Monday Morning Insights

Photo of Todd

    David Wilkerson:  Earth-Shattering Calamity is About to Happen.  Stock up on Food.

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    Are there really any other choices?

    I am not saying that Wilkerson is trying to dupe anybody (as in #3).  But I am not saying that #1 is correct either.

    Personally, I always have a bit of a problem with God speaking directly and specificially to one person, particularly in an audible voice; kinda like the way God does with Pat Robertson every December.  Particularly when it turns out the God is wrong more than half the time.  Call my cynical and skeptical, but I just have a hard time believing #1 with my whole heart.  Maybe I’ll feel different if/when God speaks that directly and audibly to me.

    It reminds me of the lady who comes up and says that God told her that she was supposed to sing a certain solo.  I told her that God definitely hadn’t told me that (and, by the way, she couldn’t sing.)

    It would be kind of like me telling you that God told me that I was supposed to come to your house for dinner today.

    OK… back to the matter at hand.  How do you take this word from Wilkerson?  What’s your choice:  #1, #2, or #3?  And is there really any other choice?

    Are you running to the grocery store to stock up on canned food items?  Are you laughing this off?  Or are you seriously thinking about what might happen?

    I’d love to hear your input…

    You can read Wilkerson’s full blog post on the topic here...


    Over the weekend, famed evangelist says he felt "compelled by the Holy Spirit" to send out an urgent message to all of his friends all over the world. Here is what he said (all caps included):


    Practically speaking, Wilkerson advises to "lay in store a thirty-day supply of non-perishable food, toiletries and other essentials."

    When I read things like this, I think that this message, and its messenger, in particular, has to be one of three things:

    1. Wilkerson is right: this is a legitimate message that Wilkerson heard from God that we need to take seriously and heed.

    2. Wilkerson is wrong; God didn't tell him this and it won't happen; but Wilkerson truly feels this is a legitimate message and that God told him to tell everyone (Wilkerson is duped)

    3. Wilkerson is wrong; God didn't tell him this and it won't happen; and Wilkerson is trying to dupe us all for some good publicity.


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    1. Judy on Thu, March 19, 2009

      I read “The Vision” in the ‘70s and judged it as not reliable.  These things can never come to pass in the United States.

      And, they are happening right now!  So, I am inclined to believe his latest word, and, am looking at “Set Thy Trumpet To Thy Mouth” more closely.

      I feel within my spirit he is right on!  And, I lean on a G-d that is in control.

    2. Carol on Thu, March 19, 2009

      My prayer group bears witness with this word.  We are heeding it. We feel we don’t need to get in fear, but need to be prepared for the hard times to come.  We need to pray, put on the armor of God, be prepared to lead others to Christ when and if it all happens.   Better to be prepared than unprepared.  We all think David W. has integrity.  My spirit didn’t think he was propping himself up but just being obedient to do what Christ is having him do.  We should all just do what we feel led to do.  That’s my take on it.

    3. Jeffrey Costner on Sun, March 22, 2009

      These people amaze me with their “skepical” views.  I think they’re all just a bunch of jealous sideliners.  David Wilkerson is a man of God and I believe him 100%.  I feel sorry for all the “doubting Thomases.”

    4. Huey on Wed, March 25, 2009

      He did not say this was an audible voice. If you have a problem with God speaking to people, then you are obviously not a Christian, so nobody here should pay attention to your thoughts about a Christian minister giving a word from God. If audible bothers you, fine. This was just like any other New Testament example of God speaking to the heart of a man.

      Pay attention. Don’t pay attention. Your funeral.

      As for me, I wouldn’t probably think twice about this if it were any famous preacher but him. BUT, it is from Wilkerson, and he is very careful about these things. He is not like the others who have these “words” all the time and then ask you to send a donation. He takes his position seriously as well as the fact that he needs credibility in order to be effective. I am paying attention and I reccomend everyone else does too.

      He has nothing to gain with this and I doubt you will see him commenting much on it later. He will not use this as a publicity stunt. He means it.

