Monday Morning Insights

Photo of Todd

    Live Twittering a Church Service?  Oh Yeah!

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    The conversation began light.

    “Nice shirt JVo,”
    “I love this song,”
    “So glad they are doing Lenny Kravitz,”
    “Somebody turn Jimmy’s guitar up,”
    “Westwinds rocks,”
    “Thank God for coffee at church”
    One girl Twittered from home she was late and on her way. Ha.

    And, while the light conversation was present through all of Fusion—both Fusions—there was also some great interaction with the message, restating what was said, personal struggles shared, opinions, agreement, etc.

    “to be selfless, humble”
    “The more I press in to Him, the more He presses me out to be useful”
    “sometimes healing is painful”
    “I have a hard time recognizing God in the middle of everything.”
    “It is easy to give Him credit after the fact but it is my prayer to see Him now.”
    “God is challenging us to live for Him in a culture that rejects Him—His own peers did that”
    “He has given me so much”

    Both kinds of interaction were important. The “deeper” thoughts allowed people to process out loud, be affirmed by others’ responses, and have a bit of public confession.

    The light talk only added to the sense of community, family, fun, and not taking ourselves too seriously.

    It “felt” like a success right off the bat.

    Read all of John’s post (there’s a lot more to it) here.

    What do you think?  What implications/ministry potentials does Twitter (or new technology like Twitter) have for your church?  And… are you willing to risk trying new things like this?

    Oh… and you can get into the MMI conversation by following our Twitter feed!  Just click here!

    John Voelz from Westwinds Church writes: "In my church, I have seen life-altering small groups formed and forged through Twitter. I have seen teams of people mobilized to do volunteer service like nothing else in the past through Twitter. I have seen needs met financially through Twitter. I have made friends through Twitter. I have witnessed theological discussions, seen prayer answered, seen surprise rendezvous’, connected with leaders better, I've seen friends come to the aid of others health...

    So we started wondering, what would it be like to bring the Twitter kind of participation into Fusion in the same way we would think through any other worship interactive—something that gets people involved in what is happening—so Fusion isn’t happening “to” them but rather “with and because of and through” them.

    Sunday morning there was electricity in the air. iPhones and laptops were carried in one hand—coffee in the other. The live stream was going. Over 70 people were following “westwindsseries” on Twitter.

    The big screen as well as two other screens were live with the Twitter feed as people came in. Through communion, songs, message, etc. Twitter was live for our inaugural Twitter Fusion. Live and VERY present.


    if you want a Globally Recognized Avatar (the images next to your profile) get them here. Once you sign up, they will displayed on any website that supports them.

    1. Peter Hamm on Mon, June 16, 2008

      I’m so old. I still don’t get twitter.

    2. Dave K on Mon, June 16, 2008

      I’m all for using new technology and I think twitter is a really interesting tool…(you can follow me by going here)  However, in my community I’m lucky if people have email in their homes…so very few have laptops or internet ready phones and even fewer would ever use something like twitter (especially during church!).  So…for us, it just isn’t doable.  even though I love the idea. 

      anything to make the service a bit more interactive is a great thing!

    3. DarylG on Mon, June 16, 2008

      Man I love this!

      I have been beating the twitter drum for a while now. I think most of my crew just doesn’t get it. There are lots of uses for it if its used with a group but that s my issue I guess.

      Great Post!

      follow me @ spirit20 on twitter!

    4. Tony Whittaker on Mon, June 16, 2008

      At Internet Evangelism Day, we have done a page about Twitter, and will value examples of Twitter being used for ministry or for evangelism:

      Twitter page.



    5. Bo Lane on Mon, June 16, 2008

      This idea is BRILLIANT. What a way to connect people who we might not otherwise be able to connect with. This is the part of church that I’m most proud about - coming together to find unique ways to build up the body of Christ by reaching the unreachable through means anything short of sin.

      I am proud to be a Christian today.


    6. jhpw on Mon, June 16, 2008

      I guess I’m old (like Peter) because I don’t get it either.  I’ve tried to use it some, but haven’t found it all that useful or compelling.  As in Dave K’s case, our community wouldn’t be ready for something like this.  Even if it were, I’m wondering if it wouldn’t be a distraction to the singing or the message.  Our church is small enough, I think we’d just invite people to share their thoughts verbally for more interaction.

    7. Camey on Mon, June 16, 2008

      I still don’t get it either… I think I just added a few more gray hairs at the thought.

      Guess this one is gonna have to grow on me.

    8. John Voelz on Tue, June 17, 2008

      Thanks for the post, Todd.  This has been a great experiment for us.  Twitter in church isn’t for everyone.  However, it is good for us to change it up and try new participatory elements.  We learn a lot in the process and it keeps the conversation alive.

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    10. dll on Mon, March 23, 2009

      This has been a great experiment for us. Twitter in church isn’t for everyone.

      However, it is good for us to change it up and try new participatory elements.  We learn a lot in the process and it keeps the conversation alive.

    11. Kenn on Tue, July 07, 2009

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