t have to be costly. It’s a gift that we should share to our fellowmen (even in the absence of compensation.) Remember, the talent of preaching is a GIFT.

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