Monday Morning Insights

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    Five Things Churches Can Learn from Google

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    I think it’s well worth the read… They close with a list of related links to gain insight and perspective… it seems that much has been written on what can be learned from Google.

    I think an interesting article would be “What could Google learn from the Church”?  Anyone want to write that one?

    What do you think?


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    Over at the Heal Your Church Website, they have an interesting post about what churches and charities can learn from Google. I thought the insights were interesting:

    1. It’s about not NOT being different like everybody else

    2. It’s knowing that you are not your user

    3. It’s about innovation, not instant perfection

    4. It’s about looking after infrastructure … theirs and yours

    5. It is about keeping it simple, stupid

    Of course, you'll want to read the whole article to get the whole scoop... but...


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    1. Anthony Coppedge on Tue, October 21, 2008

      Google is great at providing information about what we’re looking for because they provide direct answers to what we ask and they list affinity-based options via their sponsored links.

      The Church (big C) offers relationship, not mere affinity and the church (little c) provides context for those relationships (including affinity, but based on relationships).

      So for Google to “learn” from the church (little c), they’ll have to go beyond algorithms and click-able links to providing relational touch points that offer real-time feedback and sharing. Of course, with Gmail, they’re halfway there on the communication side, but it remains to be seen how they will take Web 3.0 (or whatever is next) and make it about more than information searching.

      My 2 cents,


    2. Pastor Chris on Tue, October 21, 2008

      The major thing that Google could learn from the church is that it is the meaning of things, not the number of things, that matter. 

      And it’s what is cogent, not what is most popular (especially when what is popular has been manipulated) that is important.

    3. Brian L. on Tue, October 21, 2008

      Maybe I missed something, but the article isn’t about what Google can learn from churches, but what churches can learn from Google.

    4. Anthony Coppedge on Tue, October 21, 2008

      Brian L - Todd asked:

      I think an interesting article would be “What could Google learn from the Church”?  Anyone want to write that one?

      What do you think?

      So we answered.

    5. Steve Murphy on Tue, October 21, 2008

      What I would hope that the church would learn from google is to become the standard location where people look for their answers and direction… google is always the first place I look when I need information.

      The question is, how?

    6. Peter Hamm on Tue, October 21, 2008

      Google made the internet kind of fun. I think churches could learn that a life of following Christ is fun, too.

    7. che of teak furniture on Tue, October 21, 2008

      Google for general information, church for meaningful relationships. Both the church and google can learn a lot from each other.

    8. Brian L. on Wed, October 22, 2008

      Anthony, I did miss something, didn’t I?  ;p

      I recently gave up caffeine, so my brain is a little behind in the comprehension stuff.

      Thanks, brother for pointing that out!

    9. David Buckham on Wed, October 22, 2008

      What could Google learn from the church?  Google is at an interesting crossroads.  I think Google could learn from some churches that too many ministries spoils the church.  Google is progressing well beyond a simple search engine now.  In Craig Groeschel’s book IT he talks about churches that have too many ministries.  In Rainer’s book Simple Church he talks about the problem of having too many ministries. 

      Just stick to doing one thing well and better than everyone else.  I think that was the premise behind Good to Great by Jim Collins. 

      To paraphrase the scriptures and create an analogy.  We were all called to different ministries.  We are all different parts of the same body.  Not everyone can be a nose because then there would be no since of taste.  Just because the noise is doing a great job smelling that steak you are about to eat, don’t forget allergy season is just around the corner and you will be glad you are the feet.  I hope you are tracking with me.

      So Google, do what you do and stick with it. 

      all about Christ,

      David Buckham

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