Monday Morning Insights

Photo of Todd

    Ho Ho Hold on a Second:  “Merry Christmas” or “Happy Holidays”?

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    Holidays Mark Waltz does a masterful job of tackling the whole "Merry Christmas" vs. "Happy Holidays" debate that is raging this year.  I always enjoy Mark's blog; and encourage you to add it to your 'must-read' list... Mark is one of the pastors at Granger Community Church in Granger, IN.  Mark writes:

    The whole “holiday vs. Christmas” debate gets under my skin. I’m tired of the rhetoric.

    If Christ-followers are going to enter the conversation, let's at least do so in an informed manner. The last thing people in our culture need are Christ-followers who discredit themselves, their argument and their God by being uninformed about history and the celebration we embrace called, Christmas.

    I wish we Christ-followers wouldn’t get so worked up about whether our kids have Christmas break or a winter holiday break. Labels aren’t the point. Jesus is. Nobody is taking away our ability to honor Christ in our lives.

    For instance, Easter was celebrated in the early days of the Early Church, not Christmas. Late December holidays were celebrated by Europeans and others before there was ever a “Christmas”. Seems that Pope Julius I decided to mark the Christmas holiday on December 25 (since the Bible is silent about the time of year) as an alternative to the cultural debauchery associated with society's year-end party. Throughout the 5th – 8th centuries the custom spread from Poland to England.This time of year was chosen by the Pope in an effort to absorb the debauchery that marked the pagan celebrations in December. Christmas is a Christian holiday – established in contrast to other celebrations that honored pagan gods that Christ-followers didn’t trust.

    In America the Puritans wanted nothing to do with the pagan holiday, so it was actually outlawed in Boston from 1659 – 1681. In fact the first Christmas after the declaration of America’s freedom, Congress was in session on December 25th. It wasn’t until 1870 that Christmas was declared a recognized holiday in America.

    So, too often many Christ-followers in unintended error and ignorance, get worked up about the pagans in our “God-fearing” country taking away our religious, Christ-centered Christmas and replacing it with “holiday”.

    My point? Our job is and always has been to live as the light of the world within our culture. Our job has never been to “Christianize” America or the world through political, legal or otherwise forced strategies. The church of Christ and his followers will always have Christmas. We do recognize the Christ - the one true God.

    So, light the tree! Sing a carol! Read the Christmas narrative! Send cards that celebrate the Christ-child and God's kingdom on earth. Immanuel - He's here... whether our neighbors say "Merry Christmas" or "Happy Holidays".

    I'm grateful for Rob Bell's (he's not the first and only one to point this out, but he says it well) take on Immanuel in chapter 3 of his book, Velvet Elvis. It's the same point that our weekend series "Pop Spirituality" celebrated a year and a half ago. Signs of Jesus are all around us. Joy, laughter, giving, and love all mark the presence of our Christ – whether those experiencing life and relationships acknowledge him or not. Our call, our privilege is to point to the Light - wherever He is... whether it's a holiday or Christmas.

    He’s here. In every "here". "God with us ... Immanuel."

    Enter the dialog. But, do so informed. Do so with respect for people. Because people still matter to the God we celebrate on December 25th.



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    1. Kent on Mon, December 19, 2005

      Let’s look at what some of our forefathers themselves had to say about our Christian foundation.

      “Providence has given to our people the choice of their rulers and it is the duty as well as the privilege and interest of a Christian nation to select and prefer Christians for their rulers.” - U.S. Supreme Court Chief Justice, John Jay

      “It cannot be emphasized too strongly or too often that this great nation was founded, not by religionists but by Christians, not on religions, but on the gospel of Jesus Christ.” - Patrick Henry

    2. Wendi on Mon, December 19, 2005

      Kent -

      No one is questioning the Christian influence of our roots.  I think we are all grateful for it.  Those are great quotes from two fine Christian men. But, as several of us have tried to point out, it is the bill of rights, constitution and amendments that inform our government and law - not perspectives or opinions or quotes from any or all of the important Americans (Christian and non) who have influenced and impacted this great country over the centuries.

