Monday Morning Insights

Photo of Todd

    Preparing a ‘Successor’ File

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    In order to help the person who takes my place get a good start, I have made it a practice to prepare a ?Successor File? to refer to during the first few months of ministry. Someone did this for me several years ago, and it was an invaluable help.

    This packet of information contains the following:

    1. A Cover letter
    A brief letter to the new minister explaining what is in the file, including where I can be reached in case there are any questions the new minister has.

    2. Relationships
    This file is titled, ?People You Work With.? It includes a list of the people the successor will work with and a brief description of each person. In this description, I include a few biographical facts (names of spouse and children, occupation, and so forth), a paragraph describing their strengths, and a paragraph describing their weaknesses. The descriptions end with a brief statement of the person?s level of commitment.

    The persons on this list always include other staff ministers and the support staff. Then, list volunteer leaders (choir directors, Sunday School directors, youth leaders), then key committee members (personnel, finance, deacons). Do not let the list get too long.

    When discussing strengths, emphasize positive character traits as well as actions. However, when discussing weaknesses, try to focus on actions rather than personality. Objectivity must be pursued ruthlessly in this section. Be honest, but not brutal.

    3. Policies, Procedures, and Equipment
    Include items such as purchasing procedures, deadlines for bulletins and newsletters, a list of soloists, organizational charts, a policy manual (if available), and a list of equipment that relates to the position (pianos, instruments, projectors, sound equipment). You may decide to include other information as well.

    4. Tell Your Own Story
    I have recently included a short sketch of myself, talking about where I am headed. This may help my successor understand somewhat why I did what I did while I was there, and then I won?t be a complete stranger if we ever meet.

    General Considerations:

    It takes time
    It usually takes several hours to complete this project, but it is always time well-invested. I have been privileged to visit with most of my successors, and they have all commented on the usefulness of the file I left for them.

    Keep it confidential
    It is important that the new minister understand that this information is for his eyes only. If someone who is described in the packet gets hold of it, their perceptions might be of negative value to the new ministry.

    If you have been terminated, do not do this file
    It is too much of a temptation for the terminated minister to ?vent his spleen? in this packet. I would recommend this only for those who leave a position voluntarily.

    Have a trusted leader hand deliverer the file
    I would suggest that you have the chairman of the personnel committee, or perhaps your family deacon, hand deliver this file to the new minister. Hand delivering adds an air of importance to the packet, plus you?ll know that the new minister will get it.

    You can read the entire article here at

    What do you think?  Is this a good idea?

    Have you taken time to think about the next person that will fill your job at your present church?  David Smith gives some great advice on how to set up a "successor file" to help allow for a smoother transition.  David writes:  Moving to a new position in the ministry, regardless of the circumstances is difficult. An important phase of beginning a new ministry is getting to know the people you will work with, how things have been in the past, and how things work in the new surroundings…


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    1. wjm on Tue, August 02, 2005

      I like the idea, but only in part. 

      Leave a list of personnel and their responsibilities and even an existing flow chart.  That’s a good idea to share the existing structure.

      I’d shy away from leaving personal comments behind in writing regarding staff / lay workers / etc.  Really, I’d be extremely careful in passing on anything other than structure items to the new person.

      Maybe the old pastor didn’t get along with somone, but the new one would if only given the chance.  Words left behind in a parting situation have a way of “finding their way to the wrong people.”  That can do damage.  Only offer information to the incoming pastor IF and ONLY IF he asks…then be discrete.


      Allow the new pastor to make his own judgements on existing leadership.  It may seem harsh, but when you leave a pastor’s position, those people in leadership and the congregation are no longer your concern….you comments, views, etc. should cease to have sway, specifically on the new pastor.


    2. Don on Tue, August 02, 2005

      Sounds like a process developed by someone with an admin/organization gift.  Could be considered “too much information” by some.  Of course, a lot depends on whether you leave your former church with them WANTING you to convey anything to the next pastor…how long their own search for a new pastor goes on…whether the next pastor really WANTS to know…etc.  My guess is that some new pastors may want to contact the previous pastor on their own, if at all.  Could be a little presumptious on the part of the departing pastor…if not considered a bit “controlling” try to lay out so much info for the next person (I say that as a “recovering control freak”).  An “admin” pastor following an “admin” pastor may be overjoyed.  Of course, the next person the church looks for rarely has the same gifts.

    3. Jack on Tue, August 02, 2005

      This can be a really good idea as long as the new person can read it without permenantly prejudging those that will be worked with.  I was in a situation previously where I was handed a document much like this one.  The difference was that the previous minister and I has such different philosophies and personalities that people that didn’t work well with him really warmed up to me and were ministry partners as well as close friends.

    4. Nkata on Tue, August 02, 2005

      I think its a good idea to prepare that file because it helps anyone who comes to takeover in every way

    5. Rev Jay on Tue, August 02, 2005

      Sounds like I’d like to receive this information, even if it is “tainted” by personal preferences. I’d like to have a short heads-up on who might be a helper and who might be a real headache.

