Daily Admonition: Don’t Fight Battles With People Who Don’t Like You

- Posted by: Todd
- Posted on: Mon, October 19, 2009
- Viewed 614
- (69) comments so far

Perry Noble shares an important truth that many of us should visit today: We don't fight battles with people that claim to be Christian but don't like us". Why... quite simple: That is not our calling.
Have you been criticized by someone who doesn't know you? Have you been cut down from someone who has never attended your church? How about another church in town that doesn't agree with your style of ministry? Don't take on that battle... it's not your calling.
Bottom line: We can't control what other people say about us. But we can control how closely we stick to our calling of preaching the gospel.
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Jubilee on Mon, October 19, 2009
Linda, re: your pastor’s Twitter followers: On Facebook, you have to accept someone as a follower before they can follow you, but that’s NOT true on Twitter… any number of sickos can follow you at any time by just clicking the “Follow” button. (Exception: if you have “locked” your account and folks have to request to follow you.) You can “block” any unsavory followers that you find, but it’s very time-consuming for someone who has a lot of followers to constantly “check out” every single new follower.. a big waste of time… Shalom.7
CS on Mon, October 19, 2009
John Burton:
“CS, first I wonder why you are sharing your opinion about that video. Are you a part of his team of advisers?”
No. Just someone who came across that video.
“Do you have a plan to help him?”
My plan would consist of repenting for any sins that may exist and following Scripture rightly. Then again, this plan applies to even the most sound preacher out there.
“Are you interceding for him?”
I have prayed for him.
“What�s the point of sharing your opinion? What�s your agenda?”
My point is threefold. First, I wanted to illustrate how Matthew 18 does not apply to situations such as this. Second, I wanted to say that there are times where we should be watching what people are saying and critique it. Why? Third, because the influence of popular preachers like Nobel spreads into all sorts of avenues, not just staying in their own churches. And as that can affect many people who don’t just go to Newspring, it’s worth taking a look at it in more detail.
And to one more of your points:
“They presume the pastor is supposed to visit people in the hospital.”
How would you reconcile this with James 5:14?
John Burton on Mon, October 19, 2009
It’s appropriate for a church to have elders in place, to have systems in place to pray for the sick. It doesn’t mean the senior leader has to do it himself.
A problem with ‘exposing error’ is that, unless we’re talking about issues of heresy and absolutes of scripture, what you call error another may not.
Leonard on Mon, October 19, 2009
CS, I wonder if you believe that no person gets a visit in the hospital @ Newspring. It is not necessarily the job of the pastor to visit the sick. could be it is the job of the pastor to make sure a process is in place where the sick get a visit. It could also be that it is the job of the pastor to, along with that process, keep himself focused on leading the sheep.
In the first century people came to the apostles and said something along the lines of “our people are not getting cared for” and the answer was to appoint people to make sure needs were met.
I visit people occasionally, but I make sure people are visited because I simply cannot visit every person. I am not sure your sticking point here in this matter.
JOB, Sam, Oliver… Today you guys prove the point that Perry makes. Some people are going to say stupid things and no sense in trying to put that fire out.
Your long standing attacks on others reveals bitterness in your heart. That root of bitterness defiles many. I pray for your healing. Tip a person over and what is inside spills out. Almost always I see biting criticism spill from the three of you. You have crossed the line of discerning into the realm of a critical spirit. May god deliver you from the insidious need to tear everything and everyone down.
JOB on Mon, October 19, 2009
“JOB, Sam, Oliver� Today you guys prove the point that Perry makes. Some people are going to say stupid things and no sense in trying to put that fire out. “
I did? How?
Fred on Mon, October 19, 2009
This is just being a horse’s behind and then excusing not listening to those you tell you are wrong so you can continue being a horse’s behind.
Oliver on Mon, October 19, 2009
fine, I have gone away in the past, I always stop posting when asked,so this will be my last post. my goal isn’t to offend anyone, in fact, I read back my posts and I can’t see where I have said anything offensive! I don’t swear, I don’t threaten anyone, but I do try to be direct. The points I’ve made are simple, no scripture was used by Perry and alot of people on this post seem to be convinced by this guy just because they like what they hear. I have a problem with that. However, I have to point out where you are wrong, for example I do agree with things on the post, I agree on CS on most things, granted I try to work on not being so hard around the edges, but sometimes its just too hard to hear where christianity is today. I mean seriously, when Jesus cleansed the temple do you think the religious leaders liked him? Would Jesus be welcomed on this board today? Have you read what Jesus told people in the NT? Maybe Jesus was a downer! I am the same person here as in real life, and I’ve had alot of people come up to me and thank me for speaking the truth in love, and by the way love sometimes has to be tough! My parting challenge would be for people to try to return back to a real christianity and to simply let the culture take you all over the place. I think what is at state is nothing more than the very essence of christianity, its all about the kingdom and God, not our own power trips, it just seems to me that this Perry guy is on a power trip and I think the fact that he didn’t mention one verse of scripture to back up his position is very telling! in fact it speaks volume!
