Monday Morning Insights

Photo of Todd

    Meat Market Ministry:  Two Signs of a Healthy Church are Sexual Immorality and Heresy

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    Here’s his definition of meat market ministry:

    Meat-Market (n):  phenomenon where various hormone-filled twentysomthings flock to a given location for the implicit yet overt purpose of connecting with others in a romantic manner, often to the detriment of the location’s intended function.

    Another interesting thought to ponder:
    “Maybe our churches just don’t have enough of a bar mentality.”

    Here’s the whole article...
    And a link to Eric’s Blog...

    What do you think?

    A special thanks to Eric Bryant for turning me on to this link. It's from Jason Jaggard, one of the Catalysts at Mosaic. Jason has been meeting in a nightclub for Sunday nights for ten years now. One of the things he says is that "two signs of a healthy church include sexual immorality and heresy. To further clarify the quote, Jason says, "this means that any healthy church is reaching out to people who are sexually immoral and heretics. Put another way, when you engage a sinful world, you attrat people who are full of sin." He then correlates this with the first century church. It's an interesting article.


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    1. Jan on Sun, June 22, 2008

      Gotta disagree.  A good example is a couple that attends our church regularly.  They are supposedly believers and live together.

      Can’t begin to tell you how much this lifestyle has been addressed from the pulpit ( a lot!)

      and I know they both have been personally talked to twice about it.  They still haven’t gotten it together.

      To say that the church is preaching “another gospel” because this couple have not chosen to do the right thing as God would have them do, is really absurd in my opinon.

      The true gospel is regularly preached over and over and over.  It’s the hardness of this couple’s hearts that is the real issue.

      They are not church members, and do not serve in any capacity, and would not be allowed to do so.  But we do welcome them to attend our services, and to interact with our church members, as we see them as outreach and we pray that some day the word will connect and they will make a heart and life change.  We also value having her children in church.

      My husband / pastor has often asked me “Why do they keep coming back?  They must like to get beat up every Sunday!”

    2. Peter Hamm on Sun, June 22, 2008

      We just had a couple get married who had lived together a while. They used their wedding as an awesome experience for those who attended of finally putting God first in their lives, and the joy that following Jesus and doing things God’s way brings.

      Inspiring, to say the least! I’m glad they stayed around as long as they did, and that we didn’t chase them away.

    3. Jud on Sun, June 22, 2008

      Jan and Peter,

      Please read 1 Corinthians 5 and get back with me.

      See, this is what I’m getting at we have set up another Gospel that falls within our parameters. It’s idolatry pure and simple. I’ve only seen 1 Corinthians 5 happen once in my life and that was in a Calvary Chapel.

      Why do we appease people when the Bible is SO clear.

      We sacrifice TRUTH on the alter of TOLERANCE… then we call it unity.

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