      In my school district there are 100 different FIRST languages spoken. Most non-English speaking kids DO NOT come from places where Christianity is commonly practiced.  This creates a very pluralistic environment - as our constitution (crafted by our forefathers) supports.  This is my mission field - and I’ve got lots of work to do with new and old Americans.



    3. Kent on Mon, December 19, 2005


      That’s just it, our laws and constitution are built on Christ.

      In the 1892 Supreme Court ruling in Church of the Holy Trinity vs. U.S. (citing 87 precedents), “Our laws and our institutions must necessarily be based upon and embody the teachings of the Redeemer of Mankind. It is impossible that it should be otherwise and in this sense and to this extent our civilization and our institutions are emphatically Christian.” Throughout history, the U.S. Supreme Court continually cited previous cases in order to maintain our Christian Constitution.

    4. Bernie Dehler on Mon, December 19, 2005

      Kent wrote:

      ““It cannot be emphasized too strongly or too often that this great nation was founded, not by religionists but by Christians, not on religions, but on the gospel of Jesus Christ.” - Patrick Henry “


      Patrick Henry tried to make this a Christian nation, and was defeated by Madison and his camp. Can you give us some quotes from Madison or Jefferson (the Gov. of Virginia and third President) supporting the idea of a “Christian” nation? 

      By the way, what did you think of my previous link referring to the treaty of Tripoli, which was signed by the President and approved by the Senate, stating America was NOT a Christian Nation, published about 20 years after the revolution?

      Again, please read the short article here:

      Are you trying to cite one-sided statements to prove a point? Why not look at and consider all sides? Showing only one-side of the argument won’t convince anyone.  There’s a reason why it doesn’t state that we are a Christian nation in the Constitution,,, it wouldn’t get approved!

    5. Bernie Dehler on Mon, December 19, 2005

      Kent wrote/quoted:

      “In the 1892 Supreme Court ruling in Church of the Holy Trinity vs. U.S. (citing 87 precedents), “Our laws and our institutions must necessarily be based upon and embody the teachings of the Redeemer of Mankind. It is impossible that it should be otherwise and in this sense and to this extent our civilization and our institutions are emphatically Christian.”

      Hi Kent-

      I was wondering what your source for this quote was.  According to the following link, the quote is false… see:

      I looked on google.  Seems like many “Christian defenders” are using this (false?) quote for the “pro-Christian” side of the debate.  I think I found the actual ruling, but couldn’t find the quote.  Here’s the ruling I found:




    6. Evangelist Jeff on Mon, December 19, 2005

      Hey you all have heard of Paul Harvey haven’t you. You Know “The Rest of The Story.”

      Well I heard the rest of the story about this subject matter that we have plucked like a chicken. I found out who is behind it all of this MADNESS. It is none other than the:





      I really wasn’t sure who it was but it is like that old song, “I can see clearly now the rain is gone.”

      Believe you me… I have never and will never listen to what they have to say Period. Everything they say I do just the opposite anyway. As for me and my house we will serve the Lord… End of story.


    7. ld on Mon, December 19, 2005

      Who was it that said, “If you deny me in front of men,I will deny you in front of My Father?’

    8. Jade on Tue, December 20, 2005

      “One Nation Under God.”  Hmm.  Now why was that put their.  “In God we trust.” 

      No we were never a Christian nation, oh wait, yes we were.  This is getting very, very sad/

    9. Kent on Tue, December 20, 2005

      Bernie said:

      I was wondering what your source for this quote was. According to the following link, the quote is false… see:


      I got that off of America’s Godly heritage site. I guuss I’m not convinced that is a false quote.

