Monday Morning Insights

Photo of Todd

    Help!  Do You Know of Any Large Churches Who’ve Recently Added Saturday Night Services?

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    And, one more thing; while we’re on the topic of “Saturday Night” services… Does your church (or are there churches in your area who) have a Saturday night service?  How well are they attended?  Are they strong or week in your community?

    Please take a couple moments to share your leads and experiences.

    Warren thanks you.  I think you… the whole world thanks you (well, at least a few of us in the world appreciate it!) smile



    I've been asked by my friend and fellow Leadership Network colleague to pass on this question. We're looking for any large churches that used to hold Sunday only services that have recently added a Saturday night service. There is a church of a couple thousand who is hoping to make the leap, and would like to talk with similar churches who have already done so. Are there any churches in your area who fit into this category? If so, could you please help?


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    1. David Mehrle on Sat, February 24, 2007

      Saturday nights what an interesting issue in churches today.  Do we go Saturday night or do we go multi-site?  I am the student minister in a church that runs around 3200 and yes we have had Saturday night service for about 5years now.  It has taken some time to catch on and we do offer it in a smaller venue than our typical worship services on Sunday morning or Sunday night.  We too have tried the whole coffee house acoustic feel and even some other styles.  However, our crowd has never changed and people continue to come every week.  While we do multi site as well this seems to be a more intimate and casual service than any other that we offer.  It has worked for us largely because we live in a highly catholic community.  When they are looking for a new place to go, offering a service on Saturday night has been good.

    2. Michael Kowalson on Sun, February 25, 2007

      Hey Todd,

      My church - Nelson/Balfour/Junction Evangelical Covenant Church has a Saturday Service - and it is often our most attended service.  That could also be because it is our most contemporary service.  We are a church of 4 congregation is 3 distinctly different physical locations (20 minutes apart minimum) in the interior of BC, Canada.

    3. kc on Mon, February 26, 2007

      We are in the process of starting a Saturday night service.

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    4. Pastor Bill on Mon, February 26, 2007

      Manna Church in Fayetteville NC has Friday, Saturday and Sunday services.  Although the info is a bit old, the pastor one time told those who go to that church NOT to attend other services because there would be no “room at the Inn”.  Another church is Brewster Baptist church in Brewster, MA. both these churches are growing - there is a bit of getting accustom to a ‘non-traditional’ day as well as getting the word out to the general public.  May I venture to add a Sunday Night service as well, or even an afternoon service? Some of the success (if you will) is the type of attendees we have in these areas.  A lot of service industry people work Sunday AM as with the my Brazilian Brothers with whom I fellowship (also attend on “American” church as well).   Their services are Sunday Evening and Monday Evening.  A Spanish Preacher has his services on Tues and Thursday evenings - and no Sunday Services (he has to work on Sunday).  When to keep the Sabboth?......When we can.  Tradition and dictation of only Sunday -  that is up to those who are traditionalists.  We have too many people who are taking their kids to football, lacrosse and soccer on Sundays becasue that is their only “day off!” So let’s strike while the iron is hot and preach as Paul wrote “in season and out of season!”

    5. Jack on Fri, March 02, 2007

      We are a church of about 1,200 and we do run a successful 5:00p.m Saturday night service.  We run all of our children’s services/events just like Sunday A.M. and have our youth services afterward.  We are in a bit of a unique situation in that we sit outside of the largest retirement community in the world (so they say).  People come to church and then go out to eat.   The flexibility is a definite plus for retirees who are on the go (traveling, tours, cruises, golf, etc…).  It has been a great social/witnessing tool for a community built on relationships and events.

    6. Jim Wigton on Tue, March 06, 2007

      New Testament Baptist Church in Miami is very large.  They recently successfully added a Saturday night service.  The pastor, Dino Pedrone, is a friend of mine.  I do not know the specifics, but he said it is going well.

    7. Pat on Wed, March 14, 2007

      Our church added a Saturday night service about 4 or 5 years ago and it is one of our most well-attended services.  It is a contemporary service that initially started out as an outreach to the unchurched, and I dare say that just about as many of our members and regular attenders are present as are the unchurched.  For many it’s become convenient as they may work on Sundays or have other plans for Sundays, but can still have a weekly worship experience.  Here’s a link to the church website:

    8. Don Solin on Thu, March 22, 2007


      There is another one in Cincinnati—Landmark Church


    9. Chris M on Tue, April 10, 2007

      C3 Church ( is running 5 services each weekend to make room for new people that want to come.  We are running 2 Sat. night services, 2 Sun. morning services and 1 Sun. night service.  We’ve been running the 2 Sat. night services for the last year and we just launched the Sun. night service last month.  Each service has the same worship and message.  Every now and then one of the services will be a video of one of the earlier services to help our Pastor not kill himself.

      Having options is awesome for the people, especially those who have kids.  If I’m not serving on Sun, my family typically goes on Sat. night.  Its great not having to rush around Sun morning trying to get my son ready for church.  Sat. night, most people are already out doing life and don’t have to rush things to get to church.  Its especially great for football season.  Some of my friends are fanatics and now I can invite to come to church Sat. night and they can spend all day Sun. watching football if they want.  To most Christians, this seems stupid, but the world really loves its sport’s teams and I’m just happy I can get them to church any time they’ll go.

    10. Neil Clayton on Tue, June 05, 2007

      I know that the Vine Community Church in Carbondale, IL has had a Saturday Night Service for a couple years now and they do it quite well.  It’s a healthy church that is making a real impact in their community!

    11. Mike Ellis on Fri, June 08, 2007

      My church is considering adding a seeker friendly service. Anyone have a great name for a seeker friendly service?

    12. Wade Olinger on Fri, June 08, 2007

      How about the name of a church called Changepoint. (?)

      (Visit their website and talk to Dave Bacher, he does their “Starting Point” (the place that people start out at) class and deals with the whole “seeker” related topic) 

      Use it for your next seeker friendly service.  If we can be truly honest everyone needs to change, no matter our spiritual condition.  The word change and seeker kind of conflict with each other but it invokes a non threathening conversation between church members and those who are seeking. 

      It’s the easiest conversation to have ... by asking each other “If there is one thing you could change with your life what would it be?”  And you can make up dozens of “change-like” conversations that get you to a place of inviting someone to church.  Any conversation that starts to peel back the layers we have in our life is a good thing, again no matter the spiritual condition.

      That only gets them in the door and then you have to have the conversation “about how to keep them from leaving” and I will leave that up to you and the people you counsel with.

    13. ggwpvpgc on Mon, October 08, 2007

      ytpwsyki  fkcodieo  woeitspd gvfvwpvh ltvqhfeq

    14. Jamesr on Fri, October 12, 2007

      The church I attend had Saturday “services” for a while.   I participated with the “roadies” or whatever term you might have for your PA & lighting folk.

      Please make sure that you have enough people to handle the load without wearing them out from tending to both Saturday and Sunday services.  It might be helpful to have multiple crews to serve on a rotation basis.

      It helps for the tech teams to communicate and coordinate their efforts, too, so you don’t wind up with surprises on Sunday with system changes made on Saturday that were not “reset”.

      From one of the folk in the “crow’s nest”, that’s my $0.02 worth.

    15. dzejtqmg on Sat, October 20, 2007

      hpidkvyc  lmhqukxd ejwshbmh hlfwujfi ddkbkvos

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