Ed Young, Jr., Rap Star
- Posted on July 07, 2010
- Viewed 3971 times
- (86) comments

Um... I'm not sure what to say about this one. But I'd love to hear your comments...
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Fred on Thu, July 08, 2010
It’s more “look at me!”- “look at us!” It is not look at Christ.
jj on Thu, July 08, 2010
Hmmmmmm…. I’ve been hanging out with a lot of people who would not identify themselves of followers of Christ lately as well as believers who are keeping far away from the “organized church.” I’ve heard lots of reasons people are not following Christ and not attending church. “Christians have too much fun” and “Christians are not serious enough” are not the usual reasons. More often than not the reasons are “Christians are too judgmental, too harsh, too uptight or too condemning”. Personally, I believe some of the attitudes reflected in the comments are doing more harm to the gospel then Ed’s goofy rap… but just my thoughts
infinity downline on Fri, July 09, 2010
LOL! Are you kidding me! It really boggles my mind how people like this go on to become millionaires too. What happened to the good ole days of classic rock being cool. This is sad.
rob on Fri, July 09, 2010
When did being a Christian begin borrowing? I’m no Ed Young fan, but let the guy have some fun!
CS on Fri, July 09, 2010
“Lighten up, folks! Ed and his church are doing plenty to share the gospel and meet needs in their community and around the world. Just spend five minutes on the church�s website and you�ll figure that out.”
Boy, I hate it when I wake up to find that I’ve slid between dimensions into an alternate reality where the opposite of what normally happens is going on. =)
Leonard on Fri, July 09, 2010
Hey Brent, I agree with you here. JJ you too. There are some posts that fly around the blog world that if I did not know Jesus I certainly would not be drawn to Him by these posts.
There is a mentality that assumes as long as I give out the gospel (in the way I think it should be give) I can be as big a jerk as I want to believers.
People get we are Christians by the love we have for one another. The problem we all have is that we assume that our opinions are truth because our opinions are filled with facts.
My friend was a detective for almost 20 years and he would always say, you can have right facts but that doesn’t mean you have the truth.
Lets laugh a little, smile a little and love a lot. Let’s share the grace of God that brings salvation.
CS on Fri, July 09, 2010
“Lets laugh a little, smile a little and love a lot. Let’s share the grace of God that brings salvation. “
Dude, I totally agree with you here. I laugh tons and think it’s right to cut loose sometimes and have some fun. And we can even have this sometimes in church; last Sunday my pastor had us cracking up for a bit when he talked about the type of reception we expect some people to receive in Heaven.
But there’s a difference between enjoying ourselves as Christians and having fools behave in ways that will cause the world (not us in-house) to ridicule us. Case in point: Young Jr. on the Stephen Colbert Show where God was being mocked by his sex challenge campaign and he laughed at the host’s blasphemous jokes. Add to it a video like this, his recent monetary shenanigans (notice the $ around his neck?), and it’s just opening the door wider for further consternation and ridicule.
Additionally, you’re right in that people will know that we are Christians by our love for one another. But guys like T.D. Jakes (referred to on this video) are not Christians. Jakes believes in a non-Trinitarian god, which is different than the God of the Bible. And others like Osteen do not preach the complete Gospel. So there is some duty (Romans 16:17) for us to point this out and say, “No!”
Yes, my comments were harsh. But are they any more harsh than when Polycarp saw Marcion coming down his way and saying that he, “knows the firstborn of the devil?”
Rusty on Fri, July 09, 2010
Lame…..not even done well…
jj on Fri, July 09, 2010
“Additionally, you�re right in that people will know that we are Christians by our love for one another. But guys like T.D. Jakes (referred to on this video) are not Christians. Jakes believes in a non-Trinitarian god, which is different than the God of the Bible. And others like Osteen do not preach the complete Gospel. So there is some duty (Romans 16:17) for us to point this out and say, �No!�
CS, I’m not sure it’s such a good idea for us to judge who is and who isn’t getting into heaven. I think it’s a better idea to let “God work out all our little heresies.” I have them, you have them too. It’s a good thing God doesn’t require perfect theology or we would all be in trouble. After all we are saved by grace, not perfect theology. If God can show grace toward Ed Young, I think it’s probably a good idea for you and I to do the same
Again, just my thoughts.
Kip on Fri, July 09, 2010
So, would a little raw candor be better? Instead of trying to couch our criticisms in holy-speak, what if we just said what we’re really thinking: “Ed Young irritates my every last nerve and this is just another reason why!”