      Here’s more interesting reading on our nation from Faith facts

      “It has been said that America has never been a Christian nation. But consider the facts. Every single American president has referenced God in his inaugural address. Every one of the 50 state constitutions call on God for support. The Supreme Court, in 1892 (Trinity Decision) after a an exhaustive 10-year study of the matter, said: “This is a relgious people. This is a Christian nation.” Even today, the Supreme Court opens each session with the verbal declaration, “God save the United States of America.”

        There are, however, two areas in which the American system failed— (1) racial slavery and (2) compassionateless wealth. But both of these flaws are failures to implement biblical Chrsitianity, rather than being caused by it.


      “In summary, let’s refer to our nation’s creed—The Pledge of Allegiance—which sums up our way of life. It is a based on a three-legged stool of God, liberty, and justice. All three must be there. If God is not there, ethics and rights are defined by whoever has the most power”.

      “The concept of the separation of church and state must be properly understood. The state is not to concern itself with church government nor administer the sacraments. And it is not the role of the church to run our court system (Romans 13:1-5). On the other hand, the separation of church and state does not mean the separation of God and government. The state has the duty to acknowledge God as the source of law, of truth, and human rights. The church, on the other hand, has the right and duty to influence the state and its laws, while not being given the authority to make law”.

      It is quite obvious what our framers intended for our nation to remain “Under God”. At least it is still on our money, until the world tries to take that away as well and Christians once again tuck their tail.

    10. Bernie Dehler on Tue, December 20, 2005


      “No we were never a Christian nation, oh wait, yes we were. “

      I think you are confusing the faith and practice of the people vs. the structure of the federal government.  The federal government is defined by the constitution and amendments, not by the practice of the people.  If you want a christian nation, then convert the citizens.  We will never be a Christian nation simply because our coins say “in God we trust.”  By the way, notice it doesn’t say anywhere on the coins “In Jesus we trust” or “Jesus is Lord.”  This is why they are called “Judeo-Christian” statements.  For some reason, some Christians have the desire to “take over” America in the secular sense.

    11. Bernie Dehler on Tue, December 20, 2005


      Please comment on my “Treaty of Tripoli” link I gave.  How do you process that?  Remember, this was near the time of the founding, and the Pres. and Senate both state this is NOT a Christian nation in it.

      Also, about the Trinity Supreme Court Case quote, can you find the actual quote, rather than a secondary source? The secondary source is in dispute… and it can be resolved if the original is found.

      Did you also notice that all your comments, that seek to confrm this as a Christian nation, never reference Jesus, but just God (something Muslim’s, Jews, & Deists (like Jefferson) can agree with)?


    12. Jade on Tue, December 20, 2005


      This is kind of a duh thing.  In “God we Trust.”  I don’t think our fonding Farthers were Jewish, Muslim, any other form.  Don’t be silly, because you are being silly.  Some times I wonder what thoughts go through that head of yours.  Oh well thanks for the laugh you are always good for a laugh, even when you are not trying to be funny.

    13. Kent on Tue, December 20, 2005


      The founders were Christian, we know that. They were willing to speak up about their faith in Christ, unlike so many today. They plastered it everywhere. 

      I speak of God all the time, and people know as well that I’m refering to the one God of Christianity.

    14. BeHim on Tue, December 20, 2005

      Only Israel has attempted to be a Theonomy and failed miserably because of man’s total depravity.  Because of man’s total depravity, no nation will EVER succeed at being a true Theonomy.

      One day man will “unite” under what appears to be god but because of total depravity this god will turn out to be nothing more than them worshiping themselves.

      Only IN Christ is there Truly a Theonomy for man.


    15. Bernie Dehler on Tue, December 20, 2005

      Kent said:

      “The founders were Christian, we know that.”

      Jade said:

      “This is kind of a duh thing. In “God we Trust.” I don’t think our fonding Farthers were Jewish, Muslim, any other form.”

      Kent & Jade-

      Do you think Jefferson (a major founder) was a Christian?  If so, please tell me what denomination.  Tell me also of which Christian denomination John Adams, the second President, belonged to.  I think the answers may surprise you.

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