Ed Young, Jr., Rap Star
- Posted on July 07, 2010
- Viewed 3970 times
- (86) comments

Um... I'm not sure what to say about this one. But I'd love to hear your comments...
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Christopher Fontenot on Fri, July 09, 2010
You said:” There are some posts that fly around the blog world that if I did not know Jesus I certainly would not be drawn to Him by these posts.”
This statement eliminates God’s sovereignty in salvation. If a person who is unredeemed is drawn to Jesus, it is because the Father draws him…not because of the blog posts of other Christians.
Truth is the only thing that matters and it’s not about “seeing things differently.” There is right and wrong and calling it “seeing it differently” does not make wrong right or right wrong.
JJ…Hypocritical judgment is the ONLY judgment that Jesus condemns. Righteous judgment is commanded by Him. Discernment also involves righteous judgment as well. So if someone sees Christians as judgmental it is probably because their conscience is convicting them of the truth being spoken by the Christian. Their reaction is to lash out by calling names and placing labels.
Leonard on Sat, July 10, 2010
CF, you miss the point… It is how people act that is the point. I get the sovereignty of God just fine. Let me try to spell it out.
When Christians act like jerks… it is no longer letting a light shine…
The fact you come here to argue and in doing so you miss the point kind of proves the point.
Christopher Fontenot on Sat, July 10, 2010
Leonard….you call it argue and I call it discernment. There are no gray areas with God. His way and His word is truth and everything than runs contrary to it or even “just a little bit close” is still wrong. I am not ashamed to stand for the truth of God’s Word even if it angers “professing Christians.”
RevKev on Sun, July 11, 2010
CF, As a “professing christian” (apparently) it seems to me that you equate “...His way and His word is truth” solely with your own views. The rest of us who thought we loved Jesus and His word are just “professing christians” who need to repent of not agreeing with you.
RevKev on Sun, July 11, 2010
This is silly. I’m going back to reading the posts and watching the videos. The comment section has sucked me in once again. God bless you!
Leonard on Sun, July 11, 2010
RevKev, It is funny in a sad sort of way that you can make being a bully ok as long as you call it discernment or real love. The discernment crowd is all to quick to hide behind this approach. Twisting what people say, filling in gaps in the worst possible way is the pathway.
It is also why I comment far less these days. Every discussion turns into a “there doing it wrong” and “all those churches and all those pastors… ”
Discernment without a broken heart only makes you a bully and when you lack self awareness, you never know how much of a bully you are. I am out too.
Q. on Sun, July 11, 2010
Leonard, was that really directed at RevKev? From what I read he was talking about respect… Just wondering my brother…
Christopher Fontenot on Sun, July 11, 2010
RevKev…I don’t have saving truth. Only God does so agreeing with me will do no one a bit of good.
Leonard….if holding fast to the relevant, time-tested truth of all of Scripture and His plan of salvation makes me a bully….paint me a bully. I am not ashamed of the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
Leonard on Sun, July 11, 2010
Q, my comment was directed to RevKev in agreement that it has become silly. In agreement that some posters here, like in the discernment type ministries are bullies.
CF, if the shoe fits… suit yourself.
Mark on Mon, July 12, 2010
This video was played at the Hillsong conference as part of his introduction, it is not a series presentation of the gospel, nor was it a serious comment on the Hillsong church. Everyone had a great laugh and it was very tongue in cheek.
eb on Mon, July 12, 2010
Leonard on Mon, July 12, 2010
I thought the video was funny. Ed young is corny, even when he speaks and preaches. But I love his creativity and his willingness to put himself out there.
I like Joel Osteen. He is more ridiculed for what he doesn’t say than what he does say. Yet his church sees numerous people come to Christ, plugged into discipleship groups, they have ministries that serve the hurting and much more.
Steve Crutchfield on Tue, July 13, 2010
Wow…it’s been a while since I’ve commented….but Geeeesh! First of all…I want to thank my Lord & Savior Jesus Christ for the countless lives that have been transformed for eternity through the “vessels” that have been bashed in this forum. Thankfully, he loves all of us enough to see past our shortcomings. Secondly, this was simply a promotional, fun piece…meant to be a promotional, fun piece. It was that…nothing more…so, don’t be frustrated by the fact there was no alter call at the end. No doubt…some of the same school of thought birthed from the “late adopters and nostalgics” that bashed Erwin MacManus for his Dorito commercial. God, help us remember that you do use “new things” everyday…kinda like your mercies that are new every morning. It doesn’t have to be agreeable with our “philosophy of ministry”. Honor God and the ministry He’s called you to and get over the “white-washed tombs” & “vipers” routine….Love you All!!!!
sarcastic levity on Tue, July 13, 2010
YOU GUYS DON’T UNDERSTAND!!!!! Just because these pastors preach the word of God and help aid in nurturing environments where people can grow into fully devoted disciples and Christ followers means NOTHING if the discernment bloggers don’t approve of them first… LEARN THE RULES!!!
Christopher Fontenot on Tue, July 13, 2010
“Yet his church sees numerous people come to Christ,...”
Leonard….Really? How do you know they are truly surrendered to Christ? If they never hear about sin, since Joel himself states that he never preaches about it, then how do they know they need a Savior? Just because they say HIS liittle prayer at the end of his broadcast, Joel believes they “Got Born Again”. Is that Biblical? Is becoming a Christian that easy?
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