      I am currently candidating with several churches in my area, driving distance and all very good churches. I soon have found out who I can expect to confirm my application and who will have “severe issues” with my background coming from a different Bible college and all.

      Many of the pulpit committees have been very forthright in their portrait of the former leadership, which I have personally known.

      I pray that the departing preacher who leaves behind a message from beyond will use it as a tool of guidance and help.


    6. Pastor Al on Tue, August 02, 2005

      I have always left a file for the next pastor.  I have yet to receive one myself! 



    7. bernie dehler on Tue, August 02, 2005

      I’m sure it needs to be updated very often,,, depends on the position (some have more high-level/broad focus (and changing much)and some are more low-level routine jobs (very stable & routine)).


    8. JMH on Tue, August 02, 2005

      If I were going to pastor a church, I’d like to be forewarned by the previous pastor(s) of the current power structure. Most interview committees want to know your reason for leaving your last pastorate and then will ask ‘references’ their opinion. The best method seems to be oral, not written, as Paul did with Timothy. Alexander the coppersmith did me much evil: the Lord reward him according to his works: of whom be you ware also; for he has greatly withstood our words. (2Tim. 4:14-15)

      He didn’t tell Timothy to exclude him from ministry opportunities, but wanted him to be prepared for what could occur again.

    9. Dr. Jim Dyke on Wed, August 03, 2005

      Good observation and thoughts from wjm. 

      I agree.  I did this once, in a weird situation where a new senior pastor was hired and then had a lay leader (a business consultant, by profession) conduct an exhaustive analysis of my ministry and leadership which revealed that I was actually doing an excellent job in my role. 

      But I was fired anyway.  (And never given any explanation as to why—which I have found to be a common experience, unfortunately).  Out of genuine concern for the lay leader who was asked to step in and help with the ministry while the church searched for my successor, I created a detailed document I titled, “What I do.”  I think it was very helpful.  It gave him some sense of what was happening in the ministry area, and where he needed to give time and attention.

      Here’s what I have found to be the norm, in my experience with succession…


      Every person who succeeded me always came in with their own ministry view / philosophy / priorities / style / ideas / plans… which I suppose is fairly typical.  And I found that many of the resources and “programs” I created during my tenure were abandoned, cast aside, or ignored.  As a result, I have often thought: one of the biggest problems with poor leadership in the local church is the discontinuity that results from incompetent staffing and poor succession.  It’s the laity that ends up bearing the brunt—being pulled first one way, then the other, as each new leader brings in his own “cool” initiatives.


      Here’s my latest (and best / worst?) example…

      In my last position in a local church, I was only in my second year of ministry and I organized the largest small group initiative in the history of the church: I recruited over a hundered volunteers who stepped forward to help lead a small group in their home.  However… by the time we were ready to launch the initiative, the church had lost so much money from a poorly-managed building project that the decision was made to trim the staff in order to save money. 

      You guessed it. 


      I was the first pastoral staff member to be fired—just two days before we were to have our first training and orientation meeting for the new small group volunteers.  The whole initiative had to be scrapped.  One has to wonder how that impacted the 100 good-hearted people who believed enough in their church to put themselves on the line to lead a small group.  I have to wonder if true leadership accountability exists ANYWHERE in the church community.  The senior pastor still has his job.  The pastor who supervised the ill-fated building program still has HIS job.  My guess is, as long as there are enough people coming to the services each weekend and enough money rolling in from them, the really tough questions of leadership competence will never be asked or answered.


      Three of my successors have thanked me for the quality of the ministry and leaders that I “gave” them… for the excellent state of the ministry that existed when they stepped into the role of leadership after I left.  I have always considered that to be one of the highest tributes or compliments I have ever received.  I also wonder how much more I could have accomplished if I had been able to pursue my ministry passion for more than just four or five years.

      Has anyone else out there seen or experienced “diaconis interruptus”—the ministry “discontinuity” that results from poor staffing or succession?


      I would love to hear about other people’s experiences.


    10. Rev HE Palmer on Wed, August 03, 2005

      It is important to inform for the person who will follow you about the world they are entering. So they can have a base of reference and then they can focus better on taking God’s ministry to the next level.

    11. Martha on Thu, August 04, 2005

      I do not think it is a good idea. No matter how good the intentions are of the one writing it, some prejudical comments are sure to make there way into the file. Also confidental matters some how have a way of getting out. If the person has done a could job with the church, the organizational connections will be noticed and the people of the church will feel free to introduce the new pastor to the leadership and congregants of the church.


    12. LeVaN on Fri, November 03, 2006 ^^^ ^^^ ^^^ ^^^ ^^^ ^^^ ^^^ ^^^ ^^^ ^^^ ^^^ ^^^ ^^^ ^^^ ^^^ ^^^ ^^^ ^^^ ^^^ ^^^ ^^^ ^^^ ^^^ ^^^ ^^^ ^^^ ^^^ ^^^ ^^^ ^^^ ^^^ ^^^ ^^^ ^^^ ^^^ ^^^ ^^^ ^^^ ^^^ ^^^

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