Daily Admonition: Don’t Fight Battles With People Who Don’t Like You

- Posted by: Todd
- Posted on: Mon, October 19, 2009
- Viewed 612
- (69) comments so far

Perry Noble shares an important truth that many of us should visit today: We don't fight battles with people that claim to be Christian but don't like us". Why... quite simple: That is not our calling.
Have you been criticized by someone who doesn't know you? Have you been cut down from someone who has never attended your church? How about another church in town that doesn't agree with your style of ministry? Don't take on that battle... it's not your calling.
Bottom line: We can't control what other people say about us. But we can control how closely we stick to our calling of preaching the gospel.
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JAN on Mon, October 19, 2009
I think he is absolutely right.
Unfortunately, Satan uses Christians to distract us from our calling.
We don’t have time. I agree 100%. Outlove, Outlive and Outfruit your critics. Our calling is to preach the gospel AMEN!
CS on Mon, October 19, 2009
John Burton:
“Those who are out of relationship with an individual have no right to do anything but edify, love and encourage them. We have to follow Matthew 18 protocol.”
No, Matthew 18 is for when someone sins against you. Matthew 18 is not for people who expound erroneous doctrine and theology. Check 2 John, Romans 16:17, Galatians 1:8-9, and 1 John 4 1-3 for examples of what we should do for people who teach error publicly.
JOB on Mon, October 19, 2009
How many years has Perry been saying this stuff? Maybe Perry should stop blogging and broadcasting his messages over the internet to people he doesn’t know.
John Burton on Mon, October 19, 2009
Romans 16:17- this is in reference to those who are not Christians… their doctrine is heretical. We are instructed to ‘turn away’, not renounce them publicly.
Gal 1:8-9- same thing. Non-Christian heretics. But, again… no instruction to publicly warn. (if there’s no instruction here to publicly warn against heretics, then how in the world can we publicly tear down those who are Christians? Those who just interpret some non-absolutes of scripture differently than we do?)
1 John 4:1-3- same thing!
2 John- yep, same thing.
All of these passages talk about those who don’t confess Jesus Christ as Lord.
Just because someone doesn’t subscribe to our interpretation of a non-absolute of scripture doesn’t mean they are a heretic and it doesn’t mean we are to tear them down in public.
Peter Hamm on Mon, October 19, 2009
I have to say this.
If I’m being criticized by someone like Oliver above, I think I’ll take PN’s advice. (Maybe Job, too).
If I’m being criticized by somebody like CS, I will more likely engage in a hearty and healthy discussion…
In other words… it depends…
sam on Mon, October 19, 2009
Just a word of clarification when you say what you do about others calling pastors liars. Just because someone proclaims their self to be a pastor when they planted a church doesnt necessarily mean that they biblically qualify to be a pastor. Likewise, not every pastor that fills the pulpit is qualified either. There are so many “hirelings” out there that it is sad and adds to the state of the evangelical circus we see today.
Perry spends alot of his time talking about his critics when he says that people shouldnt respond to them. He takes potshots at people on his blog and in his sermons on a regular basis. He is a hypocrite when talking about the matter of not responding to critics. This wont be the last time he says something about it either. Or yell something stupid like, “Scoreboard”.
Lastly, like others said, it is sad that he made that unbiblical statement that if God didnt like what they were doing that he would blow the church up. Todd, care to defend him on that statement? You seem to be quite the Perry apologist. Oh, yeah, thats right, your salary is dependent on churches like Newspring.
My bad.
JOB on Mon, October 19, 2009
Beter yet maybe Perry can allow comments on his blog. That would solve the prroblem too. Just throwing out some options.
Todd on Mon, October 19, 2009
Absolutely. I’ll defend Perry on that. Not cause he’s Perry, though… just because it’s a silly point.
Did you seriously think that Perry meant that God would blow up churches, literally?
You see… that’s the problem. Some of you guys are so hell-bent against people that you take everything so literally. I don’t think Perry ever meant ‘literally’ physically blowing up churches. To even make that point to me is ludicrous. Seriously.
I’ve heard Perry say he’d like to punch someone in the throat. Wouldn’t happen. Perry knows it. I know it. You know it. It’s an expression.
When it gets to the point that people are going line by line through someone’s sermons, or taking everything (like blowing up churches) as literal, then there’s a problem.
Those are the types of people that Perry has decided that he won’t respond to.