RevEric on Tue, October 20, 2009
A person who makes snide comments is not interested in engaging in a good give and take conversation. So I find there is no point in trying to enter into a conversation with them.
Sometimes, when the comments continue and become destructive I may address it. But not in a reactive way.
I think when we respond to passive aggressive attacks like the sample given in the video, we are reacting to a situation and not in control of it. Then we either come across as defensive or angry. That just becomes more material for the complainer.
So I prefer to wait, pray, and approach a person when the time is right and I have the best chance of making progress. God will provide the time if he wants you to address it (or the person).
And regards to blogging…. There are a few good places where people are mature enough to share thoughts. But people who hide behind rude words in blogs (or emails, IM’s…) are not equipped to carry on a conversation in that venue. Using that same venue and expecting a different result from them is usually futile. (Back to my first paragraph.)
oliver on Tue, October 20, 2009
PS- please leave CS and JOB out of this! They have made some great comments, it seems like no one is allowed to disagree on these boards without being villianized, and ostrasized. It seems you just want boards where everybody agrees and anyone who says anything negative is made to look like they are inappropriate.
Christian Haiku on Tue, October 20, 2009
Critical spirit
Cannibal - feeds on itself
Let’s starve that sucker!
(Matt 7:1-2, Luke 6:37-38, Rom 2:1-2, Prov 17:22…)
Peter Hamm on Tue, October 20, 2009
In the past, both you and JOB (and some others, such as Sam and some who have indeed gone away) have made the most unhelpful comments. Not because you disagree, but because of what I think is an overly critical spirit, and a reaction against stuff without really thinking. I don’t recall a positive thought from you here… ever… (There must have been some, I just don’t recall them.)
CS is a different animal, imho, and brings an interesting balance to these discussions. I disagree with him often, but I’m sorry if I have to say I don’t get the same sense of “pride”(?) from him that I have gotten from you over time.
Leonard on Tue, October 20, 2009
JOB, your comments on this particular post were not as “harsh” or negative as in the past. My problem is that it does not feel at all as if you come into this blog to learn or share but rather to point out what you see as flaws.
In the past you and the others mentioned have demonstrated a spirit that comes across as very critical, bitter, harsh and sadly, unteachable. It shows itself in the “one issue” attacking tone and often words.
I admit, this post was not like that, but I cannot help but believe, based upon what you have shown here, that if PN did have comments on his blog, you would light it up with nothing but criticism.
It is one thing to disagree, I disagree with many people here and in other places.
JOB on Tue, October 20, 2009
Translation to what you said: I don’t like JOB very much. So now in a strange twist I agree with Perry I’m fighting a losing battle with you. This doesn’t mean I don’t love you as a brother in Christ, I do and wish God’s blessing on all you do.
Take it all in stride, don’t let anyone ever tell you your opinion doesn’t matter.
Peter Hamm on Tue, October 20, 2009
That’s called putting words in somebody’s mouth.
And it’s what I don’t like about much that you post here.
Leonard on Tue, October 20, 2009
Peter, that was from JOB, not Oliver.
JOB, that is not what I said at all. I am sorry that you feel that way. Everything I said is about how you have come across here on MMI.
You, Oliver, Sam are not victims of people here at MMI. You guys come in here, shoot first, shoot second and ask questions while reloading so you can shoot again. I never sense your posts, or the others, are actually about dialog or exchange of ideas. Rather, you post when you want to criticize and slap down something.
So if telling you how you come across is saying “I don’t like you” then you put on display all that you so loudly have decried. You leave no room for disagreement, just your opinion, shared however you wish, take it or be wrong. Just guessing, but that is probably the very tone you dislike so much from PN and others.
I do not like the way you have posted here at MMI, I do not like the tone and way you have come across. That is not the same as not liking you.
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