Monday Morning Insights

Photo of Todd

    Do You Agree With This Quote?

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    First of all… guess who the quote is from; and secondly… do you agree?


    OK... here's the quote. Do you agree? Later today, I'll tell you who the quote is from (no fair googling!) "“What you see in the evangelical movement is a split between those who got where they are by condemning others, and those who want to reach out to help others. The new generation demands we come up with solutions and not just divisions..."


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    1. Mike on Mon, April 02, 2007

      It’s funny, I read the quote and thought, “Right on!”. Then I found out who said it and and had to re-read it again to make sure it said what I thought it said.

      I think for me I agree with the quote but knowing the actions of the person who made the statement makes it lose some of it’s credibility. That says a lot about our own witness. Do people discount what we say because of who we are?

    2. don on Mon, April 02, 2007

      The quote seems to be contextual in that the statements given before and after before it can be judged as credible or not. I don’t know who said it, but the way that Todd posed the question it must have been someone with a questionable past or agenda

      let me know who said it

    3. Brian on Mon, April 02, 2007

      1.  Howard Dean

      2.  I do not agree.  Woo are these people who got where they are by condemning?  I know a lot of folks who condemned sin and if that offends Mr. Dean, then maybe it should.  Most do indeed want to help others, they just don’t know how.

      3.I do not think the “new generation” wants our solutions.  They want our help and guidance but they want to be a part of the solution process, not just told what the answer is.

    4. DanielR (a different Daniel) on Mon, April 02, 2007

      I think I could agree with the first part to some degree “What you see in the evangelical movement is a split between those who got where they are by condemning others, and those who want to reach out to help others.” 

      I’m not so sure about the second part “The new generation demands we come up with solutions and not just divisions…”  I think it is more involved that just them demanding solutions.

      Given that it was a political statement, not a religious statement, and given the context of a Democratic candidate attempting to woo perceived conservative evangelicals, I think it was an acceptable statement.  And given the source I think it was pretty well articulated.

    5. David I on Mon, April 02, 2007

      The author isn’t as important to me as the truth it brings.  You need not look any farther than the article elsewhere on this blog about Dobson/Cizik/NAE to find that there is a fragmenting among evangelicals.  That fact that it is someone who is outside of the evangelical movement only lends it more credibility as [he] isn’t burdened by the dogma of the evangelical infighting. 

      Read a little about the emerging culture and their desire to put behind them the religious tendancy to condemn and to instead live out the call of Christ to make a significant difference in the lives of others.

    6. Will Clegg on Tue, April 03, 2007

      Shane Claiborne is a new generation evangelical.  If I read him correctly he is more interested in solutions than in proving others wrong.  I’m 53 years old and have been involved in the old evangelical ways.  I want to be a new generation evangelical.

    7. Jan on Tue, April 03, 2007

      I disagree with the statement, that they got where they are by criticizing others.

      I believe that most got where they are by starting it out right…

      right with God and visionary etc.  And then as arrogance sets in and then with the belief that they are the one’s who are in the know and have it all together, they turn from a kingdom vision to a critical spirit. 

      As to who, don’t have a clue.

    8. Todd Rhoades on Tue, April 03, 2007

      Ahhh… the quote is from Howard Dean.

      Does that make any difference to anyone? 


    9. Will Clegg on Tue, April 03, 2007

      Even broken clocks are right twice a day!

    10. Jeremy on Mon, April 09, 2007

      First of all, I believe that the church has gotten a lot of places by condemning people. Let’s face it. The church’s viewpoint of telling people to “turn or burn” - and the mindset that scaring the hell out of people, literally, will work is far gone. People aren’t looking for fear, they are looking for solutions. I love what a great speaker said one time—this generation is just looking for a reason to get out of bed every morning.

      I believe this generation is looking for solutions. They are asking questions. Right questions. Legit questions. And unfortunately the church, or anyone else isn’t answering their questions. I believe they are crying out for solutions.

      Ed Young said that Las Vegas has nothing to say, but knows how to say it. The church has everything to say and not a clue of how to say it. We have solutions, we just can’t get people how to get to where solutions may be found.

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