And my thinking… rightfully so.
I can think of a million things I’d rather do. OK… not really a million. (Didn’t want you to take me too seriously.)
John Burton on Mon, October 19, 2009
Excellent point Todd. It’s actually a revelation of the motive of one’s heart if we hear them continually rip people on minor points, or, as you say, when it’s just an expression. Not to be taken literal.
I’ve heard people take one sentence out of someone’s sermon and judge it on the radio… play it over and over… and then, as if they are the final authority, deem that person to be unsound theologically.
It’s a horrible, horrible thing! Feels so slimy and arrogant.
Of course Perry didn’t mean God would blow up churches. Oh my gosh, even a five-year old would be able to understand that.
CS on Mon, October 19, 2009
John Burton:
Just curious, but I have a situation relevant to Noble here. If you check my first post on the thread, I mention how there was a video clip that I saw wherein Noble said that he would not visit those in the hospital, short of those who are on death’s door. You can see it at: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NFf8-L3tZ0Y&feature=related . Questions to ask:
-If you were a person who happened to listen to this clip (say you were sick and came to his church the first time), what would you think of it?
-If this is his stance, what would your thoughts be regarding his doctrine?
-Should we, or should we not discuss it when someone like Noble says something as outrageous as this?
-Can you demonstrate a biblical reason why this sort of public review shouldn’t happen in light of it being a public video, citing verses?
Oliver on Mon, October 19, 2009
I guessed you missed the scriptural references, here they are, I assumed people on this blog could pick up on references by just the words: Peter and Paul Gal 2:11-14, I tim 5:12, 2 Tim 4:12, Titus 2:14-15
John Burton on Mon, October 19, 2009
CS, first I wonder why you are sharing your opinion about that video. Are you a part of his team of advisers? Do you have a plan to help him? Are you interceding for him? What’s the point of sharing your opinion? What’s your agenda?
I watched the video, and granted, he’s quite strong and unapologetic. However, he hits a very important point- the church isn’t in place to serve the people. We as believers are there to serve God and the mission of the church.
A lot of people have false expectations when they arrive in a church. They presume the pastor is supposed to visit people in the hospital. They presume the ‘pastor’ holds the office of Pastor, when in fact he might be an Apostle or Prophet.
They presume the worship is to be geared to their liking. They presume all sorts of things and it helps a lot to set the precedent very clearly, even though some may not appreciate his very direct approach.
Oliver on Mon, October 19, 2009
again, I am shocked how many people are saying noble is right with no scripture to back up your position! But maybe that is the point, we are at a place where most people decide what they think is right apart from any authority other than “it sounds good”. The first biblical principle that he violates is that we are expected to rebuke each other, faithful is the wounds of a friend says Proverbs, we are suppose to rebuke each other and correct each other. Second, “giving the gospel” is not the only mandate of the church! Think about what your church does how much of it is just “gospel”, third we are suppose to care what others think of us, when Paul wrote in Corinthians he admonished the believers not to speak in tongues without rules because people from the outside would think they were crazy, I cor 14:14. All things are suppose to be done in order.
oliver on Mon, October 19, 2009
I keep coming back to Jesus, how do you think the pharisees responded to him? they crucified him because he spoke the truth. That is the problem today too many people just want the truth dished out them in a way that is palatable. Now, I will tell you the truth, let him that has ears let him hear, the real reason he doesn’t want to answer the critics is this: he cannot, and he doesn’t want his cultic flock that is brainwashed to ask questions and engage people that challenge him, they might wake up and realize they are in a brain washed cult with a control freak of a pastor, that is really a wolf in disguise. that’s the truth!
Todd on Mon, October 19, 2009
You want to talk about rebuke, Oliver?
Brother… I’ve asked you numerous times to go somewhere else since you agree with absolutely nothing I post here. Rebuke: Go away.
Brother… instead of going away, you continue to post. So, I’ve blocked you in the past. Rebuke: Go away.
Brother… after I block your email address from posting in the past, you simply type a different derivation of your email address adding an ‘o’ or an ‘r’ to it to get past the filter. Rebuke: Go away.
Seriously, bro… go away.
(And I do, actually, mean that literally).
Nothing against you, Oliver, but you’re a downer. You hate everything and everyone that wants to have a logical, helpful discussion here. I’m sure you’re a great guy and all, but you don’t fit here. You’re not winning any converts.
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