Monday Morning Insights

Photo of Todd

    Pastor Is Selling Himself on eBay!

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    What do you think?  Good idea, or bad?

    Here’s the listing.

    The eBay listing reads, "You are looking at/bidding on a very contemporary out of the box Pastor. As you can tell by the pictures He preaches and teaches in a very unorthodox manner. He does it without compromising the true written word of God. He and his family has chosen to go this route of putting themselves on the market in hopes to find a church that is untraditional and is ready to reach their community. He and his family will consider relocating in the contentinental United States. For any questions or more information feel free to email Pastor Chad.

    Currently, the bidding is at $1.00. Shipping is $3,000.


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    1. Randolph Koch on Wed, July 16, 2008

      RE: Posted by Pastor Baron Eickhoff

      That’s is so great to hear! I wish that more churches would do this as Gods way is the best way which you’ve outlined according to His Word of Truth. Unfortunately a majority of pastors and churches don’t practice this and end up looking for what they consider “top Shelf” type A types and miss out on faithful servants whose only desire is to be shepherd / servant to for God and His children. In other words, they look a lot at the outward in my opinion and don’t look to get to know the true hearts or capabilities of their own flock to see who God is raising up. Then thos who are seeking to be raised up in the 1 Timothy way get blown off.

      May God bless you for doing things His way. I’ll pray that more will follow your lead.

    2. Jim in NJ on Wed, July 16, 2008

      Our church uses this approach also. Our pastor’s vision (and the church has accepted this as our vision) is to be a training center to raise up workers both full-time and part time. Although our senior pastor came from outside the church about 12 years ago, all of our assistant pastors and even our office staff have come from within the body. We even have several lay people who are on the path to ordination within our denomination (C&MA;). I’m 62 and getting a bit tired. On Sunday, I looked around at all of the new people and young people who are stepping up into leadership and service roles in the church and in other ministries. I took it as a sign that God was telling me the future of my church was in good hands.

    3. Mitchell Baker on Tue, July 22, 2008

      Perhaps he should listen to 10 Shekels and a Shirt by Paris Reidhead.

    4. Mitchell Baker on Tue, July 22, 2008

      Before I am flamed, I should put the above in context.  I do not doubt Chad & his family’s enthusiasm or his ability or giftings for reaching a segment of society that is often/mostly turned off by church.  I feel God knows where best to use Chad and it is not necessarily to the highest bidder.  I pray him well and godspeed.


    5. Disk encryption software on Thu, March 12, 2009

      Thanks for posting this, it proves the religious right’s own lie. They say they don’t want to “interefere” with our lives, they just don’t want gay issues forced down their throats. But if that were true, then why the hell are they reading The Advocate?

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    6. creative USB on Sun, July 12, 2009

      I just wanted to give you a shout from the valley of the sun, great information. Much appreciated.

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