Ed Young, Jr., Rap Star
- Posted on July 07, 2010
- Viewed 3972 times
- (86) comments

Um... I'm not sure what to say about this one. But I'd love to hear your comments...
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Eric Joppa on Tue, July 20, 2010
This is just embarrassing. I am all for funny videos to get excitement up for an event or something, but this is didn’t feel like a parody to me. It felt more like a genuine attempt to do a hip hop video. Maybe that is what bothers me about it…
On a side note, you’d think with all the press that Eddie boy has had lately, he’d avoid images like an obscenely expensive car and a money necklace… Just saying…
Leonard on Tue, July 20, 2010
Funny how quick we are to point out other faults… what we should be writing is with our own tendency to judge,,, to gossip… to blow our stack… to speak poorly of others… to call our opinions truth… maybe we should take a moment to relax and laugh… but then that just wouldn’t be Christian.
Eric Joppa on Tue, July 20, 2010
Like I said, I am all for fun. I think this could have been hilarious. But just asking for comment and backlash… I am not judging anything. I am asking a question as to how wise it was.
It was also very poorly done. Not funny, just offensive. I can show you 5 or 6 videos done in a hip hop way that were awesome and done well, and didn’t bring unnecessary attention. This just doesn’t seem well thought out….
Rachel on Tue, July 20, 2010
This video has lots of ‘in’ jokes from Hillsong Conference in Sydney Australia and concerning the HIllsong church staff. I was at the conference and people loved it!
Jess O on Sun, July 25, 2010
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Oliver on Mon, July 26, 2010
painful to watch.. I am always suspicious of anyone that names ministries after themselves, its plastered all over the web site “ed young” this and ‘ed young” that, how self absorbed narcisistic do you have to get before you are called out on it?
Jessica on Wed, July 28, 2010
I can’t believe that people ACTUALLY think this is funny.
Do you think that Jesus finds this funny?
It is Blasphemy, plain and simple.
Ed Young might as well spit on the Cross
False Teachers like him make me SICK SICK SICK.
Scott on Mon, August 02, 2010
Wow people really??? Wow on the video (not sure what to think) and Wow on the comments!!!!! How disappointing all this finger pointing and ranting about WWJD and such. If you don’t like it don’t watch it. If you think it’s wrong then pray and ask God to show Ed and his church where they are wrong. All this blubbering on the internet does nothing for a lost world but cast a negative light on Christians nor does it edify Christ. This is just sad. Sad I tell you!
bobby on Mon, August 02, 2010
I’ve never watched someoen disqualify themselves faster in my life. I remember when Ed was good..before he realized he was great…
then it all wend downhill.
i miss the old ed young..
Gary H on Wed, August 04, 2010
I agree Scott. Too many self-appointed experts declaring, “this is just what the world loves to see another hypocrite…” Maybe what the world sees is the propensity to pounce and shread our own in a heartbeat. Then we smile and say “come and join us!” We need a heart revolution!
Matt on Thu, August 19, 2010
Wow… people really like to argue and be opinionated online. Pointless. If you wonder what his motives/purposes are… go ask him.
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