CS on Fri, July 09, 2010
“CS, I’m not sure it’s such a good idea for us to judge who is and who isn’t getting into heaven. I think it’s a better idea to let “God work out all our little heresies.” I have them, you have them too. It’s a good thing God doesn’t require perfect theology or we would all be in trouble. After all we are saved by grace, not perfect theology. If God can show grace toward Ed Young, I think it’s probably a good idea for you and I to do the same wink Again, just my thoughts.”
This leads to the slippery slope really quickly. At what point do we declare the heresies to be too much? At what point do we break fellowship with someone who is outside of orthodox, historical, biblical Christianity? When does the theology and doctrine they’re teaching cross the line? Based on what you had said, it sounds like there is no such point, and we should have fellowship with everyone who uses the name, “Christian.”
Or, we compare this to 2 John where we are told if someone brings another Gospel, we should not accept it (also see 1 John 4 & 2 Tim 4).
And, a denial of the Trinity isn’t a, “little heresy.” That’s a huge one. And that’s one where Christians have to take a stand and say, “No!”
jj on Fri, July 09, 2010
From my understanding the word “trinity” is never used in the Bible. Most OT believers did not have a theology involving the Holy Spirit and yet God is able to save them. I think God is far more gracious than we realize. I also think he is more gracious than many Christians. Have you lusted (committed adultery in your heart?) Have you been angry with your brother w/o cause, hated (guilt of murder?) How about rebellion (as bad as witchcraft). I think we are all far more guilty than we realize. If God can forgive my murder, adultery and witchcraft, I believe that he can forgive others too… even if theirs looks a little different or is more socially unacceptable than mine. And don’t forget, it was the Pharisees, the one’s who were “clean” from all these things who were the “villains” of the NT. I’m thinking it’s better to be guilty and saved by grace than “innocent.” It is a slippery slope, but we are all at the bottom. Other people struggle in different ways than me, I would rather not be too quick to condemn, but it’s ok if you see things differently
God bless you bro… enjoyed conversing with you!
CS on Fri, July 09, 2010
“From my understanding the word “trinity” is never used in the Bible.”
Just because that word isn’t used in the Bible doesn’t mean that God isn’t a Triune God. Refer to 1 John 5:7, for instance.
“If God can forgive my murder, adultery and witchcraft, I believe that he can forgive others too… even if theirs looks a little different or is more socially unacceptable than mine.”
Two different things. You’re right that God can forgive the most heinous of sins. But 1 John 3 says that a person who is actively participating in sin on a willful, regular basis is not a child of God but a child of the devil. So when people are actively engaging in teaching and promoting heresy, Scripture declares that they are outside of the camp and need to repent and believe in the one true God.
“And don’t forget, it was the Pharisees, the one’s who were “clean” from all these things who were the “villains” of the NT.”
The Pharisees were the bad guys because they were legalists and added to and distorted the Law, not because they maintained what was commanded in the Ten Commandments.
“I’m thinking it’s better to be guilty and saved by grace than “innocent.””
I agree. But even Paul said that those saved by Grace should not abuse the liberties thereof (Romans 6).
“Other people struggle in different ways than me, I would rather not be too quick to condemn, but it’s ok if you see things differently wink”
It’s not a matter of seeing things different than you, it’s a matter of what is right and what is not, because this conversation is focused on one of the closest core doctrines to the Christian faith. If I am wrong, rebuke and reprove me, and I will gladly repent. Otherwise, let’s not agree to disagree, but let’s work through this to find out what is right according to the Bible.
RevKev on Fri, July 09, 2010
Thanks to JB, JJ, Leonard and Mark E (and others) for your comments that saw the fun directed to pastors and did not judge motives and whether or not other leaders are “true” christians. I haven’t really read comments here lately because much of the time the same people are so quick with the criticism.
Labeling, name-calling and attack will certainly not help me to be open to change my mind. I know it seems hard to believe that someone who has a different view of one scripture or another could have genuinely studied, prayed and sought God…
We need to respect the positions to which our brothers and sisters have come and, if desired, try to dialogue rather than question if they are truly saved and need to repent.
Pastoring 35 years and a lot more mellow that when I started. By the way… Ed in my opinion, is not a good rapper. I would be surprised if he thought he was.
Fred on Fri, July 09, 2010
You know, people worship rock stars, movie stars, any star. Is it OK for pastors to become performers now? Is that where God is leading the leaders? How do you think it would turn out if they were put into a time machine and sent back to the church of Acts. How would they look compared to everyone else. Would they go and explain how things are supposed to be to Peter and Paul? Would they tell them that if they had enough faith and knew their secrets they could be blessed? Would they teach them a new dance step or tell them about the latest cutting edge worship series? Would they give them a class on how to grow your church?
Sorry for all the questions.
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