Monday Morning Insights

Photo of Todd

    Does Your Staff Know What You Expect of Them?

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    Recently, I asked a group of church staff people:  “Do you know what is expected of you at work?” 85 church staff members responded.

    First, the good news.  26% of people responded that they have ‘very clearly defined expectations that are measured regularly.” Approximately one in four church staff people, in effect, said that they know what is expected of them, and that they are held accountable and measured on those things.

    But what about the other 74%?

    The largest amount, some 38%, said that the expectations of their job were ‘kinda fuzzy’ and that the follow-up by their supervisors ‘sometimes happens, sometimes not’.

    Another 22% said they felt like the expectations of their job change constantly, and they’re never quite sure what to concentrate on.

    And sadly, 14% of the staff members who responded (12 out of 85) said that they ‘don’t have a clue” what is expected of them.

    So… here’s the challenge for today… have you clearly communicated your expectations to your staff?  Do you have written (and detailed) job descriptions?  Do you have regular meetings with your staff to discuss job performance and expectations?  And do you give feedback on a regular basis to let them know how they are doing?

    Here’s the deal… if you are a senior leader or executive pastor, three out of four church staff members are confused.  And they are looking to you for clarity, direction, and affirmation.  Take a step today to make that happen.

    If you are a staff person who fits into the 74%, ask for clarity.  Even if you don’t feel like it’s your place to ask for clarity… ask anyway.  Kingdom work is too important to work hour to hour, day to day, and month to month without any clear idea what’s expected or how you are adding to the Kingdom effectiveness of your team.

    If you’re in the 26% who have very clearly defined expectations:  Thank God… then get back to work!  You’re in a very unique position!

    You won’t solve all your problems today… but you will take one step closer to having a great impact in your ministry and your community. 

    Recently, I asked a group of church staff people here at MMI: “Do you know what is expected of you at work?” 85 church staff members responded.

    First, the good news. 26% of people responded that they have ‘very clearly defined expectations that are measured regularly.” Approximately one in four church staff people, in effect, said that they know what is expected of them, and that they are held accountable and measured on those things.

    But what about the other 74%?

    The largest amount, some 38%, said that the expectations of their job were ‘kinda fuzzy’ and that the follow-up by their supervisors ‘sometimes happens, sometimes not’.

    Another 22% said they felt like the expectations of their job change constantly, and they’re never quite sure what to concentrate on.

    And sadly, 14% of the staff members who responded (12 out of 85) said that they ‘don’t have a clue” what is expected of them.

    So… here’s the challenge for today…


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    1. Jahn simith on Tue, December 29, 2009

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