    5. Cynthia on Wed, April 22, 2009

      Dave Wilkerson is no Johnny-Come-Lately. He is nearly 80 years of age and has been in the trenches of the gospel for over six decades. One only needs to read “The Cross and the Switchblade,” the book he’s probably best known for to see that the power of God has been working phenomenally in this man’s life for a very long time. I was blessed by this book as a pre-teen. Now that I’m in my mid-thirties and have gained even more perspective on how the world works, I’m not a bit surprised by the skepticism some have expressed. There have been enough charlatans of prophesy, healing, and morality to discourage genuine seekers of truth. Still, no one can use this as an excuse for not believing the word of God, especially since Jesus said that such deceivers would appear in the last days.

      But even if you don’t believe that God has gifted Dave Wilkerson w/ prophesy, I hope you at least believe He’s gifted [most of] us with common sense! Seeing the unprecedented fast deterioration of our economy, environment, and morality with our own eyes is enough to alarm even non-believers. The Bible says God has revealed Himself to all people, so that we are all without excuse. America has been snoozing spiritually. God has spoken through natural disasters, disease, 911, and environmental disasters and we’ve ignored Him. Now He’s speaking through this global financial disaster, so strongly that He cannot be ignored. Still we Americans have chosen to put on our sleeping masks and ear plugs and continue our spiritual slumber. When He speaks again, it could easily be through something as powerful as what Pastor Wilkerson described. The prospect is frightening, and most of us Americans don’t like to be frightened, especially by the words of a preacher. We’ve been under the illusion that the words from the pulpit are only supposed to comfort us, not give us instruction or warning. But the Bible says otherwise. Please wake up, my slumbering brothers and sisters! Our national alarm clock is ringing!

    6. Elma on Wed, April 29, 2009

      Would you consider the “Swine Flu” and all it effects “An earth shattering calamity” We are yet to see the collateral damage of this throughout the earth. This calamity that has come upon the nations of the earth has only begun.

      May we have the wisdom and prudence to have heeded the warning God gave David Wilkerson.

      It’s better to be safe than sorry, we have heeded and prepared, so this gives us comfort to know we won’t be among those who panic when at last we all see this all coming to pass. Besides a little preparation does not hurt anyone, nothing is lost.

    7. Cynthia on Fri, May 01, 2009

      Maybe I don’t know enough about disease, but I don’t think the new flu is powerful enough to qualify as an earth shattering calamity. Not unless it continues to evolve into an even more contagious, more deadly form. When we look at history, there have been much more devastating diseases, such as the infamous bubonic plague, which killed half the population of Europe and a third of the Middle East in the 1300’s. Asia and northern Africa also suffered great loss during what is referred to as the “Black Death.” I’m sure lots of folks thought the earth was coming to an end then with such devastation, but here we are—their descendants in 2009—still in awe at what befell them. I think the world has faced both the wrath and mercy of God through nature many times throughout the centuries.

      However, what Pastor Wilkerson describes sounds more like the fires of war. Possibly nuclear attack? Other than 911 and Pearl Harbor, we’ve never faced military attack on our own soil. Or maybe with the tension in our political climate (some of which is underground and dangerous), something could happen to trigger major civil unrest? We’ve all probably heard that certain radical groups in Texas are talking secession from the United States, and who knows how seriously the government is taking them? Isn’t that insurrection, which is a federal offense? I don’t know how that would directly connect to New York, though.

      We just need to be prayerful and vigilant. Usually prophecies are confirmed out the mouths of many witnesses, especially something of such significance. My father (a local pastor) has said for decades that America is headed for calamity because of her failure to honor God, her sexual immorality, violence, and other transgressions. There’s a Messianic Jew named Tom Deckard, who I admit I don’t know much about, but has apparently been prophesying the same for decades as well. Many more ministers and Godly people also testify to this. Pray as we might, God’s judgment will come because our nation as a whole has, and will continue to, fail to repent.

    8. facebook proxy on Mon, May 25, 2009

      i envy those who were able to share their thoughts first.. dang it

    9. cause of cancer on Tue, June 23, 2009

      we stock up on hard to find and/or quickly sold out items such as Spekulatius (spiced biscuits), mini Stollen and edible tree hangers (usually chocolate) used on our real tree along with real candles (Health and Safety would have convulsions at the thought). Lidl is an excellent source.

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