Monday Morning Insights

Photo of Todd

    New in the Watchdog Crosshairs:  VeggieTales

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    But here’s my favorite line:  “How many hours of this garbage do you want your children to watch? We have the Holy Bible, preserved through the centuries by the martyrs who gave their blood for their love of God’s Word. So what do we give our children? Trash movies that distort the sacred words of Scripture into little moralistic, works righteousness tales with dancing cartoon characters.”

    When I was little, my Sunday School teachers made the Bible come alive with great stories from the Bible, and used creative tools like (gasp!) flannelgraph.  Little did I know that they were taking my Holy and Just Savior and minimizing Him to sticky-backed paper.  (I just thought it was cool… how’d they get that paper to stick?)

    And the songs we used to sing… I remember one about me taking a trip on the “Happy Day Express”.  If I remember right, the letters on the engine were J-E-S-U-S.  How could they have taken the name of my crucified and risen Christ and put it on the side of a train (for crying out loud).  (I just liked the song… I gate it an 8… it had a nice beat and I could dance to it).

    And remember Davey and Goliath?  (I’m aging myself here).  But what a cute cartoon, but it took a very serious Bible story and made it into a fun learning piece for kids (although it was put on by the Lutherans, so I was already warned about its ‘liberalness’, even back then).  smile

    But vegetables, especially talking vegetables… totally out of bounds.  “Garbage” to be exact.  An insult to martyrs, and a distortion of scripture.

    Yeah, whatever.

    Rant over.

    What do you think?


    Well, the watchdogs have a new entity in their crosshairs. Now they're ticked about a defenseless tomato and a lovable cucumber. This is just part of their expose': "The producers of these Veggie Tales movies desecrate Holy Scripture by perverting it into upbeat do-good stories completely absent the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Read that sentence again. Holy Scripture. That’s what we teach our children that the Bible is. Holy. Untouchable. Sacred. Must not be tampered with. But we are considered freaks in a world where nothing is sacred. Nothing is holy. Nothing is untouchable, particularly if there is cash to be made. These people are getting wealthy off the mistreatment of the Word of God..."


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    1. Larry Boatright on Thu, September 06, 2007

      that’s right!

      If Slice spent half as much time building people up as they did tearing things down, hmmm…

    2. Rob Witham on Thu, September 06, 2007

      If these people weren’t serious and so damaging it would be laughable.

      Veggie Tales may present some classic Biblical stories differently than I would, but they still have succeeded in bringing the Bible to mass culture. How can that possibly be a bad thing?

      Like others here I immediately wondered where the condemnation of flannelgraph, VBS, etc was.

      It would seem as though the Christian community probably has better things to worry about these days than Veggie Tales!

    3. bishopdave on Thu, September 06, 2007




      Maybe if the people at Slice would consider__

      they have shoe< I have a pot

      but when you look closer there’s more that we got

      You can learn a lot from a tomato

    4. bishopdave on Thu, September 06, 2007

      Since we were pagan when I was a kid, Davey and Goliath was about 90% of my spiritual training as a kid.

    5. Jeff South on Thu, September 06, 2007

      I wonder what their thoughts are on Bibleman?

    6. utech on Thu, September 06, 2007

      Lisa - wasn’t King David’s sin basically over wanting something of someone else’s? (granted I doubt God would have been ok with Bathsheba being shared)

      My girls loved VT’s, but my boys never got into it. I have some awesome video of my oldest singing the song of the Cebu when she was 2-3.

      The world needs a hero!

    7. Larry Boy on Thu, September 06, 2007

      I am that hero.

    8. nora on Thu, September 06, 2007

      Larry, we are so honored to have you here!! As you can tell, we are all fans, so don’t let Aunt Ingrid’s, er, Aunt Ruth’s beard get you down!!!

    9. DanielR (a different Daniel) on Thu, September 06, 2007

      This so sad.  My kids love Veggie Tales and now I’ve got to ban them from the house.

      I am so thankful there are people like the crackpots at Slice to protect my children from the dangers of Veggie Tales.

    10. Peter Hamm on Thu, September 06, 2007

      Anybody noticed their site hasn’t been working today? Or is it just my computer?

      btw, I have to admit it… I really appreciate Ingrid and her crew’s passion and zeal, so I refuse to NOT say something positive about them. They have a very powerful faith and I think they really think they’re doing something worthwhile. Yes, I disagree with some of their articles and such (but not all of them…), but as I mentioned there as well, let’s ALL do our best to live at peace with everyone… Just a thought.

    11. bishopdave on Thu, September 06, 2007

      Peter—maybe you and others are familiar with a book that deals with those in the church whose faith is like that—they really think it is God’s will for them to tear others (especially leaders) down; i.e., in their minds, they sincerely believe: that pastor/leader/whatever can’t be as holy as he puts on; that success can’t be godly; we’ll reveal them for what they are becomes their mission statement.  I hate the book’s title (Clergy Killers by G.L. Rediger), but the book is fascinating.

    12. Randy Ehle on Thu, September 06, 2007

      Cool - a pastor flies around Seattle in a helicopter to get from church to church, and it spurs only five comments.  But take on the Veggies and you get two pages! 

      My biggest problem with VT is really a theological one:  how could veggies be considered the good guys?!  I never liked vegetables when I was a kid, so it took me a while to get used to cheering on a tomato and a cucumber! 

      As for theological accuracy, though…Lisa, I always thought David and Bathsheba was about sharing: David decided that Uriah needed to share his wife!  (Actually, I think the VT rendition was less about sharing and more about King George’s coveting and taking what wasn’t his…pretty much what David did.)

    13. Derek Vreeland on Fri, September 07, 2007

      I am sorry, that I missed out on all of the fun yesterday on this post. A post from Larry Boy himself…that is DY-NO-MITE!

      I do not have anything substantive to add to the discussion, but I would add that I am not surprised that slice would sink their knife so low as to attack VT. It also wouldn’t surprise me if they connect Big idea’s financial collapse with God’s judgment.

      See mean Bob the Tomato, your company went under because of God’s judgment on your sin of desecrating God’s holy book with laughter and veggies!

      I tried to go to slice’s site and it looks like it is down today.


    14. Camey on Fri, September 07, 2007


      As we grow and mature… (otherwise sometimes known as becoming parents) - we discover the value of eating veggies… and perhaps the strange pleasure of making our kiddos eating what’s supposed to be good for them… funny how life works like that huh?

      Larry Boy,

      You have this mother’s word…. I will not be asking our three sons to eat you. You are safe with us…. Thanks again for being THAT hero! Now Bob… he’s a different story. The boys all LOVE to eat tomatoes. (Sorry Bob… I guess we’re guilty of playing favorites)

    15. Peter Hamm on Fri, September 07, 2007

      I just noticed Slice is still down.

      I wonder if it’s God’s vengeance for their persecution of his beloved tomato and cucumber.

      It’s a bummer, because I get a lot of my really cool church news from them.


      say…. BOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!

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